Hypogalactia: Problems with feeding

February 5, 2012

 The most optimal type of feeding the child Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   before the year is breastfeeding. Only in the milk of all nutrients (fats, proteins, carbohydrates) are contained in the desired concentration and is easily and quickly absorbed by the child. The value of breast milk is also determined by the content of a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, enzymes, growth factors, immunoglobulins and iron, preventing anemia in the infant. In addition, breastfeeding creates an emotional connection between the child's mother. But despite all the advantages, women who breastfeed, often face certain problems. One of these problems is hypogalactia.

Hypogalactia - a reduced secretory function of the mammary glands, which can manifest itself in violation of the formation of milk and milk ejection in violation (lactogenesis). Hypogalactia one of the most frequent pathologies and lactation occurs in 6-30% of cases among gave birth. At the time of occurrence hypogalactia divided into early, which originated in the first ten days after birth, and later (after the eleventh day). Also distinguish primary and secondary hypogalactia. Primary and secondary hypogalactia determined by various causes and provoking factors.


Classification hypogalactia powers shortage of milk

There are four degrees of shortage of milk (in relation to the child's needs):

  • 1 degree - shortage of milk up to 25%;
  • 2nd stage - 50%;
  • 3 degree - shortage of milk up to 75%;
  • 4 degree - milk deficit of more than 75%.


Primary hypogalactia

Primary hypogalactition (usually happens earlier) arises from neuroendocrine disorders. Often primary hypogalactia caused by disturbance of fetal development the girl. It also causes primary hypogalactia include: severe gestosis, postpartum hemorrhage, traumatic obstetric operations (forceps, vacuum extraction), puerperal infection, the woman's age (over 30 years), infantile mother and cesarean delivery. The lack of milk after a Caesarean section is associated with late by applying baby to the breast, the absence of the dominant clan and psychological stimulus for breastfeeding after birth, severe postoperative pain.


Secondary hypogalactia

Secondary hypogalactia is often late and develops due to violations of the feeding of the child, a rare and random feeding, inadequate pumping of milk, malnutrition, overwork, stress, lack of sleep, rare walks .  In addition, secondary hypogalactia arises as a result of diseases of the mother (tonsillitis, flu, tuberculosis), mastitis and cracked nipples .  Premature and sick children differ sluggish sucking that does not irritate the breast sufficient and leads to a decrease in milk production .  Equally important in the mechanism of secondary hypogalactia is swallowing air (aerophagia) baby during feeding .  Physiological aerophagia observed in all babies swallow air volume of not more than 10% of the capacity of the stomach .  If a child swallows more air expands his stomach, causing a feeling of fullness and reducing the number getting milk .


Treatment hypogalactia

First of all nursing mothers need to normalize the power mode of the day and relax. Meals should be balanced and contain enough proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. Additionally, it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes. Products that affect the taste of milk (onion, garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 , Celery, cauliflower, herbs) should be excluded. Lactating women need a full sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   at least eight hours, and the rest in the afternoon. Useful for long walks in the fresh air (in parks, squares), massage breast, moderate exercise. The positive effect have physiotherapy (UFO, UHF breast), psychotherapy, acupuncture Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science  Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science
 . Vitamins A and E help to enhance milk production. Desirably abandon the medication (bromides, barbiturates, iodides, salicylates, chloramphenicol, metronidazole and others).

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • lactation

Dostinex: instructions - how to reduce the risk of side effects?

December 25, 2011

 Dostinex is used to stop the production of breast milk (lactation) after childbirth, abortion or miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 . The drug is available in tablet form for oral administration, and belongs to a class of dopamine agonists - the mediator of the nervous system that transmits impulses to the brain. Dostinex is shown only for adults and is not recommended for children under the age of sixteen.

 Dostinex: instructions - how to reduce the risk of side effects?


Take Dostinex, simultaneously with food or drink liquids - it will help reduce the risk of side effects, such as nausea or vomiting.

  • To prevent lactation (production of breast milk) after giving birth is necessary to take one milligram of Dostinex (two tablets of half a milligram) a day after the birth.
  • To stop lactation after initiation of breastfeeding, you should take a quarter of a milligram of the drug (half a tablet Dostinex) every twelve hours over two days.
  • To reduce prolactin Prolactin - effect on the body is not fully known  Prolactin - effect on the body is not fully known
   in other situations, it is necessary during the week to take Dostinex tablets for half a day (for example, one half of the tablet on Monday, the second - Tuesday). The dose should be gradually increased to a maximum of (part of four and a half milligrams).

Once you start taking Dostinex is recommended to slowly and carefully to change the position of the body when trying to stand up, sit or lie down, as Dostinex may cause a decrease in blood pressure and, thus, cause dizziness and weakness when trying to change the position. When receiving Dostinex it is recommended to give up alcohol and drugs provoke lethargy and sleepiness - they all increase the risk of dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
   while taking Dostinex. In the treatment of Dostinex every few days to measure blood pressure. Omitting the daily dose should not take two doses of Dostinex simultaneously.

 Dostinex: instructions - how to reduce the risk of side effects?

Dostinex is not recommended in the following cases:

  • If you are hypersensitive to cabergoline, the active ingredient of Dostinex and other ergot alkaloids (pergolide, bromocriptine, lisuride, ergotamine and ergometrine).
  • In severe liver disease.
  • When high blood pressure during pregnancy is caused by toxemia (blood poisoning).
  • In the treatment of antidepressants and other medications that suppress the symptoms of mental disorders as well as mental diseases associated with childbirth (postpartum psychosis).
  • If pregnant or breastfeeding

Some medicines may reduce the effectiveness of Dostinex - including medications that reduce blood pressure, drugs used to treat psychiatric disorders (eg, klopromazin, haloperidol), medicines for nausea and vomiting (domperidone, metoclopramide).

Some drugs may increase the level of Dostinex in the blood and cause the appearance of side effects - including drugs used to suppress the symptoms of Parkinson's disease Parkinson's disease - where the nerve endings are destroyed  Parkinson's disease - where the nerve endings are destroyed
 , Drugs to treat migraine headaches (pergolide, ergotamine, bromocriptine, dihydroergotamine), antibiotics (erythromycin).

Article Tags:
  • dostineks
