Fungal infections are the body tissue damage by one or more types of fungi. Fungal infections can be superficial and localized (fungal infection of the skin), or affect the deeper tissue and lead to serious infections of the lungs, the blood (sepsis) or systemic diseases. Some fungi are opportunistic pathogens, while others are pathogens causing the disease, regardless of the state of the immune system.
What are fungi
Fungi - one of the four major groups of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi). In nature, fungi exist in one of two forms: as a unicellular yeast or mold. Some dimorphic fungi, ie moving from one form to another, depending on the environment. Although yeast can not be seen with the naked eye, you can see the mold: it is a spot with fuzzy outlines and forms on overripe fruit or stale bread, as well as in areas with high humidity, such as in the bathroom or shower. There are more than 50,000 species of fungi, but the pathogens in humans may be less than 200 species. Approximately 20-25 of them are common and pose a real threat to health.
Most fungal infections occur in contact with a source of mushrooms, for example, their spores on any surface or in the air, soil, or bird droppings. As a rule, a favorable environment for the development of infection is created when you undermine immunity when the body's weakened defense force. To catch a fungal infection can anyone can, but certain groups are at increased risk of fungal infections and relapses. Risk factors include:
- organ transplantation;
- the presence of HIV / AIDS;
- undergoing chemotherapy or treatment immunnosupressornymi drugs;
- diabetes and lung disease.
Fungal infection with fungi can develop on the surface and into the folds of the skin, folds, and other areas of the body with high temperature and high humidity. Also, the infection can occur at the site of injury, damage to the mucous membranes, sinuses, and lungs. Fungal infections cause the immune response, and, consequently, inflammation and tissue damage, and in some cases allergic reactions.
Many fungal infections spread to a small area, for example, between the toes, while others may be distributed across the skin and penetrate into the deeper tissues. Progressive fungal infections and infections that begin in the lungs, often get into the blood through the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Some fungal infections disappear without any intervention, but most of them require medical care and often long-term treatment. Deep fungal infections worsen over time and in the absence of timely treatment can lead to irreversible damage, and in some cases fatal. Some fungal infections are easily transmitted to other people, but there are some that do not extend beyond the infected person.
Fungal infections are classified according to the body part that they affect, the depth of penetration into the body by infectious agents and in the form of the fungus. Some microorganisms can cause both superficial and systemic infections.
Superficial fungal infections of skin, nails and hair
Superficial fungal infections can be caused by yeasts and molds. On the skin surface, there are many microorganisms constituting the normal microflora. Normal microflora do not cause disease, and does not trigger an immune response. However, if skin is damaged, and the immune system is weakened, any microorganisms present in the microflora of the skin can cause skin infection. If the ratio of microorganisms in the microflora has changed, that is, if there are fewer bacteria and fungi - more (sometimes it happens when you use broad-spectrum antibiotics), a fungal infection may be associated with an imbalance of microflora.
Yeast Infection
Candidiasis - the most common yeast infection that is primarily due to an overgrowth of the yeast Candida Albicans and other types of Candida, which are part of the normal microflora. In oral candidiasis causes redness and white film called "thrush." Children fungus Candida can cause diaper rash. In women, genital candidiasis causes itching and vaginal discharge
Vaginal discharge
("Thrush"). According to statistics, almost 75% of women at least once in his life faced with a yeast infection. Candidiasis can also cause a number of other infections, including infections of the nails, and may acquire a systemic nature, especially in people with weakened immune systems.
Nail fungus
The heat and humidity, the adoption of water treatment in public places are often the reasons for the emergence of the fungus, striking nails. You can pick up in the spa-salon, pools, saunas, in sports, but it is a genetic predisposition.
Recognize nail fungus is not so difficult - the plate begins to peel off, rise up, thicken, duck, yellow, crumble. Usually suffer from nail fungus is adults - children is peculiar to a lesser extent. Affected longer fungus toenails than on the hands. And in addition to symptoms related specifically to the nail plate, suffers from the skin around it, there is redness, swelling, tenderness. This means that a visit to a specialist is not delayed.
Infections of the oral cavity
Thrush - a fungal infection that affects the oral mucosa. Candida fungus is always present here, but has an effect only in the case of weakened immunity, illness, pregnancy, or when taking certain medications.
Generally pain appears on the inner side of the cheeks, on tongue, gums, tonsils. Occasionally an infection of the oral cavity is transferred to the gastrointestinal tract. If it touches the esophagus, it hurts to swallow. But in severe cases, the fungus affects the stomach, and liver.
Persons with HIV or cancer is particularly heavily exposed to the rapid spread of the fungus throughout the body, so it is especially important at the slightest sign of oral lesions that are diagnosed in the dentist's office, to take all measures to eliminate the infection.
To avoid fungal infection of the mouth can be regularly observing all hygiene measures - brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing. Also, with a predisposition to the disease it is necessary to restrict the use of wine and bread.
Fungal infection is transmitted to infants through breastfeeding if the mother has lesions in the nipple area.
Treatment of fungal infections
Any fungal infection requires immediate treatment. If a person is healthy enough and has a strong immunity, that he is recovering fast enough. If the immune system is weakened, it will take much more time. The latter showed a regular check at the dentist, which does not hurt to persons with diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
. Any pain in the mouth should cause an immediate visit to the doctor.
To eliminate the infection commonly used antifungal creams that should be applied to the affected areas. There is also a means of capsules, tablets, or in liquid form, which must be taken up to two weeks. The affected area is impossible to comb, and we must try as little as possible to touch it. Do not use other people's combs, towels, shoes, you need to frequently change the towels and bed linen. When cutaneous fungus is to choose things that are free to sit on the figure, not oblegaya and rubbing.
If the fungus hit the nail plate, it is better to buy a special lacquer, which has no side effects. Two or three pairs of shoes during the week need to constantly alternate and wear it only when it is clean and dry.
In the case of a repetition of an outbreak after recovery should consult with your doctor for other treatment. It is important not to confuse the fungus with other skin lesions such as psoriasis, which is very similar to it. In addition to the treatment of infections due attention should be paid to the overall strengthening of immunity
Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
To reduce the risk of skin fungus should be added to the bath tea tree oil
Tea tree oil
Which has a good disinfecting effect.