Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed - Complications

April 9, 2014

  • Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
  • How is infection
  • Classification
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Complications

 complications of tuberculosis

Complications of tuberculosis

If tuberculosis is not treated, it can lead to death of the patient. Other possible complications of pulmonary tuberculosis:

  • The defeat of the internal organs. If untreated, tuberculosis can spread to other organs. Most often in such cases, the disease affects the liver, which leads to serious violations of the liver;
  • The defeat of the joints. If a patient develops a skeletal tuberculosis, may cause severe pain in the joints Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
 , Swelling and even abscess formation. In some cases, this leads to the development of arthritis;
  • Pulmonary hemorrhage - a very dangerous complication in which required urgent medical care.

In addition, since the immune system of tuberculosis may gradually weaken (if left untreated), patients become more vulnerable to pathogens of various infections, because of what they can get sick more often than usual colds, flu, and so on.


Tuberculosis and smoking

  • Whether smoking increases the risk of contracting tuberculosis bacteria?

Yes. Tobacco smoke progressively damages the lungs and makes the smoker more susceptible to various infections, including tuberculosis. Smokers inhale TB bacteria, the probability of infection and the development of chronic tuberculosis to three times higher than non-smokers. In addition, the risk becomes higher, the longer and the more a person smokes.

  • Whether smoking is associated with an increased risk of developing active TB?

Smokers with chronic tuberculosis chance of developing active TB by two to three times higher than non-smokers. Smoking also increases the probability of dying of TB patients up to six times - compared with nonsmokers. The risk of active TB disease in smokers who have previously successfully completed TB treatment also significantly higher than non-smokers.

  • What if I have a chronic tuberculosis, and I smoke?

Quit Smoking - one of the best ways to reduce the likelihood of developing an open tuberculosis. Those who can not independently give up smoking, you should seek professional help.

  • Is passive smoking increases the likelihood of infection with tuberculosis?

Yes, passive smoking is associated with an increased risk of infections like tuberculosis bacilli, and the development of active TB. People who smoke in the presence of others, we must remember that in this way they are at risk not only their own health but the health of people around them.


Tuberculosis and alcohol

Scientists already knew a few centuries ago that alcohol abuse is closely associated with tuberculosis, and modern research confirms the existence of such a link. In people suffering from alcohol abuse and alcoholism gradually reduced immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 And increases the likelihood of contracting tuberculosis, and tuberculosis reactivation in patients with the chronic form of the disease. Furthermore, numerous studies suggest that people with alcohol dependence Alcohol addiction - for no reason, no reason not arise  Alcohol addiction - for no reason, no reason not arise
   least likely to seek medical care for symptoms of TB Symptoms of TB - how to recognize the disease  Symptoms of TB - how to recognize the disease
 , And if they do it, the chances of successful treatment have lower than average. That treatment was successful, patients need to reduce the consumption of alcohol, and it is desirable to completely abandon it and, if necessary, start to be treated for alcoholism.

Article Tags:
  • tuberculosis

Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed - Treatment

April 9, 2014

  • Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
  • How is infection
  • Classification
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Complications

 how to treat tuberculosis

How to treat tuberculosis

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis usually lasts six months. Full recovery from tuberculosis takes about two years.

If untreated, TB can be fatal, but the use of modern drugs probability of death is low.

In typical cases, the treatment of the following antibiotics:

  • Isoniazid and rifampicin. It is the first choice of drugs and take them daily for six months;
  • Pyrazinamide and ethambutol - taken each day for the first two months.

Many patients within a few weeks after starting treatment feel significant improvement, and most of them are not contagious. However, the drugs must be taken for as long as the doctor said; If you stop the treatment before, tubercle bacillus that lives in your body can become resistant to antibiotics. Because of this, in the future it may require a longer course of treatment with other drugs.

Extrapulmonary TB is usually treated with the same antibiotics as mentioned above, but the course of treatment lasts twelve months. If TB is in the brain, the patient can also be assigned to corticosteroids for several months.

If the tests show that the causes of tuberculosis - the bacteria that are resistant to two or more types of drugs, usually given a course of treatment lasting at least 18 months, with the use of several antibiotics at the same time. Since such cases are difficult to treat, patients may be referred to a TB hospital, where he will undergo treatment under the constant supervision of specialists.

Successful treatment does not guarantee that the patient never had a relapse of tuberculosis. It may happen, for example, as a result of weakened immunity immunosuppressive or other agents, and also due to a number of chronic diseases.


How do you get TB

TB-causing bacterium found in the saliva of an infected person, and every time he coughs, sneezes or spits, they get into the environment, posing a potential danger to human health. TB infection occurs when a person breathes in particles of saliva, which contains the mycobacteria. Often infected people who are constantly in contact with sick or living with them in the same house - in such cases the probability of getting bacteria in the body increases significantly. However, there are cases where infection occurs and after a brief contact with the patient, such as in an airplane. In general, the probability of contracting tuberculosis in public transport or public places is small, but it can not be completely ruled out; They are particularly vulnerable to tuberculosis bacilli people with weakened immune systems.


Tuberculosis and diabetes

In people with diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 Chance of developing TB is significantly higher than those who do not suffer from this disease. Tuberculosis remains a very pressing problem in many developing countries, where, in addition, the incidence of diabetes is increasing rapidly. It is expected that the number of cases will reach its peak in 2030.

Doctors say that diabetics risk of developing TB is 2.5 times higher than average. In countries where diabetes suffer more often, for example, in Mexico, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the US, also noted more cases when diabetics are infected with tuberculosis. Double body burden associated with these diseases can lead to complications that are not usually found in people diagnosed with diabetes or only just tuberculosis. To avoid complications, must be timely to treat both diseases. It has been noted that in cases when diabetes is possible to stably keep control of blood sugar levels Blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
   - One of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
 Chance of developing TB is lower than in patients with uncontrolled diabetes. In addition, the treatment of tuberculosis Treatment of tuberculosis - a lengthy process and requires constant monitoring  Treatment of tuberculosis - a lengthy process and requires constant monitoring
   It leads to a reduction in blood sugar levels in diabetics. Of great importance is the timely diagnosis and treatment of both diseases. Specialists in some countries suggest the need tested for tuberculosis, diabetes, and check your blood sugar levels in patients with tuberculosis - this is especially important for those who have increased the likelihood of developing any of these diseases. The lack of treatment of both of these disorders leads to a weakening of the immune system and makes patients more vulnerable to other infectious diseases.
