Antiphospholipid syndrome - a dangerous autoimmune reactions
May 31, 2009
- Antiphospholipid syndrome - a dangerous autoimmune reactions
- Phospholipids and their role in the human body
Antiphospholipid syndrome - a disorder in which the immune system mistakenly produces antibodies to combat with some of the normal blood supply. This can lead to the formation of clots in blood vessels, and various complications of pregnancy such as miscarriage and stillbirth.
The most common symptoms of antiphospholipid syndrome are:
- The formation of blood clots in the veins of the legs (deep vein thrombosis); sometimes they travel to the lungs, resulting in pulmonary embolism develops.
- Recurrent miscarriage or stillbirth and other pregnancy complications such as premature birth and high blood pressure in pregnancy (pre-eclampsia).
- Stroke.
Other symptoms of antiphospholipid syndrome are much rarer:
For example, chronic headaches, dementia and convulsions, which may appear from the fact that clots penetrate into some part of the brain.
Some patients on the hands and knees rash, pattern reminiscent of the network.
Among patients with antiphospholipid syndrome are often found various violations related to heart valve.
Some patients have reduced levels of blood platelets - the cells that due to which blood can clot. This condition is called thrombocytopenia. In mild forms it has virtually no symptoms, but if the platelet count is too low, there may be episodes of epistaxis and bleeding from the gums. It also happens bleeding under the skin, because of what appear reddish spots that resemble bruises.
Very rarely have antiphospholipid syndrome symptoms such as uncontrolled movements of the limbs, memory loss, sudden hearing loss, depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
or psychosis.
When you need to see a doctor
- Pain or swelling of the extremities. Please contact to the doctor if the veins in the hands or feet increased, redden, become painful. If the pain is severe and is accompanied by fever, call an ambulance. This, as well as chest pain
Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
and coughing up phlegm with blood may be symptoms of thromboembolism
Thromboembolism: severe complications
pulmonary embolism
- Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. This may be a sign of miscarriage
Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
- Immediately seek medical help if you have any symptoms of a stroke such as sudden numbness, weakness, paralysis yl face, hands or feet; difficulty using and understanding speech; blurred vision; severe headache and dizziness.
When antiphospholipid syndrome damages the immune system proteins that bind phospholipids - fats that are present in the blood and are important for normal clotting of it. There are two main types of phospholipid syndrome:
- Primary. If the patient has no other autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus, then a primary phospholipid syndrome.
- Secondary antiphospholipid syndrome observed in patients who already have any autoimmune disease. In this case, the cause of the syndrome is considered to be the primary autoimmune disorder.
We can not say exactly why developing primary antiphospholipid syndrome, but it is assumed that the production of antibodies may be affected by the following factors:
- Infection
- Antiphospholipid syndrome is more common in people with syphilis, HIV, hepatitis C, malaria and other diseases than in healthy people.
Gidralizin (a drug for high blood pressure), quinidine (a medicine used to regulate the heart rhythm), antispasmodic phenytoin (Dilantin), and the antibiotic amoxicillin increases the risk of antiphospholipid syndrome.
Genetic predisposition
Antiphospholipid syndrome is not hereditary, but scientists have found that the most likely to develop this disorder in people, in whose family history has this syndrome.
Compatibility of blood groups - it universal donor?
January 22, 2009
- Compatibility of blood groups - it universal donor?
- Universal Donor
For successful transfusion blood group of donor and recipient must be compatible. Otherwise agglutination or agglutination, erythrocytes. The consequences of this may be a violation of the circulation of blood and the destruction of blood cells; they contain hemoglobin
Hemoglobin: worse - low or high?
, Falling outside the red blood cells, it can be toxic. Errors in blood transfusions can lead to death of the patient.
Blood groups
- Blood group A, or the second group of blood. People with blood group A on the surface of red blood cells are Type A agglutinogens and plasma - beta agglutinins.
- Blood group B, or a third group of blood. Characterized by agglutinogens type B on the erythrocyte surface, and alpha-agglutinins in the plasma.
- Blood type AB, or the fourth group of blood. On the surface of human erythrocytes with that group have agglutinogens blood types A and B, alpha and beta-agglutinins in the plasma are not available.
- Blood type O, or the first group of blood. A person with this blood group like no agglutinogens types A and B, and alpha- and beta-agglutinins.
Rhesus factor
Rh factor is almost as important in determining the compatibility of blood groups, as are the blood group. Most people on the surface of red blood cells there is an antigen D. In the presence of this antigen blood will have a positive Rh factor, in the absence thereof - negative.
Rh-negative blood can be (though now it is practiced only in the most extreme cases) pour people with a positive Rh factor. However, transfusions of Rh-positive blood person with Rh-negative can be dangerous.
However, one such patient a transfusion of Rh-positive blood is acceptable. After that there is sensitization to the antigen D; for women, this means an increased risk of hemophilia
Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign
newborn. Moreover, if Rh-negative patients as a result of the transfusion will anti-D antibodies
Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
, Repeated transfusions of Rh-positive blood can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, the blood of Rh-positive donors can not pour women Rh-negative who are of childbearing age. Exceptions are allowed only when no safe alternative.
Of course, ideally, every person needs a blood transfusion of the group, but this is not always possible. In the past, people in the first group of blood and Rh-negative was considered an ideal donor - such blood suitable person with any blood type and Rh factor of any. It is now known that there are other antigens that may lead to serious complications of this transfusion. Except in emergencies, only today, patients transfused blood of their group.
Table of compatibility of blood groups
Blood Group recipient
Donor ... ..
Red blood cells
Whole blood
O Rh +
O Rh +, O Rh-
O Rh +, O Rh-
O, A, B or AB to any Rh factor
O Rh-
O Rh-
O Rh-
O, A, B or AB to any Rh factor
A Rh +
A Rh +, A Rh-,
O Rh + or O Rh-
A Rh + or A Rh-
A or AB and any Rh factor
A Rh-
A Rh- or O Rh-
A Rh-
A or AB and any Rh factor
B Rh +
B Rh +, B Rh-,
O Rh + or O Rh-
B Rh + or B Rh-
B or AB and any Rh factor
B Rh-
B Rh- or O Rh-
B Rh-
B or AB and any Rh factor
AB + Rh
AB Rh +, AB Rh-,
A Rh +, A Rh-,
B Rh +, B Rh-,
O Rh +, or O Rh-
AB or AB + Rh Rh-
AB and any Rh factor
Rh factor - still medical mystery
AB Rh-
AB Rh-,
A Rh-, B Rh-, or
O Rh-
AB Rh-
AB and any Rh factor