Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside - Treatment

May 21, 2009

  • Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside
  • Treatment

What is a hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy - a method for studying the inner surface of the uterus by introducing into its endoscopic instrument - hysteroscope. During the study, you can implement some surgeries.

A study carried out after the introduction of the uterine cavity fluid (liquid hysteroscopy) or gas (gas hysteroscopy). Most liquid used as a change of the fluid in the womb during the study provides better visibility and enables the conduct of its uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
 . In addition, liquid hysteroscopy eliminates the ingress of air into the blood vessels during the study.

 Treatment | Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside

How does the equipment for hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopes consist of optical tube that is inserted into a hollow metal cylinder with valves for connecting the liquid and gas systems, and flexible tools for the channel (special tweezers to remove tissue for analysis, and so forth). The kit also includes a hysteroscope caps fit over the cervix during the investigation that the gas is not removed from the uterus prematurely.

Optical system hysteroscope usually gives 5-fold increase, but there is a hysteroscope can give rise to a hundred and fifty times, which allow a closer look at the inside of the uterus, which is especially important to detect cancers at early stages.

 Treatment | Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside

Diagnostic hysteroscopy

Diagnostic hysteroscopy may be performed in an emergency and planned manner. Indications for emergency hysteroscopy are uterine bleeding. Planned hysteroscopy is performed to control after scraping the lining of the uterus (exclude the possibility of partial removal of any structures) to detect malformations of the uterus at constant miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?
 , Infertility and so on.

 Treatment | Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside

Therapeutic Hysteroscopy

During hysteroscopy can be performed such surgeries as removing small formations (polyps) of the mucous membrane of the uterus and small submucosal fibroids (benign tumors) on the leg, the separation of intrauterine adhesions (adhesions after inflammation), extract intrauterine contraceptive (spirals), or parts thereof .

 Treatment | Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside

Contraindications planned hysteroscopy

Contraindication to the planned hysteroscopy is an inflammation of the internal and external genitalia, the presence of vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge  Vaginal discharge
   pathogens or a large number of white blood cells (pus). Contraindications for hysteroscopy are also common diseases such as thrombosis, infection (flu, sore throat), severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

Gas hysteroscopy not performed at break cervical erosions on it and some other conditions under which it is impossible to create conditions for sealing the cervix.

 Treatment | Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside

Before hysteroscopy

The research is carried out only in the hospital. Before the planned hysteroscopy examine the contents of the vaginal smears, do a general analysis of blood and urine. According to the testimony of a woman examining physician to rule out diseases other bodies appointed by the ECG, chest X-ray and so on.

On the eve of hysteroscopy to put a cleansing enema immediately before the test to empty the bladder.

 Treatment | Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside

How is hysteroscopy

For anesthesia often used intravenous anesthesia with the use of short-acting drugs. The woman is in the gynecological chair Gynaecological chair: Take a closer look  Gynaecological chair: Take a closer look
 , Vulva, vagina and cervix treated with a five per cent alcoholic solution of iodine. When liquid hysteroscopy cervix expanded with special extenders and the hysteroscope is introduced to the connected light guide and the fluid system through which pressurized liquid is continuously supplied. After cervical dilation fluid flows freely from the uterus.

For carrying out the gas hysteroscopy to the cervix after the expansion of its channel to wear special cap, whereby negative pressure in the uterine cavity. Then it is introduced hysteroscopic sheath without the optical system, the uterus was washed with saline, was placed in a hysteroscope optical system connected with the optical waveguide device and is connected with a system for introducing a gas under pressure. With the introduction of gas (carbon dioxide), the uterus expands, enabling inspection.

 Treatment | Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside

Possible complications of hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy may be complicated by the entry of air into the blood vessels of the uterus (with gas hysteroscopy), exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus and its appendages, perforation (perforation wall) uterine cervical dilation. Contact with the liquid or gas into the abdominal cavity of a complication is not.

Hysteroscopy - an accurate and reliable method of research, but it must be carried out only with strict indications, and after a full exclusion of contraindications.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • gynecological examination

Treatment of HPV in women - virus neutralization - Genital warts

November 28, 2014

  • Treatment of HPV in women - the neutralization of virus
  • Genital warts

 treatment of genital papillomavirus in women

Treatment of genital papillomavirus in women

There are several ways to treat genital papillomavirus, but the woman can and does refuse treatment. In this case, papilloma usually tested alone, but it may take a long time in some cases - for several years.

The choice of treatment of genital warts, or warts Warts - germ of cancer?  Warts - germ of cancer?
 It depends on their size, number, and location.

The means are usually the first choice of medical ointments or solutions with active ingredients such as podophyllotoxin, imiquimod, trichloroacetic acid.

  • Prescribe imiquimod for the treatment of large papillomas. This medication stimulates the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
 , Causing it to attack the cells that make up the papillomavirus. Ointments, which includes imiquimod was applied on papillomavirus and washed six to ten hours later. This must be done three times a week. Ointment can cause irritation, but is generally weak, and does not bring significant discomfort. However, if signs of irritation not pass after the course of treatment, or if they worsen, talk to your doctor about this. Pregnant women used imiquimod is generally not recommended.
  • Podophyllotoxin is best suited for the treatment of papillomas covering small areas of skin. It is produced in the form of a solution which has a toxic effect on the cells that make up the papillomavirus. To apply solution using special applicators. Immediately after the application of podophyllotoxin you can feel a slight burning sensation, which is pretty quickly. Other side effects of this drug is extremely rare.

The treatment podophyllotoxin includes several cycles. During the first cycle, the patient must use the preparation two times a day for three consecutive days. During the second cycle, which lasted four days, it is not necessary to use a podophyllotoxin. To get rid of warts, most patients need to repeat these cycles four or five times.

During pregnancy, the use of podophyllotoxin contraindicated.

  • Trichloroacetic acid for the treatment of small and very hard papillomas. This substance breaks down proteins within cells papilloma, and if used carelessly, it can damage healthy skin and Healthy skin - daily program for skin care  Healthy skin - daily program for skin care
 . Typically, patients do not use this drug alone; instead they go once a week to the clinic, where the doctor or nurse will put a solution of trichloroacetic acid on the papillomavirus. Immediately after application of the drug, most patients feel a burning sensation that takes place no more than ten minutes.

Besides, for the treatment of warts can be conducted following procedures:

  • Cryotherapy. Papilloma frozen with liquid nitrogen, thereby forming their cells die. To completely get rid of warts using this method, you need to go through several sessions of cryotherapy, which is repeated every one or two weeks during the period of six to twelve weeks;
  • Laser therapy. During this therapy the cells that make up papillomavirus, are destroyed by the laser beam. Since this procedure is quite painful, it is performed using a local anesthetic.

In some cases, for the treatment of warts may require surgery. As a rule, it is necessary if the patient was a small and very solid papilloma Papilloma - do not treat lightly  Papilloma - do not treat lightly
   and / or if they are very close to each other, forming a large cluster. Papilloma cut with a scalpel and the incision is closed. The operation is performed using local anesthesia. The skin will heal in a few weeks after surgery, and at this time it is recommended to abstain from sexual contact, and carefully monitor the hygiene.

Article Tags:
  • papilloma
