Effects of yeast: the more fraught with neglect of health - during pregnancy

November 21, 2010

  • Effects of yeast: the more fraught with neglect of health
  • Among women
  • Men
  • When pregnancy

When pregnancy

Thrush in pregnancy occurs more often in women because immunity decreases. Treat thrush a must. This is done with special antifungal drugs tested in terms of when such treatment is not likely to harm the child.

 When pregnancy | The effects of yeast: the more fraught with neglect of health

Why during pregnancy often Thrush

In most cases, thrush (vaginal candidiasis) begins in women in the mucous membranes of the genitals and which lived before pregnancy fungi genus Candida. Often women before pregnancy suffered several recurrences of thrush, which indicates its chronic course.

Chronic yeast infections in women Thrush in women - the relevance of the problem  Thrush in women - the relevance of the problem
   Today is common.

This happens due to lower immunity, which contribute to the constant stress, high information load, the frequent use of antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 , Unfavorable environmental conditions, eating disorders (part of a diet to lose weight).

Therefore, gynecologists insist on planning a pregnancy. This approach allows the advance of conception to identify and treat all kinds of genital infections among married couples. If an unplanned pregnancy, a woman could expect such a surprise, as thrush, as during pregnancy under the influence of hormones decreases immunity.

 When pregnancy | The effects of yeast: the more fraught with neglect of health

How does thrush in pregnant women

The manifestations of yeast infection of pregnant women are the same as the outside of pregnancy - appear white cheesy raids and liquid grayish-white discharge. But today there are increasing erased forms of yeast, in which the symptoms of the disease there, and in smears taken from the genitals, are a large number of fungi genus Candida. And if such a state of non-pregnant women treated only by strengthening the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
   (to prevent the development of disease), the pregnant women must be treated according to the rules as thrush dangerous for the unborn child.

Infestation by fungi of the genus Candida child can occur in utero, but it is quite rare. Most contamination occurs during child birth. And in fact, in both cases it can be fraught with grave consequences for the child.

 When pregnancy | The effects of yeast: the more fraught with neglect of health

Intrauterine infection caused by fungi of the genus Candida

Thrush is subject to mandatory treatment of pregnant women, otherwise the infection may move to the fetus, causing numerous complications. If intrauterine infection of fungi of the genus Candida often hit the umbilical cord, skin, oral mucosa and respiratory tract of the fetus. Intrauterine infection of the fetus is very rare, despite the fact that the vast majority of women isolated fungi genus Candida.

Proceeds such intrauterine infection is usually difficult, in some cases, the fungus captures a large number of organs and tissues, which gives serious complications, until the death of the fetus. There are even cases of brain damage the child, as well as a generalized Candida infection involving all organs and tissues. Often such for intrauterine infection lead to premature termination of pregnancy.

 When pregnancy | The effects of yeast: the more fraught with neglect of health

The defeat of the skin and mucous membranes of the child, caused by fungi of the genus Candida

If a child becomes infected with thrush during childbirth, the consequences are usually not so catastrophic. Most often candidiasis is manifested in the mouth and on the skin of the child.

Candidiasis of the skin, which began after the infection of the child during labor, it is manifested in the form of candidiasis skin folds, smooth skin and mixed forms. Candidiasis of skin wrinkles tend to develop in the groin, axilla, the gluteal folds and the folds in the neck region and smaller in other skin folds. This appears on the skin irritation, redness, swelling, Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   Moisture and which leads to the formation of ulcers on the skin surface.

When candidiasis smooth skin on the surface of the baby's body appear pink papules with uneven edges. After some time on the surface of the edematous papules appear bubbles that are rapidly destroyed and in their place are erosion and shallow ulcers.

Mixed form is characterized by a combination of the previous two forms.

If the lesion is small and the child immediately begins to receive treatment, all ends happily. But weakened and premature babies may generalized skin lesions that are difficult to treat.

Candidiasis can also affect the mucous membranes in the mouth more often. It manifested the disease appearance in the mucous membranes of the typical cheesy raids. If this process is not the time to treat, the raids will merge into large conglomerates and turned into a film, tightly attached to the mucosa. Candidiasis can be distributed to the mucous membrane of the digestive system and the respiratory system.

Article Tags:
  • thrush

Multifollikulyarnye ovaries - not a disease, but require examination - Treatment

March 4, 2014

  • Multifollikulyarnye ovaries - not a disease, but requires examination
  • Treatment

 Treatment of ovarian multifollikulyarnyh

Treatment of ovarian multifollikulyarnyh

In the case where multifollikulyarnye ovarian changes accompanied by disturbances of the menstrual cycle, treatment was not carried out. Multifollikulyarnaya ovarian structure in adolescents held their own after the establishment of a regular menstrual cycle. If multifollikulyarnye ovaries were the result of long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, she will need to take a break from their admission to the full restoration of ovarian function. During this period, as the most suitable contraceptive barrier methods (condoms, caps, diaphragms).

How to treat multifollikulyarnye ovaries if they are accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle? In this case, based on laboratory tests carried out correction of hormonal disorders. Most often reveals a lack of luteinizing hormone, which is a violation of ovulation, so appointed by the hormones that stimulate ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 . For example, klostilbegit inhibits the secretion of estrogen, follicle-stimulating hormone Gonal a pituitary created by genetic engineering and stimulating oocyte maturation and ovulation. The structure of the combined hormonal preparation Menopur come as follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones of the pituitary gland, it is prescribed for MFYA caused by hypothalamic-pituitary disorders in order to stimulate the growth of the dominant follicle. All treatment is carried out strictly according to the doctor's prescription and under laboratory control.

Of great importance is weight control: how rapid weight loss, and a significant increase in weight can cause hormonal disorders and the syndrome MFYA. Therefore, women are advised to correct balanced diet and moderate exercise. When syndrome MFYA should also eliminate high physical and psychological stress, stress - they can also be the cause of hormonal disorders.


Folk remedies

Treatment of folk remedies multifollikulyarnyh ovaries must also be carried out under the supervision of a physician. In any hormonal disorders suit folk remedies with calming effect, as women tend to be sensitive to the appearance of any violation of their menstrual cycle. Condition of the central nervous system and can improve and make the problem worse. Removing irritation, anxiety, fear, sleep improvement Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   useful for treating any hormonal disruptions.

Herbs in the hormonal disorders can be applied after the survey as part of a treatment. The use of infusions and decoctions of herbs can help to reduce the dose of a potent drug to smooth their possible side effects, and improve the overall condition of the nervous system of women. But a woman can not apply such herbs on their own, they have to "fit" in the course of complex treatment of hormonal disorders.

With hormonal disorders, can be used the following drugs of plant origin:

  • infusion of gathering for the normalization of the hypothalamic-pituitary system: take on dining crushed buckthorn bark, birch leaves, mint leaves Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
   peppermint, yarrow herb, valerian root, mix; tablespoon collection pour boiling water, leave for 6 hours in a thermos, drain, squeeze, to add to the original level and have a drink for the next day sips;
  • infusion collection to reduce menstrual blood loss: take a tablespoon dried minced raw materials - grass rue, fennel seeds, herb St. John's wort, Potentilla goose grass, Juniper; two tablespoons of parsley roots Parsley Health and Beauty  Parsley Health and Beauty
 Seeds of parsley, herb wormwood, hips; All mix, pour a tablespoon of the collection of 0, 5 liters of boiling water, leave for 6 hours in a thermos, drain, squeeze, to add to the original level and drink half a cup twice a day.

Any hormonal disorders, including menstrual disorders on the background MFYA should be treated only under medical supervision.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • ovarian disease
