Intestinal candidiasis often occurs today, as much widespread antibiotics
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Killing the normal intestinal microflora - that she restrained reproduction of fungi genus Candida, which causes candidiasis. To treat intestinal candidiasis is not easy, so better to use antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.
Symptoms of intestinal candidiasis
Intestinal candidiasis is characterized by decreased appetite, general malaise, weakness, loss of ability to work, and sometimes a slight rise in temperature. It may appear nausea, diarrhea, flatulence (bloating), abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
Including as colic.
Chair with candidiasis may be a liquid with a solid first portion, sometimes with mucus. But it can be completely solid, in the form of "sheep feces" (small balls) putrid or sour smell.
With long flowing candidiasis disturbed digestion, which leads to a deficiency of vitamins. With a lack of vitamin B1, the different neurological disorders, vitamin B12 - anemia, nicotinic acid - there are signs of neuroses, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, excessive drooling. If you suffer from candidiasis bowel malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D), which can lead to a number of serious diseases.
Candidiasis is expressed sensitization, which often leads to the development of a variety of allergic diseases.
If this is not the time to treat the disease, the candida can spread to nearby organs: kidneys and the urinary tract and genitals. Moreover, from the bloodstream fungi of the genus Candida may fall in distant organs. The most severe forms of candidiasis are brain lesions and generalized (multiple lesions of organs and tissues) candidiasis.
Tablets for the treatment of candidiasis pimafutsin intestine
Tablets pimafutsin enteric coated, which allows the drug substance fall directly into the intestine. Each tablet contains 100 mg pimafutsin active substance (natamycin). By pimafutsin show sensitivity most pathogenic fungi, yeast, but it is most active against fungi genus Candida.
When it enters the intestines drug is not absorbed into the blood, and operates exclusively locally in the skin or mucous membranes. It destroys the cells of fungi of the genus Candida (fungicidal action) by violating the permeability of membranes. Pimafutsna peculiarity is that the resistance to it (habituation) of pathogens generally occurs.
When intestinal candidiasis adults appoint one tablet (100 mg) four times a day. The course of treatment lasts for a different, but the average weekly. Babies pimafutsin prescribed one tablet twice a day.
The use of tablets pimafutsin candidiasis other bodies
Despite the fact that pimafutsin
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is not absorbed into the blood and acts only locally in the gut, it is often prescribed for candidiasis other organs. This is necessary because the natural reservoir of fungi of the genus Candida is the intestines. And if in the gut fungi are constantly multiplying, it is useless to treat diseases such as thrush or candidiasis of the urinary tract. Also can support intestinal candidiasis candidiasis and other organs, causing relapse. Sometimes candida intestinal asymptomatic and then the diagnosis can be established only by means of laboratory tests.
In all of these cases, a bowel disease. Tablets pimafutsin appointed on a tablet four times a day for a week.
Sometimes a pills pimafutsin Combination with other antifungal agents, such as griseofulvin. Pimafucin can be combined with any drug.
Contraindications and side effects
Pimafucin - a drug that is completely non-toxic. Even when taking a large number of tablets pimafutsin poisoning usually does not develop. Pimafucin can be used during pregnancy, breast-
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast and newborns. Therefore, this drug has only one contraindication - individual intolerance of the patient body components.
Because of side effects when taking pimafutsin may cause nausea and loose stools at the beginning of treatment. This does not require withdrawal of the drug and subsequently passes without any additional treatment.
Pimafutsin tablets sold in pharmacies by prescription, because they need to be taken only under the supervision of laboratory tests.
Galina Romanenko