Wobenzym - minor side effects

November 11, 2012

 Wobenzym side effects
 Vobenzim - a drug that prolonged use could significantly improve the condition of patients in many diseases. Thus vobenzim almost no side effects, on the contrary, it contributes to reduction of side effects of many other drugs.

 Wobenzym - minor side effects

How does Wobenzym

Wobenzym is a drug, which includes a number of enzymes (enzymes), has on the general (systemic) action. This is due to the fact that the tablet Wobenzym covers enteric coat that protects the enzyme from degradation in the acidic environment of the stomach. In the less aggressive alkaline environment of the intestine soluble sheath, and the enzymes are absorbed into the bloodstream, rendering the overall effect on the organism.

Systemic effects of Wobenzym may be anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antithrombotic, and immunomodulating. In addition, Wobenzym improves fat metabolism, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis - a chronic disease of the arteries  Atherosclerosis - a chronic disease of the arteries
   and prevents the development of side effects of other medications.

This multi-faceted action within the Wobenzym enzyme, because enzymes are participants of all biochemical processes in the body. Their lack definitely affects first the condition of metabolism, and then the state of all organs and tissues. It is through the restoration of metabolic processes in the body (they are composed of a variety of biochemical processes) exerts its effects on the body Wobenzym.

 Wobenzym - minor side effects

As Wobenzym helps to prevent or reduce side effects of other drugs

Today produced huge number of different drugs of chemical origin, each of which has a number of side effects. When long-term administration of such drugs is always a need to prevent, eliminate or reduce the severity of possible side effects, including reducing the adverse effect of drugs on various organs and systems (immune, blood clotting system, endocrine and so on).

Vobenzim able to prevent or greatly reduce the side effects of drugs. The fact that the side effects of drugs are almost always related to the violation of individual links metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 And Wobenzym is able to restore or prevent such "failure" long-term use. Furthermore, enzymes cleave biologically active substances, which are "direct perpetrators" of certain side effects, and output the products of metabolism of the organism. This explains the effect of Wobenzym, warning side effects of other medications.

 Wobenzym - minor side effects

Does he have the side effects of Wobenzym

Since Wobenzym is made from natural enzymes of plant and animal origin, it has almost no side effects. The only thing to be feared in this case - is allergic reactions. But they are at the receiving Wobenzym very rare - affecting high quality cleansing ingredients that are part of this drug.

Allergic reactions, however, occur and occur most commonly in the form of urticaria, allergic varied itchy rash and in rare cases - as angioedema. The appearance of any allergic reactions require immediate discontinuation of the drug, since the next allergic reaction can be much more severe and threaten the patient's life.

But most of Wobenzym was well tolerated. Thus it is not observed such phenomena as drug addiction, withdrawal symptoms, even in the case when the drug is given at high doses and long courses. Side effects noted the emergence of manufacturers in some cases peculiar odor of feces and changing the consistency of the stool. This side effect does not require discontinuation of therapy.

When applied at the start of Wobenzym treatment can begin worsening of the underlying disease. In this case, for some time to reduce the dose of the drug, but not to stop the treatment.

 Wobenzym - minor side effects

In some cases, you can not take Wobenzym

Contraindications for use of Wobenzym are increased sensitivity of the patient to the drug, increased bleeding and bleeding tendency, hemodialysis Hemodialysis: artificial kidney  Hemodialysis: artificial kidney
   (blood purification using the apparatus "artificial kidney") and under the age of five years.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding is not a contraindication to the use of Wobenzym, however, manufacturers recommend taking it in this case with caution, and only on prescription.

Vobenzim is nontoxic drug, it has almost no side effects and is able to prevent the development of side effects of other medications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Wobenzym

Vitamin B5: basic functions and natural sources

November 23, 2011

 Vitamin B5
 Pantothenic acid, more commonly known as vitamin B5 - a representative of the water-soluble vitamins B-group. This substance is widely distributed in nature, hence its name - pantothenic acid - from the Greek "pantoten" which means "everywhere". Pantothenic acid is produced in substantial quantities Escherichia coli, and also comes into contact with food.

 Vitamin B5: basic functions and natural sources

Functions of Vitamin B5

The main function of vitamin B5 - in cellular energy production. Vitamin B5 starts the process of lipolysis - fat release from adipocytes (fat cells) and its burning. Thus additional energy is produced, which is especially necessary in the body to improve mental and physical stress.

Anti-inflammatory effect of pantothenic acid due to its participation in metabolic processes in the adrenal cortex, where the vitamin synthesizes glucocorticoids. They help a person to deal with any inflammatory processes, include a protective reaction of the body in response to the introduction of alien organisms. The adrenal cortex - the most workable of all our glands. It can produce hormones only six hours a day and the rest of the rest, so it needs large reserves of pantothenic acid, in order to successfully deal with all the adverse factors, like elevated psycho-emotional stress and pathogenic microbes.

 Vitamin B5: basic functions and natural sources

The action vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 in the cells of the body involved in the creation of hundreds of enzymes to speed up the metabolic reactions. One of these reactions carried out with the help of pantothenic acid in the brain is to convert vitamin B4 - choline - in neurotransmitter (nerve pathogen) acetylcholine. Neurotransmitters play a very important role in the brain and the entire nervous system, because with their help, are all binding signals including pulses of the senses. That is why so high concentration of vitamin B5 in the brain cells. During the day pantothenic acid stimulates the brain, relieves confusion, doubt, forgetfulness and light depressive disorders.

Vitamin B5 in the immune system, helps produce antibodies. Vitamin B5 plays a role in updating the launcher spring tissues, especially the skin and mucous membranes, and thus contributes to the rapid healing of wounds. In addition, it improves the barrier properties of the mucous membranes, protecting from infections.

In addition, vitamin B5 treats allergies, helps grow hair, eliminate many skin diseases.

 Vitamin B5: basic functions and natural sources

Vitamin B5: natural sources

Vitamin B5 stimulates adrenal hormones, making it a powerful tool for the treatment of diseases such as arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 , Colitis, allergies and heart disease. Furthermore, in the human vitamin B5 performs the following functions:

  • It plays a key role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and is therefore important for the maintenance and restoration of tissue cells;
  • involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, cholesterol, corticosteroid needed to withstand the physical and emotional stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
  • It helps with infections, promoting the synthesis of antibodies;
  • It stimulates the heart and improves concentration;
  • prevents aging and wrinkles;
  • It reduces adverse and toxic effects of many antibiotics.

Vitamin B5 is needed to increase life expectancy. Lack of vitamin B5 causes metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 , Dermatitis, depigmentation, cessation of growth and other diseases.

The daily requirement of vitamin B5 ranges from 5 to 10 mg per day for adults and 15 mg - for pregnant women and up to 5, 5 mg - for children. Supplementing with vitamin B5 is needed:

  • with heavy physical exertion;
  • people who use low-calorie or enough nutritious food;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • those who for a long time the state is experiencing stress or suffers from debilitating, chronic diseases.

The main natural sources of vitamin B5:

  • fungi
  • cauliflower,
  • broccoli,
  • baker's yeast,
  • beer,
  • raw egg yolk,
  • liver
  • kidney
  • dairy products,
  • green parts of plants (radish tops, radish Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable  Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable
 , Onions, carrots, salad vegetables)
  • tomatoes,
  • Strawberry,
  • grapefruit,
  • maize,
  • peanuts,
  • porridge of grains not broken,
  • dark meat turkey,
  • bran,
  • rolled oats,
  • Unrefined grains.

Also, Vitamin B5 is found in meat, poultry, fish, whole grain bread, nut, the mother's milk of bees (up to 50 mg%) - a substance that is produced by bees from the nectar to feed the queen bee.

Pantothenic acid is destroyed by heat in the food processing and under the action of acids and alkalis used in canning or freezing. In addition, a significant amount of vitamin B5 is lost when the use of alcohol, sleeping pills, caffeine, sulfa drugs and estrogen.

Also vitamin B5 may be administered as a biologically active food additive (pantothenic acid, calcium D-pantothenate-).

Article Tags:
  • B vitamins
