Chronic or recurrent headache not only causes discomfort and pain - it can cause fatigue, suppress motivation and a negative impact on mental ability. When you suffer from headaches, even the simplest daily tasks transformed into impossible task. However, in addition to drugs for a headache (aspirin and ibuprofen), there are many proven natural herbal remedies that have a similar effect.
Choosing a folk remedy for a headache, it is best to be guided by reason of her calling. Headache is often caused by food or stress. If we exclude food as the cause of a headache, you can pick up an effective herbal remedies to quickly deal with this problem.
Folk remedies for headaches are not universal, in each case it is necessary to choose the appropriate means, based on the individual characteristics of the person and the cause of pain.
Choosing a folk remedy for headache depending on its cause
According to fitoteravpetov, the following herbs help relieve certain types of headaches:
- Passionflower. Passionflower ordinary traditionally used as a sedative
Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?
when anxiety and insomnia, and may also be useful for headache have a certain kind of people, namely those who are very mistrustful, quickly excited and inclined to react violently to the most everyday events. Passionflower calms the nerves, relieves stress, thereby reducing the headache.
- Black cohosh. This traditional medicine of indigenous peoples of North America, used for rheumatism. The content of biologically active compounds allows the use of black cohosh as a sedative for migraines, but due to the estrogen-like effect of the plant is more effective for women (although men can also take it, but not for long).
- White willow bark. The bark of white willow has a tonic effect and relieves headaches. But, as analgesic, it simply dampens pain but does not eliminate the root cause of its (unlike other herbs). The bark of white willow have to take a fairly high doses that it worked. Especially effective is a folk remedy in conjunction with other herbs with the same action.
- Butterbur and feverfew. When using butterbur and feverfew, popular herbal remedies for headaches, it is important to distinguish headaches and migraines. Migraine is caused by the rapid changes in the flow of blood to the head and, in addition to severe headache, characterized by nausea, sensitivity to light and sound. Headache - is just one of the symptoms of migraine. And butterbur and feverfew are better suited for the treatment of migraine headaches than normal and effective only twenty-five percent of cases.
- Ginkgo biloba. This is one of the most popular and studied herbal remedies. Ginkgo biloba improves the delivery of oxygen to tissues and stimulates blood flow, why it is believed that the plant helps reduce headache of diverse etiology, including migraines. Ginkgo biloba also assists in inflammation and can inhibit platelet activating factor, which increases with migraine.
- Feverfew. Feverfew is effective in the treatment and prevention of headaches and migraines. Take tincture of pyrethrum at the first sign - this will help to reduce its intensity and duration. Feverfew reduces inflammation and dilates blood vessels, and also affects serotonin, a substance in the brain that play an important role in causing headaches.
How safe are folk remedies for headaches
Most of the popular herbal remedies for headaches do not interact with conventional drugs, such as aspirin and Advil. The mechanism of action differs from phytopharmaceuticals mechanism of action of drugs, so they do not interfere with each other. The exception to this rule is the white willow bark, as the composition of it is similar to aspirin (they seem active substance).
However, if you use any of folk remedies for headaches, remember safety. If you have a chronic illness, you should consult with your doctor and together select the most suitable means. For example, women with uterine fibroids should not take drugs or hop Black cohosh, because they increase the level of estrogen, which is highly undesirable in the uterine.
Funds from headaches for colds
Coming under freezing rain, wet feet, having been in contact with the patient, often a weakness, predprostudnoe condition in which the bones begins aches and headache. At the beginning of the disease to lubricate temples and forehead with menthol oil or warmed lemon pulp.
Very well helps relieve headache infusion of cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon powder at a tablespoon of boiling hot water, stir lightly sweetened, infuse for half an hour and take two drinks in an hour. From the same infusion of cinnamon to make a lotion to the whiskey.
Folk remedies for nervous disorders
After suffering a stress condition of the body can respond to an external stimulus, severe headache. In these cases, you need to take a soothing infusion of peony and valerian root. Headache perfectly removes extracts of thyme and St. John's wort. A tablespoon of dry grass stir in 250 ml of boiling water, leave for twenty minutes in a sealed container, to take on a dessert spoon to 1/4 cup three times daily before meals for a month.
Fresh potato juice, black currant, cranberry ordinary honey drink half a cup three times a day for severe headaches regularly. Strong tea leaves of green tea with cinnamon, adding sprigs of mint, help get rid of pain for fifteen or twenty minutes. If applied to the temples, neck, forehead or bridge of the nose rub on these places a slice of garlic
Garlic health: almost a panacea
, Cut onion, carrots and radishes
Radish: useful properties and rules of use
, Pain gradually subsides.
Funds from migraine
Often the symptoms of headache, "hidden" migraine, characterized by the following features: suddenly there is a twinge in any one part of the head, nausea and sometimes vomiting, dislike of bright light, noise, odors. The most common cause of migraine becomes stroke, cerebral vasospasm, increased intracranial pressure. Repeated migraine attacks may be a symptom of serious illness, consult a doctor because in this case is necessary.
The best way to get rid of a headache - Hot foot baths, douches. Good help massage the head, starting from the forehead to the back hand lead, repeated several times. Then, on top of the head down to the ears, from the top to the back of the head, slowly descending to the neck. It ends with a massage in the neck.
Compress on the forehead and neck: large cabbage leaves, burdock leaf, common lilac. Hot drink: herbal teas and infusions of oregano, lemon balm, mint
Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
, Rosehip, plantain leaves, nettles, rosemary twigs. A mixture of dried herbs or a plant separately crushed, two tablespoons brewed in a glass of boiled water, and drink two tablespoons to ½ cup before eating.
Proven remedy for migraine: smash a glass of fresh egg, pour the boiling milk to the top, quickly stir and drink. Usually, you need to drink a cocktail of energy for a few days in a row and migraines stopped.
Unusual methods of disposal
People who are constantly suffering from headaches, to be worn on a neck string of natural yellow amber. Excellent helps complete relaxation, silence, peace, darkness. 15-20 minutes in this state can bring considerable relief. Meditation, aimed at getting rid of the disease, help correct overall for half an hour.
Headache Treatment copper coin based on the fact that copper has the property of rapidly pulling pain. Old nickels USSR applied to the source of pain and lie down, relax, close your eyes. Headache usually resolves within 15-20 minutes.
According to statistics 15-20% of the population have never experienced a headache, 80% of people - occurred at least once in their lives, with 25-40% of the population - such pain is constant.
Food & Beverage, from which the head can be ill: alcohol, especially red wine, cheese, chocolate, fruit, pickles, canned meat, nuts, coffee, tea, cola, yeast, aspartame, monosodium glutamate.
Jeanne Pyatirikova