Mucus in women - reasonable limits

September 9, 2014

  • Mucus in women - reasonable limits
  • Treatment

 mucus in women
 In the vagina is always in a certain amount of mucus, and it's not necessarily a sign of any health problems. Mucus in women can be both normal and alarm signal, which need to pay attention.


Causes of mucous secretions in women

Newborn girls may be released small amounts of mucus, sometimes - with traces of blood; this is due to the fact that the body of the child immediately after birth is very high levels of estrogen produced by the mother. Discharge stop, on average, two weeks after the birth of the child.

In girls, preschool and primary school age allocation is minimal and almost unnoticeable. More abundant clear mucus girls may appear shortly before the first month, and then they are constantly in the periods between periods, their color can range from clear to milky white.

Generally, in the reproductive years varies throughout the menstrual cycle, estrogen levels Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and progesterone affect the amount and consistency of the fluid in women. In the first days after the end of menstruation, when estrogen levels are low, mucous discharge is usually thick and viscous. As soon as the estrogen level rises, the mucus becomes increasingly transparent and watery. After ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   consistency again becomes thick and viscous.

Mucus after birth can for some time be very slight - for as long as hormones stabilizes.

After menopause secretions becomes less - is associated with a decrease in estrogen levels.

Other possible causes of the changing nature of mucous secretions in women Selections women: how to distinguish from normal departures  Selections women: how to distinguish from normal departures
 Non-communicable diseases:

  • Foreign bodies in the vagina (e.g., fragments of the tampon);
  • Dermatitis of the vulva;
  • Malignant tumors of the reproductive system;
  • Polyps of the cervix.

Finally, atypical, severe mucus in women can be caused by infections such as bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, chlamydia, gonogreya, trichomoniasis.



  • The most common cause of pathologic - abnormal - mucous vaginal discharge is bacterial vaginosis. In 50% of cases it is asymptomatic. In the remaining patients the disease causes the liquid discharge with an unpleasant "fishy" odor.
  • Candidiasis at least once in their lives suffer about 75% of women and almost always develops in violation of their reproductive years. In 40-50% of women in life happens for two or more episodes of candidiasis.

Candidiasis is thick, white mucous discharge in women, itching of the vulva and sometimes severe discomfort when urinating.

  • The yellowish, abundant and, sometimes, a little frothy are a sign of trichomoniasis. Other symptoms of the disease - itchy and tenderness of the vulva, pain during urination and pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
  • Abundant purulent discharge sometimes caused by chlamydia, but approximately 80% of the disease is asymptomatic.
  • Gonorrhea can cause a yellowish thick mucus in women, but the symptoms are usually mild, and many patients may be a long time not to pay attention to him.
  • Cervical Polyps often cause no symptoms, but in some cases they cause smearing bleeding between periods, and causes excessive mucus in women. These symptoms may appear from time to time and again disappear, and women are not always treated with such complaints to the doctor.
  • Manifestations of malignant tumors in the organs of the reproductive system are very diverse, and sometimes they are a sign of an unusual mucus consistency or color, the cause of which can not be established by conventional assays.
  • If the vagina was a foreign object, it is after a while may lead to discharge yellowish or greenish in color, with an unpleasant odor.

Douching with thrush - benefit or harm

August 24, 2012

 douche for thrush
 Local procedure in vaginal fungal infections are a common method of treatment. One of the most popular ways is douching. This therapeutic and preventive procedure, during which the vagina is washed with drugs as a solution. Gynecologist, this method is widely used in practice.

 Douching with thrush - benefit or harm

Contradictory procedure douching

Quite often women find douching completely safe procedure, therefore, are treated in their own home without the necessary medical advice. But this is not so. As with any procedure for irrigation has its indications and contraindications. When it comes to medical exposure, the main indication is considered the treatment of inflammatory processes. To this end, the vagina is washed finished medicinal solution or herbs.

Contraindications for irrigation are the following conditions:

  • the whole period of pregnancy
  • early postpartum period
  • menstruation
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the part of the uterus and appendages (pelvioperitonit, metroendometritis, parameters). In this situation, douching Douching - a controversial procedure  Douching - a controversial procedure
   It can be assigned to only the second stage of treatment depending on the results of the study.

It is not allowed to carry out this kind of local treatment is long, that is, within ten days or more. The optimal duration of treatment is five or seven days. This is due to the fact that the time-consuming procedures may result in the disruption of the normal composition of the vaginal flora The microflora of the vagina: purity  The microflora of the vagina: purity
 . The natural flora, which is essential to maintain the health of the woman, washed and in its place is populated with flora pathogenic properties.

 Douching with thrush - benefit or harm

The douche

Arsenal drugs are prescribed for thrush for irrigation, can achieve positive results in combination with other methods of exposure. For this purpose, it is recommended to purchase finished dosage forms (for example, a solution or hlorfillipta furatsillina).

If a woman prefers traditional medicines, it can make herbal teas or infusions of herbs. When thrush are the most effective chamomile, calendula, yarrow, St. John's wort St. John's wort and its beneficial properties - whether a miracle?  St. John's wort and its beneficial properties - whether a miracle?
 . They can be used alone or prepare sophisticated collections based on multiple herbs that have a positive impact on the course of the disease. Widely popular among women using soda solution. He truly has a healing effect and helps relieve symptoms of thrush, but it must be properly prepared. Soda should be filled with boiling water, but not lukewarm, otherwise such douching solution will be ineffective.

The principle of the therapeutic effects of the drug for thrush is the mechanical removal of the causative agent and the establishment of his life harmful to the environment in the vagina. Have to be carried out control smear after treatment. If treatment is successful and there is no increase in the analysis of fungal flora, it is necessary as a preventive measure to appoint a local preparations containing useful lactic acid bacteria. They will help to restore the disturbed microflora composition and will help reduce the risk of exacerbation of the disease in the future. Such bacteria are part of finished medicaments (atsilakt suppositories) or they may be administered to the vagina in the form of solids on the swab How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions

Article Tags:
  • thrush
  • syringing
