Hirsutism - when femininity leaves - Preparations

September 21, 2013

  • Hirsutism - when femininity leaves
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Preparations

 drugs for the treatment of hirsutism

Preparations for the treatment of hirsutism

There are a few drugs that can be used in the treatment of hirsutism. However, since they do not have official permission for use in the treatment of this disorder, they can only assign a specialist, not the family doctor. The lack of official authorization in this case means that the drugs are not clinically tested, the results of which would be to assess their effectiveness and safety for patients with hirsutism. Nevertheless, the expert has the right to appoint one or another medication, if it believes that it can help the patient. Previously he inform patients about the possible risks and benefits associated with the use of these drugs.

 Drugs | Hirsutism - when femininity leaves


Antiandrogens - are drugs that suppress male hormones and prevents the appearance of some of the symptoms associated with their abundance. For drugs of this type include, for example, cyproterone acetate and spironolactone. Some antiandrogens are appointed simultaneously with combined oral contraceptives.

The survey results of several different studies have shown that the efficacy of the treatment of hirsutism antiadrogenov quite low, but in combination with oral contraceptives they can act much better. On the side-effects of anti-androgens in this review did not mention.

 Drugs | Hirsutism - when femininity leaves


Finasteride - a drug belonging to the category of inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase. It prevents the conversion of testosterone to its more active form - 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone. Typically, these drugs prescribed to men who have revealed an enlarged prostate. In men, it can cause the following side effects:

  • Swelling of the lips and face;
  • Itching;
  • Rash;
  • The weakening of sexual desire;
  • Breast tenderness.

About side effects arising from the use of finasteride for the treatment of women reported rarely.

 Drugs | Hirsutism - when femininity leaves

Drugs that increase insulin sensitivity

These drugs, as is clear from the title, increase the body's sensitivity to insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas).

It is believed that elevated levels of insulin (hyperinsulinemia) plays a role in the development of hirsutism. Drugs that increase the sensitivity to insulin reduces the body's need for insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
 And reduce its production. As a result, the insulin level decreased and hirsutism symptoms become less pronounced. For this class of drugs include metformin Metformin - help with diabetes  Metformin - help with diabetes
 Pioglitazone, rosiglitazone.

Information about the effectiveness of the use of medications that increase sensitivity to insulin in the treatment of hirsutism, there are very few. Some studies have shown that they can relieve some of the symptoms of the disorder. To draw definitive conclusions, we need a more extensive and lengthy investigations.

 Drugs | Hirsutism - when femininity leaves

Analogues of gonadotropin-releasing hormone

Analogs of gonadotropin-releasing hormone - a synthetic hormones that are used for the treatment of disorders associated with the influence of hormones, such as endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
 . Among this group of drugs - goserelin and leuprorelin. Their side effects are skin rash and itching, hot flushes, sweating, vaginal dryness Vaginal dryness: Causes and Symptoms  Vaginal dryness: Causes and Symptoms
   and vaginal bleeding.

Article Tags:
  • hirsutism

How to get rid of bacterial vaginosis - the problem - nonspecific

July 14, 2013

  • How to get rid of bacterial vaginosis - the problem
  • Treatment
  • Non-specific

 nonspecific bacterial vulvovaginitis

What is a nonspecific bacterial vulvovaginitis

When people talk about bacterial vaginosis, they are usually referring to nonspecific bacterial vulvovaginitis. This disease is more prevalent in girls and older women. In women of childbearing age are more common trichomonal and fungal vaginitis.

Nonspecific bacterial vulvovaginitis Vulvovaginitis - a disease of children and the elderly  Vulvovaginitis - a disease of children and the elderly
   - An inflammation of the vagina and vulva, caused by pathogenic microflora - different types of staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli, Proteus, and so on. All these organisms are found on the surface of the female genital organs.

In women of childbearing age conditionally pathogenic rarely causes vaginitis, as they have a well-developed normal vaginal flora The microflora of the vagina: purity  The microflora of the vagina: purity
   (mainly lactose and fifidobakterii whose development is supported by female sex hormones). Lactobacilli recovered lactic acid that leads to the formation in the acidic environment of the vagina, which actively inhibits vital functions opportunistic bacteria. In women of childbearing age nonspecific bacterial vaginitis sometimes develops as a complication of inflammation of internal genitals (the downward spread of infection).

After menopause, the amount of female hormones decreases dramatically, and their little girls' bodies. Therefore, the normal microflora in the vulva and vagina have not sufficiently developed, the mucous membranes are thin and are easily exposed to injury, opening the gate for infection control. All this promotes the growth and development of bacterial microflora of nonspecific bacterial vaginitis. Such inflammation can spread up to the internal genitals (the upward spread of infection).

Development vulvovaginitis also contribute to reducing any immunity: against colds, all acute and chronic diseases, metabolic disorders, stress and so on. In this case, the infection of the chronic centers (eg, chronic tonsillitis) may fall into the area of ​​the external genitalia with blood or lymph.

 Nonspecific | How to get rid of bacterial vaginosis - the problem

Symptoms of acute nonspecific bacterial vulvovaginitis

The disease begins with the appearance of pain and itching in the genital area, which intensified when walking, sitting and when you touch the site of inflammation. Itching and burning worse when urinating, sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams

In some cases, acute vulvovaginal proceeds with violation of the general conditions: high fever accompanied by malaise, chills, increased the nearby lymph nodes.

On examination, you can see the redness and swelling of the external genitalia, and abundant mucous or pus, which sometimes can be seen admixture of blood. Hard occurring inflammatory processes are sometimes accompanied by the appearance on the surface of mucosal erosions and small ulcers. In adult women in the vaginal mucosa are sometimes formed point of elevation, which remain in the chronic stage of the process. Often involved in carding the lower part of the urethra - there are frequent painful urination.

Inflammatory isolation contribute to skin irritation inner thighs, which also appear redness and swelling.

But most of the bacterial vulvovaginitis in girls and older women is mild and signs of it are scant vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge  Vaginal discharge
   and itching of external genitalia.

In older women bacterial vaginosis sometimes develops in the cancer process, so the appearance of discharge from the genitals at this age should be cause for seeking medical attention.

 Nonspecific | How to get rid of bacterial vaginosis - the problem

Symptoms of chronic nonspecific bacterial vulvovaginitis

Chronic inflammation usually develops or incorrect treatment of acute process (without identifying the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics), or if there is a persistent inflammation in the uterus and its appendages. If the infectious-inflammatory process becomes chronic, redness, swelling and pain in the genital area, as well as decrease the amount of bleeding. Disturb mostly small itching and discharge.

With long-term course of the disease in girls develop adhesions in the genital area (adhesions) in places where there was a violation of the integrity of the epithelium.

However, such inflammatory processes can be cured completely, you just need to see a doctor and to conduct a survey, the results of which will be given treatment.

Article Tags:
  • treatment of vaginitis
