Laparoscopy ovarian cysts: sparing surgery

November 2, 2011

 Laparoscopy ovarian cysts
 Laparoscopy, as well as a hysteroscopy Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside  Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside
 It has become widely used in gynecological practice in the mid-seventies of the last century. But unlike gynecologists, surgeons began to use this method a little earlier. Laparoscopy in Gynecology is by far the best alternative to open surgery, and successfully applied in removing uterine fibroids, adhesions dissection and other indications. But the most common indication for laparoscopy Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?  Laparoscopy - why is it necessary?
   It is an ovarian cyst.

 Laparoscopy ovarian cysts: sparing surgery

Ovarian Cysts: What is it?

Ovarian cyst is a cavity filled with fluid. Ovarian cyst is not on the body, as it grows directly out of the tissues, that is, from the inside. The size of cysts can vary from one or two centimeters to 10-15 and more. Ovarian cyst can be single-chamber, dual chamber and often there are just a lot of cysts (polycystic ovary syndrome). There are functional and organic ovarian cysts.

Functional Ovarian Cysts Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?  Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?
   There is a short time, no more than two months, and on their own, without a treatment dissolves. Such cysts rarely reach gigantic proportions, and, as a rule, do not represent a health hazard. The reason for their occurrence is a violation of hormonal, after one or two menstrual cycles functional cysts diminish and disappear. To control ovarian ultrasound should be carried out in dynamics. Frequent occurrence of functional ovarian cysts should consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Organic ovarian cysts - a cyst, which over the past two months is not reduced in size, and do not resolve. Such cysts requires urgent surgical treatment - husking dense capsule cysts.

 Laparoscopy ovarian cysts: sparing surgery

Classification of organic ovarian cysts

There are several types of organic ovarian cysts:

  • Endometrial cysts

The inner shell of the capsule cysts presented tissue similar in structure to the endometrium. Such a cyst filled with chocolate contents (blood).

  • Dermoid cyst

Dermoid cyst develops from embryonic sources and filled with fat, hair and even teeth.

  • Mucinous cyst

Mucinous cyst shell from the inside is lined with a mucous tissue, which synthesizes a mucin (mucus). The contents of such cysts represented a thick and viscous mucus.

  • Serocyst

The inner shell is covered with epithelium and cysts contains a clear liquid.

  • Ovarian Malignancy (cancer).

 Laparoscopy ovarian cysts: sparing surgery

Laparoscopy ovarian cysts

As noted above, all organic cysts require surgical treatment. The best treatment is laparoscopy. The essence of the method lies in laparoscopic abdominal puncture in three places, which are introduced through the endoscopic instruments and a video camera that allows you to visualize the abdominal organs. During the operation the surgeon with maximum care and attention extirpate capsule ovarian cysts. Healthy ovarian tissue during laparoscopic cyst removal hardly damaged. After husking cysts with special power tools made stop vascular bleeding. In order not to disturb the healthy ovarian tissue electrocuted himself constantly ovary is washed with water.

During laparoscopy, polycystic ovarian them to make small incisions that helps to restore the time of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   after a couple of months after the surgery.

 Laparoscopy ovarian cysts: sparing surgery

Objectives laparoscopic ovarian cyst

The need to remove ovarian cysts is as follows:

  • in some cases cysts reach an enormous size and possible rupture or ovarian cysts, leading to intraperitoneal bleeding;
  • at sharp movements possible torsion legs ovarian cysts that will not only cut the abdominal cavity, but also the removal of the entire ovary;
  • with the growth of ovarian cysts more healthy tissue is involved in the disease process;
  • high risk of malignancy of an ovarian cyst;
  • large size of the brush when it delayed treatment creates technical difficulties during surgery.
  • gentle removal of ovarian cysts laparoscopically in 90% of cases restores fertility patient.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • Treatment of ovarian cysts

Cocci in a smear - from normal to violations

September 25, 2014

 cocci in a smear
 Cocci in a smear should always be normal. Abundant coccal flora in patients of either sex may be a sign of inflammation and infection, although not all of them are dangerous to human health. In such cases, the pH and the level of leucocytes also generally exceeded.

A healthy vaginal flora of women by 95% consists of various types of lactic acid bacteria, which are also called sticks Doderlein. Thus, the rate of cocci in a smear is less than five percent. Single cocci in a smear of men (meaning a smear from a urethra) as is the norm.


Reasons cocci in a smear

Overly active reproduction cocci may be the result of a weakened immune system, infectious diseases, as well as long-term use of antibiotics. Among the infections to a violation of microflora in particular often cause diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. Other possible reasons that appear cocci in a smear on the flora - promiscuity, poor hygiene, frequent douching, use of deodorants for intimate places.

Some experts believe that the cause of the problems with the microflora may be even wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics - however, this is only a theory, and many women wear a linen without any health effects. In addition, some healthy women, the level of lactobacilli in the microflora is reduced almost constantly, so cocci are able to multiply unchecked.

Cocci in a smear of the child are also quite common, and they occur more often in girls than in boys. The fact that the vaginal flora girls before puberty different from the microflora of adult women and is more sensitive to the effects of factors such as infections and problems with hygiene.

Excessive amounts of cocci, they may even be caused by diseases that do not affect the reproductive organs. However, it should take into account such (in most cases, very small) probability that the symptoms associated with an increased content of cocci in a smear, especially when they reappear after treatment, caused by an STD, that child might get infected through sexual violence. If symptoms are accompanied by symptoms such as depression, hyperexcitability, sleep problems Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 If the child is afraid to do what he was not frightened before (for example, to stay home alone, go out, and so on), try to gently talk to him about what has caused this change.



In many cases, cocci in a smear in women and men do not lead to the appearance of pronounced symptoms and disturbance of the microflora is found only in the course of a medical examination. If symptoms occur, the female is usually thick, viscous and heavy vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge  Vaginal discharge
 Sometimes - with a strong, unpleasant odor, itching, or a slight burning sensation in the vagina and, sometimes, in the vulva. In men, symptoms of an imbalance of microflora may be the discomfort when urinating or during sexual intercourse, slight redness and irritation of the skin of the penis.

Gram-positive cocci in a smear (which, in most cases, staphylococci) may, in addition to the above symptoms, lead to the appearance of rashes on the genitals - most often it occurs in women. However, such symptoms occur very rarely - as a rule, women whose immune system is weakened by certain illnesses or medications.


Treatment cocci in a smear

If cocci in a smear is not accompanied by symptoms, causing discomfort to the patient, the treatment is not required. In some cases, for example, when taking antibiotics, microflora may eventually normalized itself, without the aid of special preparations.

Usually, doctors recommend to treat cocci in a smear in pregnancy, if symptoms persist, as well as women, who in the near future, an operation on the reproductive organs, including abortion.

Otherwise cocci may have spread beyond the vagina and cervix, which sometimes leads to serious infections.

The drug of first choice for treatment of cocci in a smear - the antibiotic metronidazole; it can be taken by pregnant or lactating women. Tablets with metronidazole is usually taken within two to seven days, and the gel is used for five days. Recent studies have shown that supplementation with lactobacilli increases the effectiveness of metronidazole.

If the patient has an allergy to metronidazole or the drug was not effective, your doctor may prescribe capsules or clindamycin ointment. Sometimes instead prescribe another antibiotic - tinidazole. To avoid side effects while taking this drug should refrain from drinking alcohol.

Even after successful treatment of cocci in a smear often reappear. To get rid of this problem, sometimes you have to go through several courses of antibiotics, as well as the use of additional tools, such as vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
 , Hip baths, and so on.

Article Tags:
  • cocci
