Signs of breast cancer is the appearance of the lump, nipple discharge, any change of color and shape of the breast, an increase in the nearby lymph nodes (axillary). There are other signs that are typical for a particular form of cancer. When these symptoms should immediately seek medical attention.

How to start breast cancer
Very often, breast cancer begins unnoticed in women after 35-40 years. Cancer in younger women is developing much less common, but more severe. The right and left glands are affected equally often. Bilateral breast lesions found a little over 10% of women with breast cancer (breast cancer). Sometimes a second defeat cancer is metastatic.
The first symptoms of breast cancer may be very similar to any other disease of the body - kistu¸ nodal mastopathy, benign tumor. To identify breast cancer at an early stage will help only a thorough examination. But for this woman should promptly seek medical attention.
What should alert a woman and get to see a specialist? First of all, any changes in the breast - appeared nodules (often cancer are painless), discharge from the nipples, the pain of unknown nature, wrinkled skin in one area, changing its color, the skin in the form of orange peel and so on. That is, any changes in the breast should be consulted with a breast surgeon.
Not all of them will be cancer, but early treatment of breast cancer can significantly reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Identification MRZH at an early stage is secured cure this disease. If you start the process, then the prognosis is much worse.
BC may have knots and diffuse (spread) shape.

The main features of nodular breast cancer
Most often the first sign of breast cancer
The first signs of breast cancer - are not always visible
it is the appearance of the seal. Attentive to his woman can find herself in the breast tumor. The size of the tumor has usually reached 2-5 cm in diameter. The tumor and the doctor may detect during routine inspection or examination of other diseases.
When the nodal form of breast cancer in dense breast tissue appears painless knot with a rough surface and indistinct contours. Tumor thus often rubbed toward the skin, so the skin above it becomes wrinkled and sometimes retracted. After a while, there is swelling of the skin of the nipple and areola (the areola).
In the propagation of the tumor on the milk ducts of the nipple retraction comes with its deformation. With the spread of deep skin crevices lymph edema of the skin above the tumor appears as a symptom called "orange peel" - edematous area of dense porous skin. If palpation of iron fixed in relation to the pectoral muscle, which means that it is in it sprouted.
In breast cancer, nipple discharge can occur. They usually appear at squeezing the nipple and can be transparent, yellowish or bloody. This symptom should be especially alert and to force a woman to see a doctor.
Finally, the main signs of breast cancer is increasing and some soreness nearby lymph nodes located in the armpit.
The shape of the breast cancer can be changed, one of the glands can expand, deform due retracted nipple
Inverted nipples - if a problem is when breast-feeding?
or retracted section of skin and so on.

The main features of diffuse forms of breast cancer
To diffuse forms of breast cancer are edematous infiltrative, and mastitopodobnaya rozhepodobnaya and armored cancer.
Edematous and infiltrative mastitopodobnaya forms are more common during pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
feeding. The tumor is growing rapidly in size and metastasizes
Metastasis - danger everywhere
in nearby lymph nodes. Mastitopodobnuyu form of the disease is always suspect in the development of mastitis (inflammation of the breast) in older women. Mammary gland with the swells, becomes inflamed, the body temperature rises, that is, there are all the signs of mastitis.
Rozhepodobny cancer easily mistaken for erysipelas, since in this case there is a number specific to faces signs: swelling and redness with irregular tongue-shaped edges and a local increase in the temperature of tissue. Tumor site with the probe can not always. Characterized by inflammation of the lymphatic vessels in the form of red stripes, which are located on the skin in their turn.
When armored breast cancer is reduced in size in comparison with a healthy, limited mobility, the skin above the dense, uneven surface, reminiscent of armor.
When you see any changes in the breast, women should consult a doctor immediately.
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- Diagnosis of breast cancer