Solitary cyst of breast cancer - in time to warn
July 12, 2013
Solitary cyst of breast cancer refers to a benign dysplasia, and in essence, does not present any particular risk. However, this does not mean that you can not pay attention to their own health and not to engage in treatment. The main thing is time to see a specialist who will not only get rid of breast cysts, but also regulate hormones and the immune system.
According to statistics, solitary cyst of the breast occur in 30% of women, and in women with various gynecological diseases, this figure is increasing.
What is a solitary cyst of breast
About breast cysts say when breast tissue is palpable rounded, supple texture formation. A cyst is a cavity, which is filled with liquid contents of different colors. Cyst cavity has a shell. The longer there is a cyst, so it is denser capsule. Solitary cyst - a cyst single breast
Cyst of the breast - a sign of hormonal trouble
Usually large (five centimeters in diameter and more). Solitary cyst located in only one breast.
The reasons due to which a woman's chest appear solitary cysts are many and varied. These include the following:
- heredity (the presence of benign prostatic dysplasia
Dysplasia - what is it?
breast with relatives on the maternal side);
- various neuroendocrine disorders;
- age (over 35 years);
- abortion;
- overweight, especially in the presence of hypertension and diabetes mellitus);
- later first childbirth (over 30 years);
- nervous stress, constant stress;
- avoidance of breastfeeding;
- long (over one year) lactation;
- adrenarche
Puberty child - stages of a complex path
- late menopause (after 55 years);
- inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis);
- trauma and shock of the breast;
- gynecological pathology (endometriosis, uterine fibroids
Uterine fibroids - when surgery is needed?
, Endocrine infertility).
How does a solitary cyst of breast
It is believed that in the event of a solitary cyst breast blame the female sex hormones - estrogens, or rather their excess. The main clinical feature of solitary cyst of the breast are breast pain. As a rule, the pain worse or occur in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, especially before menstruation. Pain can be a drawing, pressing or aching, you may experience a burning sensation and itching in the chest. The occurrence of pain is due to compression of the surrounding tissue and nerves of the breast. Pain can give to the shoulder blade, shoulder or neck area. After menstruation pains disappear or decrease.
Another characteristic symptom of solitary cyst of the breast is the formation that defines a woman breast palpation, especially for large size of the brush. The cyst is round or oval, immobile, tugoelastichna and painless on palpation. When the giant size of the brush may be deformed chest.
Primarily for the diagnosis of solitary cyst mammologists collects patient medical history. After that, a specialist conducts inspection and palpation of the breast, as well as probes regional (axillary) lymph nodes. Then the patient is sent to a mammogram (breast X-ray beskontrastnaya), through which established the presence or absence of cysts in the breast. To clarify the diagnosis shows an ultrasound breast, which is determined by the number of cysts and their location, or lack of proliferation of cysts on the capsule. The final step is to conduct a diagnostic biopsy followed by cytology content cysts.
Solitary cyst of small dimensions can not be treated, the patient should only be checked regularly and pass the necessary examinations. The large size of the cyst to be a puncture, during which education is completely emptied.
Anna Sozinova
What if the sore nipples: medical consultation is required
November 12, 2011
First of all, you need to find out why they hurt, and it needs to see a doctor. The reason for seeking medical attention should not only be pain in the nipple, but also other causes such as changing the shape of the nipple or discharge them. Any changes of this kind need to talk about the survey.
The first cause of pain in the nipples: breastfeeding
During feeding baby
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast nipples in most cases are ill because of poor attachment to the breast of the child and the development of cracks and abrasions nipples. In this case, it is recommended:
- properly care for the breasts, so that the skin on the nipple is not too dry and cracked: wash your breasts before each feeding with warm water without soap after feeding not wash (even milk cleave to the nipple) and lubricate them, for example, sea buckthorn oil ; wash in the shower with soap and water should be once a day; Underwear must be comfortable and not cramped, not to injure her nipples;
- the right to apply to the child's chest should be captured not only the nipple and surrounding areola but - this should be achieved as long as the child does not learn to properly grasp the nipple; when you stop feeding the child should be carefully push the gums with your finger and nipple slips out of his own rotika;
- If cracks and abrasions yet appeared, then you need to make sure that they are as dry on, but not soaking; for this chest almost all the time to be open; nipples should be lubricated with her milk first, and then when it dries - solkoserilom in gel form - is more prisushit abrasions and cracks, and will help restore the tissue in this area; If cracks are very large, it is better to take time off from the feeding of the breast, but it is necessary to express milk, or it will disappear.
The second reason for pain in the nipples: inflammation of the mammary gland
Inflammation of breast cancer often occurs precisely at the time of breast-feeding, but occurs in non-breastfeeding women. When feeding your baby mastitis in most cases preceded by stagnation of milk in the mammary gland (lactostasis), which after a while there is associated infection and mastitis. The main differences are lactostasis of mastitis occurrence of high temperature at the start of mastitis and lack of relief from pumping milk, which was by lactostasis.
When lactostasis recommended:
- create a calm breast - an elevated position and comfortable, not compressing bra;
- express milk before each feeding, it is better with two hands, a little massaging nipples; such a procedure is good to do a little warm (but not hot - this will increase lactation) shower;
- in severe stagnation of milk can do this: a large mug filled halfway with warm water, bend and paste it breasts, so that it does not touch the water; Formed in this vacuum will facilitate suctioning milk; but this is an emergency measure if the stagnation and the pain is very strong, and you can not use it constantly - the procedure can stimulate lactation;
- for reducing lactation can be applied to the breast cold;
- try to minimize the lactation in the mammary gland with lactostasis by continuously reducing its discharge; for it is necessary to give the child suck the breasts are not fully, resulting in lactation will decline.
When mastitis is recommended:
- if background lactostasis a fever, you should seek medical advice immediately;
- the initial stage of mastitis (before the formation of an abscess) are treated conservatively: appointed antibiotics and physiotherapy; You can feed the baby;
- after the formation of an abscess treatment of mastitis only operative: the abscess is opened, the pus is removed and put drainage, through which the wound removed the pus; you can not feed your baby.
The third cause of pain in the nipples: hormonal disorders and tumors
The most common hormonal disorders
Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
It is a disease of the breast
Breast - the mirror Women's Health
Whereby under the influence of a large number of female hormones estrogen in the breast grows connective tissue, cysts and forms small liquid content. Breast disease can be spread evenly on both breasts (diffuse disease of the breast), or take the form of a node (breast). And in fact, in both cases there are pains in the breast and nipple.
Any type of mastitis requires careful examination, as the breast (especially knots) can pass into breast cancer
Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
At which the nipple may suffer even more since a cancer grows in the skin, including the skin and nipple areolas.
Breast examination includes X-rays of the breast (mammography), ultrasound and biopsy - taking on the study content of education in the chest with the help of a puncture. Detection of atypical (unlike other) cells indicates the presence of breast cancer.
Mastitis should be observed and treated in the office of the surgeon or mammalogy clinic with suspected cancer, a woman is sent to the Oncology Center.
Galina Romanenko