Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus

September 22, 2013

  • Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus
  • results

 Hysterosalpingography - this X-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes, as well as adjacent areas. This procedure is often prescribed for women who for a long time can not get pregnant.

During hysterosalpingography through a thin tube which is inserted into the vagina, and then - in the uterus, the contrast agent is administered. As the uterus is connected to the fallopian tubes, the contrast agent gets into the fallopian tubes. While, as the substance penetrates from the uterus into the fallopian tubes, the doctor using x-ray image receiving these organs. These images reveal the various problems, such as damage or abnormalities in the structure of the uterus or fallopian tubes, as well as obstruction due to which the egg can not navigate through fallopian tube into the uterus. Furthermore, as a result of obstruction may be impossible to fertilization by spermatozoa. Hysterosalpingography also helps to identify the various problems within the uterus, because of which can not occur implantation of a fertilized egg in its uterine wall.

 Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus

Why spend hysterosalpingography

Hysterosalpingography is assigned to:

  • Identify the problem, because of which the broken tubal patency. The procedure is usually given for suspected infertility. Some infections can cause the formation of scar tissue which covers the fallopian tube, preventing pregnancy. Sometimes a substance used for hysterosalpingography, improves patency of blocked fallopian tubes.
  • Detect problems associated with the uterus, such as an abnormal shape or structure damage, polyps, fibroids, adhesions and even foreign body in the uterine cavity. All this may be a cause extremely painful menstrual periods or repeated miscarriages - hence, patients with such complaints can be assigned hysterosalpingography.
  • Check how successfully completed operation to restore tubal patency in women who previously did the sterilization (tubal ligation).

 Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus

How to prepare for hysterosalpingography

Before hysterosalpingography sure to tell your doctor if:

  • You are pregnant or suspect that they could become pregnant;
  • Do you currently have any pelvic infection or disease, sexually transmitted diseases (eg, gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
   or chlamydia);
  • You have an allergy to iodinated contrast, or any other drugs, which is composed of iodine. It is also necessary to inform the doctor if you have asthma, are allergic to any drugs, or if you have previously had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to a substance (such as bee venom, to shellfish, or other products) ;
  • Do you have the disease, increasing the chance of bleeding, or you are taking blood thinning medication such as aspirin and warfarin;
  • Your history has a disease-causing liver problems, or diabetes (be sure to tell your doctor if the treatment of diabetes or other disease you are taking metformin - this drug can react with contrast media). Contrast agents used for hysterosalpingography, can lead to serious liver damage in people who already have compromised liver function. Those who have a history of liver disease, before the appointed hysterosalpingography blood creatinine Creatinine - will talk about the work of the kidneys  Creatinine - will talk about the work of the kidneys
 To get ahead, how well the liver.

Hysterosalpingography should be performed 2-5 days after the end of menstruation to exclude the likelihood that the patient is pregnant. If for any reason this is not possible, be sure to carry out the procedure before the next ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   (if the patient is not using hormonal contraception) to avoid exposure to X-rays on the fetus early in his development.

Within one day after the procedure it is recommended to use panty liners as possible slight vaginal bleeding. Because the uterus can also follow a contrast agent, which was applied for hysterosalpingography.

In some hospitals before the hysterosalpingography women are asked to sign a document stating that the patient is aware of the risks associated with the procedure. Even before the procedure is performed, the patient should talk to your doctor about all that it can disturb - for example, how it passes hysterosalpingography, which she may have implications that the results mean, and so on.

 Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus

How is hysterosalpingography

Hysterosalpingography usually spends a radiologist, a special office of the hospital or clinic. The office may also be present physician assistant and nurse. In addition, sometimes the procedure involved a gynecologist or a specialist in reproductive endocrinology. Before the start of hysterosalpingography give the patient a sedative Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?  Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?
   or ibuprofen to help her relax and to prevent contractions of the uterus during the procedure.

Just before Hysterosalpingography must empty the bladder. Then, a compulsory gynecological examination.

The doctor will also make a preliminary x-ray image to make sure that in the colon there is nothing that would disrupt a review uterus and fallopian tubes. For some patients a few hours before hysterosalpingography it is recommended to take a laxative to empty the bowel or by using enemas.

When the sedative takes effect, the expander is inserted into the vagina, cervix and then washed with a special soap. Then, into the uterus through the vagina and cervix introduced flexible tube - a catheter. Through it into the uterus administered a contrast agent. If tubal patency is not broken, the contrast agent passes through them, and then leak into the abdominal cavity, where it is naturally absorbed. If the fallopian tubes are blocked, the paint will not pass through them. The resulting X-rays image is displayed. Sometimes the patient during the procedure are asked to change the position of the body to improve the review of the internal organs.

The entire procedure usually takes 15-30 minutes.

During hysterosalpingography many patients feel cramping in the lower abdomen, similar to those that happen during menstruation. Pain largely depend on what the doctor is trying to identify the problems in the course of the procedure.

 Hysterosalpingography - effective examination of the uterus

After hysterosalpingography

After the procedure, a small amount of contrast medium can flow from the vagina - this is normal, and quickly stopped. In some patients a few days after the procedure are bleeding smearing.

In these cases you need to consult a doctor immediately:

  • Heavy vaginal bleeding (you have to change pads or tampons more often than once per hour);
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Severe abdominal pain;
  • Vaginal bleeding continues for more than 3-4 days.
