Hexicon is antiseptic drug, active mainly against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, protozoa (Trichomonas) and certain viruses (herpes simplex virus), causing a variety of diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. Effective from and bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis - sex is not recommended
Unpleasant fungus
Thrush genitals, are known to cause yeast fungi genus Candida. Officially, (according to the instructions, the manufacturer's) believed that Hexicon not active against fungi, ie fungi that are resistant to hexicon. Nevertheless, gynecologists in the practical application came to the conclusion that Hexicon well helps with mixed bacterial and Candida infections of the vagina.
The number of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, including candidiasis and bacterial and Candida character recently increased significantly (some researchers believe that it accounts for almost half of all infectious and inflammatory diseases of the vagina), at the same time there is a constant decrease in sensitivity to various kinds of antiseptics, inhibits the development of a mixed microflora. Such a significant spread of fungal diseases of female genital mutilation is often dependent on the adverse effects of the environment on the human body, changes in the environment, frequent and sometimes uncontrolled use of antibiotics, which leads to a decrease in the body's defenses. As is known, fungi Candida genus which cause disease while reducing immunity.
In this regard it has recently been a number of studies on the effects on hexicon candidiasis and a mixed bacterial and Candida infections. Such studies, in particular, have been conducted at the Department of Microbiology of the Perm State Medical Academy. The study involved patients divided into two groups. In the first group were patients with vaginal candidiasis (ie thrush), and the second - with a mixed bacterial and Candida infections. At the same time for the purity of the experiment of it excluded all patients with any acute or chronic diseases of the pelvic organs, infections, sexually transmitted diseases (included patients with only a nonspecific bacterial infection - staph, strep, caused by E. coli, etc.), and other diseases, requiring the use of systemic antibiotics.
All patients first and second groups impose specific to yeast infections and mixed complaint. The diagnosis was confirmed also during a pelvic exam
Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
and laboratory (microscopic and microbiological) research.
Patients in both groups were appointed by vaginal suppositories
Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
Hexicon one suppository twice daily for 10 days. In addition, restorative drugs prescribed to help restore immunity (vitamin-mineral complexes, tincture of Siberian Ginseng, and so on).
The efficacy of treatment was assessed on the 17th and 30th days of the study on the presence or absence of complaints of patients, of the vaginal mucosa, a change in the character of discharge and laboratory data (microscopic and microbiological studies) vaginal contents.
On the 17th day of the study in the first group after treatment 81% of patients 6 not complain, 18, 4% complained of some discomfort in the vagina. When viewed from the external genitalia were without pathological changes. Laboratory studies have found a single fungal spores, which corresponded kandidonositelstvo, that is the norm (Candida species always live in the vagina). In the second group 92% of patients after treatment did not show any complaints, smear microscopy fungal spores and mycelia threads are not identified, the number of leukocytes was normal.
On the 30th day of treatment, 82% of women of the first group did not show any complaints, laboratory studies of vaginal discharge
Vaginal discharge
It showed no signs of vaginal candidiasis. The remaining patients continued to experience discomfort in the vaginal area and they were abundant milky discharge. In laboratory studies, they had found a large number of spores of fungi of the genus Candida and pseudomycelium.
In 92% of patients of the second group were no complaints and control laboratory tests were negative. The remaining patients continued to complain of discomfort in the vulva and vaginal secretions abundant. In laboratory studies, they had found a moderate amount of white blood cells, yeast cells and fungal spores.
Thus, studies were established efficacy hexicon thrush 82%, and the mixed bacterial-candidal infection in 92%, which is allowed to recommend use of suppositories Hexicon the treatment of candidal pure and mixed infections in women.
Galina Romanenko