Compatibility of blood groups - it universal donor? - Universal Donor

January 22, 2009

  • Compatibility of blood groups - it universal donor?
  • Universal Donor

Blood groups

Blood - it is immuno-genetic features of blood, allowing the blood to unite people by similarity of antigens that are found in the blood of every man (antigen - a substance alien to the organism that causes the protective reaction of the body in the form of antibody formation). The presence or absence of an antigen, as well as possible combinations of them create thousands of variants of the antigenic structures inherent in the people. Antigens are combined into a group called AB0 system, rhesus and many others.

 Universal Donor | compatibility of blood groups - it universal donor?

Blood group system AB0

It was found that by mixing certain individual erythrocyte with blood serum others sometimes occurs agglutination (coagulation to form flakes), and sometimes not. Blood coagulates when certain blood group antigens audio (call them agglutinogens) located in erythrocytes bind to antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
   another group (they were called agglutinin), located in the plasma - the liquid part of blood. Total for this feature has been allocated four blood groups.

Separation of the blood system AB0 into four groups based on the fact that blood may or may not contain antigen (agglutinogens) A and B, as well as antibodies (agglutinins) α (alpha or anti-A) and β (beta or anti-B) .

 Universal Donor | compatibility of blood groups - it universal donor?

From universal donor to recipient Universal

  • I group of blood - has no agglutinogen (antigens), but contains agglutinins (antibodies) α and β. It is denoted by 0 (I). Since this group contains no foreign particles (antigens), it can be transfused to all people. A person with this blood type is a universal donor.
  • Group II comprises agglutinogen (antigen) A agglutinin and β (antibody to agglutinogen B), it is denoted by β (II). It can transfuse only those groups that do not contain the antigen B - is I and group II.
  • Group III comprises agglutinogen (antigen) and α agglutinin (antibody to agglutinogen A) - designated as Vα (III). This group can transfuse only those groups that do not contain the antigen A - is I and Group III.
  • Group IV blood contains agglutinogens (antigens) A and B, but does not contain agglutinins (antibodies) - AB0 (IV), it can be poured only those with the same, the fourth group of blood. But, as in the blood of people have antibodies capable glued to the outside antigens administered, they can be any group of blood transfusion. People with a fourth blood group are universal recipients.

 Universal Donor | compatibility of blood groups - it universal donor?


Membership of blood to one group or another and the presence of certain antibodies in it says about the compatibility (or incompatibility) of blood individuals. Incompatibility can occur, for example, in contact with the blood of the fetus in the mother's body during pregnancy (if the mother has antibodies to fetal blood) or blood transfusion of another group.

The interaction of antigens and antibodies occurs AB0 system erythrocyte agglutination (agglutination or hemolysis), thus formed clusters of red blood cells which can not pass through small blood vessels and capillaries and obstruct them (formed thrombi). Clogged kidney, there is acute renal failure Acute renal failure - causes and consequences  Acute renal failure - causes and consequences
   - A very serious condition that, if you do not take urgent measures, leading to loss of life.

 Universal Donor | compatibility of blood groups - it universal donor?

Hemolytic disease of newborn

Hemolytic disease of the newborn may occur when the blood incompatibility of mother and fetus AB0 system. At the same antigens from the blood of a child act in the mother's blood and cause the formation of antibodies in her body. Recent placenta enter the fetal blood, where appropriate antigensoderzhaschie destroy red blood cells - blood clots, causing a number of violations in the body of the child.

Manifested hemolytic disease of the newborn occurs in three forms: swelling, jaundice and anemic.

The most severe form - swelling, when her children are often born prematurely, dead or dying in the first minutes after birth. A characteristic feature of this form is the swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   subcutaneous fat free liquid in the cavities (pleural, peritoneal, etc.), bruising.

The jaundiced form - is the appearance of jaundice soon after birth or within a few hours. Jaundice increases rapidly acquires a yellow-green, sometimes yellow-brown. There is a tendency to bleed, children sluggish, poorly suck. Jaundice continues up to three weeks or more. In the absence of proper treatment develop severe neurological complications.

Anemic form - the easiest, reduced blood hemoglobin Hemoglobin: worse - low or high?  Hemoglobin: worse - low or high?
   and erythrocytes.

Predisposes to the development of hemolytic disease of the newborn violation of the permeability of the placenta, repeated pregnancy. At an early manifestation of the disease immunological conflict may be the cause of premature birth or miscarriage.

Blood group system AB0 - a sign that a person is given at birth, and will accompany him all his life, so it's worth to know a little more.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • blood group

Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign - Signs

August 6, 2009

  • Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign
  • Signs

Blood coagulation

Coagulation - this enzyme system by which the gradual transformation of the dissolved in the blood plasma fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin formation and on its basis clots in the blood vessels, stops the bleeding. In the conversion of soluble fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin involving several factors (first phase of blood coagulation - formation of thromboplastin second - thrombin third - fibrin). When failure of a factor is a disturbance of blood clotting.

 Signs | Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign

What is hemophilia

Hemophilia - a hereditary disease related to violation of the first phase of blood coagulation (formation of thromboplastin), caused by deficiency of antihemophilic globulin (factor VIII) or plasma thromboplastin component (factor IX) and manifested by frequent and prolonged bleeding. The disease is caused by a mutation of the gene responsible for the biosynthesis of antihemophilic factor.

The disease is caused by a deficiency of factor VIII is called hemophilia A and factor IX deficiency - Hemophilia B or Christmas disease.

Hemophilia is inherited from grandfather to grandson through his mother apparently healthy for generations. Most hemophilia occurs hidden, and sometimes it is difficult to trace such a transfer. Ill it is restricted to males. This is a very rare disease: the incidence of hemophilia A is 1 in 10,000 male births, with hemophilia B - ½ 100,000.

 Signs | Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign

Symptoms of hemophilia

Symptoms of hemophilia A and B do not differ from each other. The main symptom of hemophilia is bleeding. Severe bleeding occurs periodically, usually after one or two hours after the injury, sometimes very small. In some patients, bleeding associated with the seasons.

External bleeding can occur with small cuts, when cutting or removal of teeth, after surgery. Internal bleeding may start from minor injuries.

The first symptoms begin at birth when the umbilical cord transection. In the first year of life is most often bleeding from the mucous membranes of the nose and the mouth, 2-3 years bleeding manifested by bleeding in the joints and soft tissues in the 7-9 years join bleeding from the gums during teething and bleeding from internal organs. Patients kids periods of remission (state without exacerbation of the disease) is shorter than that of adults.

Hemophilia can occur as latent (asymptomatic), mild, moderate or severe form. Disease severity depends on the degree of deficiency of Factors VIII and IX.

 Signs | Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign

Complications of Hemophilia

In hemophilia mild and severe complications are rare. Severe hemophilia complicated by extensive hematoma (accumulation of blood in a given area due to rupture of blood vessels), intracranial hemorrhage, dysfunction of joints after hemorrhage in them. There are also bleeding from internal organs, most often gastrointestinal bleeding and kidney.

 Signs | Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign

The diagnosis of hemophilia

For diagnosis are important cases of family illness boys. Typical is also a sign of hemophilia. The final diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory tests of blood clotting (coagulation) and quantitative determination of blood clotting factors VIII and IX. Such research is particularly important in the survey prior to any operation.

 Signs | Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign

Treatment of Hemophilia

Treatment of Hemophilia held in specialized hematology centers. When bleeding intravenous drugs concentrated clotting factor (in the absence of data on the type of hemophilia treatment is carried out as in hemophilia A). If these drugs are not available, the patient is administered a fresh or fresh frozen plasma. Sometimes hemostasis is achieved only by ligation of blood vessels, or with a special bioadhesives.

Currently there preparations containing the clotting factors, are not made from human blood, and the genetically engineered cells from the biomass (e.g., bacteria). This is the most effective and safe products, because they eliminate the viral infection from entering into the patient through a blood donor.

All blood products are expensive, and they require constant, it is clear that without government support such patients simply do not survive. Therefore, in civilized countries have national programs to support patients with hemophilia.

  Galina Romanenko
