What are the symptoms of breast cancer? This question is of interest to many women. Symptoms of breast cancer to know, of course, necessary, but sometimes symptoms can be quite atypical. Therefore, every woman should know that the appearance of any changes in the breasts should be referred to a medical mammologu.
The most characteristic symptoms of breast cancer
Characteristic symptoms of breast cancer (breast cancer - breast cancer) is the appearance of the breast unit, discharge from the nipples, changing contours, skin condition and color of the mammary glands and nipples, as well as an increase in the axillary lymph nodes.
Node in the mammary gland during MRZH painless, has a rough surface and do not always detectable due to adhesions with surrounding tissues. But the assembly only occurs when a node forms of cancer. In diffuse or spread mammary gland may simply grow in size.
Discharge from the nipple is also very characteristic of breast cancer. Discharge can occur with pressure on the nipple and is a colorless transparent liquid. Sometimes fluid can have a yellowish or admixture of blood.
The skin over the tumor can change its color and appearance. Sometimes the redness and peeling, but more often - the skin becomes wrinkled and slightly brownish color. Wrinkling of the skin is due to the fact that the tumor grows to the skin. The skin on a small area may also swell, thicken and become similar to orange peel.
In the propagation of the tumor on the nipple milk ducts may swell, increase in size or, conversely, to get involved. Changing circuits takes place in the mammary glands: one can increase their glands, it may appear on the sites protrusion or retraction in the form of pits.
Axillary lymph nodes are increased gradually. First, it is one node, then two or three, and then a significant amount. They usually have a dense texture, slightly painful.
Uncharacteristic symptoms of breast cancer
By uncharacteristic manifestations of breast cancer include, for example, back pain in the shoulder blades. This pain is often associated with osteochondrosis, which slows down the timely diagnosis of breast cancer. A careful study of the nature of such pain a woman may notice that they are not related to the movements that are not typical for osteochondrosis. Such symptoms should always be cause for concern.
Sometimes the breast cancer manifested as mastitis in the form of redness, swelling, general disorders (malaise, temperature rise). If such a long mastitis is not treatable with antibacterial drugs, it should alert the physician and cause a complete examination of women, particularly if such a "mastitis" occurs in women after menopause.
Less breast cancer manifests as erysipelas chest. Lots of inflammation at the same time have the characteristic form of large irregular "flames", which can also be misleading. So long untreatable mug in breast cancer requires further examination.
There is also a so-called armored breast cancer
Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
In which the mammary gland shrinks and becomes less mobile, above the dense skin, rough resembles shell.
In some cases, breast cancer is shown in the form of eczema and is accompanied by severe itching, redness and weeping skin and nipple appearance of sores, scabs and scales. This so-called cancer Paget it occurs less frequently and is distributed as the teat and gland depth. Paget's cancer may lead to the complete destruction and deformation of the nipple with the simultaneous formation of a node in the breast. The peculiarity of this form of cancer is that it is rather late metastasizes.
Young women during pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast can develop edematous-infiltrative form of breast cancer. Thus one of the mammary glands can rapidly expand in the absence of inflammation and pain. This form of breast cancer metastasizes very quickly to nearby lymph nodes, especially in the armpit.
What if there were signs of breast cancer
First of all, do not panic. You should know the symptoms of breast cancer
Signs of breast cancer - unusual manifestations
it is possible to confuse with other diseases of the breast. Most often the case, but in this case the detection of any disease, breast cancer and its treatment is the prevention MRZH.
If the diagnosis of breast cancer was confirmed, do not panic - the disease is treated at any stage. Most successfully undergoing cancer treatment
Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary
in the early stages, so it is important to overcome your fear and promptly seek medical attention.
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- Diagnosis of breast cancer