Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical? - Therapies

April 30, 2013

  • Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical?
  • Chest pain
  • Therapies
  • Conservative treatment
  • Folk remedies

 treatment of mastitis


Treatment of mastitis requires two different techniques: the first group of methods of treatment of mastitis is aimed at suppressing the symptoms of the disease (including chest pain and breast tenderness), the second - to normalize hormonal levels, the violation of which provoked a mastopathy.


Suppressing symptoms of mastitis

A few simple measures - such as adequate support breast and comfortable bra - help to alleviate the discomfort caused mastopathy. The pain and discomfort, the main symptoms of this condition are suppressed conventional NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, are sold over the counter without a prescription.

Medical research shows that quite a significant role in the treatment of mastitis play vitamins - C, E, B6 and A, and as evening primrose oil, containing essential fatty acids and helps to suppress pain in the chest Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases


Normalization of hormone levels

In some cases, the cause, provoking mastitis, are irregular menstruation - irregular menstrual cycles with a constantly changing lasting effect on the hormonal stimulation of mammary glands, thus exacerbating mastopathy. In such cases, for the treatment of mastitis is required, first of all, the normalization of the menstrual cycle, which contributes to the regular use of oral (hormonal) contraceptives. The regularity of the menstrual cycle helps breast tissue "recover" to the end of each menstrual cycle.

If the breast is associated with undergoing a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) or hormonal therapy for the treatment of mastitis recommended treatment interruptions - for example, for five days a month during each menstrual cycle. This measure helps to avoid the constant stimulation of breast tissue hormone estrogen. This method of treatment of mastitis requires constant supervision of a physician - it can only adjust the dose and times of hormonal drugs.

Some hormonal disorders - such as diabetes or thyroid dysfunction - can also trigger the development of mastitis. Since these hormonal disorders can exacerbate the symptoms of mastitis Breast - Symptoms: When should I see a doctor?  Breast - Symptoms: When should I see a doctor?
 For its successful treatment is first necessary to diagnose and treat the cause.


Specific drugs

In some cases, for the treatment of mastitis is applied short-course antiestrogen tamoxifen, which helps alleviate the symptoms caused mastopathy (and, in particular, chest pain). However, tamoxifen can not be considered the most common method of treatment of mastitis, as in some cases this drug causes significant side effects (especially in women after menopause). Similarly, action has and androgenic steroid danazol, are also used to treat mastitis (reducing the size of nodules and the suppression of pain in the chest). Due to the side effects of danazol as tamoxifen, very short and, as a rule, is recommended only when mastopathy Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   It is intense and prolonged symptoms.



Danazol - a hormonal drug used to relieve the symptoms of mastitis, and for treatment of endometriosis. Its beginning to take on the first day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 . The course of treatment lasts on average from three to six months. Typically, the doctor tries to choose the lowest effective dose for each patient; In typical cases, dose is 100-300 mg per day.

Contraindications to the use of danazol include:

  • Allergy or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Lactation;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Old age;
  • Diseases of the blood;
  • Cancer or suspected cancer;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Diseases that may be exacerbated by fluid retention in the tissues;
  • Diabetes;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Negative reaction to the hormones in the past;
  • Kidney problems;
  • Liver problems;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Migraine;
  • Thromboembolism;
  • Porphyria;
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin.

This drug may interact with alcohol, so during treatment is recommended to limit the consumption of alcohol beverages. In some cases, danazol adversely affects a person's ability to operate a vehicle, so the patient during treatment is especially recommended to closely monitor their condition, and not to drive if he feels well enough.


Pregnancy and lactation

Before you assign patient danazol, the physician should make sure that she is not pregnant (usually used for this purpose conventional rapid tests for pregnancy). During the course of treatment is necessary to use the most effective means of contraception or abstain from sex. If you are pregnant, taking danazol, consult a doctor immediately.

Nursing mothers danazol is strictly contraindicated.


Drug Interactions

The following drugs should not take concurrently with danazol: alfacalcidol, atorvastatin, carbamazepine, cyclosporine, lovastatin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, simvastatin, tacrolimus, warfarin.

Breast - Symptoms: When should I see a doctor? - Signs by type

February 27, 2011

  • Breast - Symptoms: When should I see a doctor?
  • Signs by type

 signs of mastitis by type

Symptoms of mastitis by type

Or breast fibrocystic disease - a condition in which under the influence of hormonal disorders (produced increased amounts of female hormones estrogen) in breast grows connective tissue, and form small cysts filled with clear content. Breast can be of two types: diffuse (spread) and components.

When mastitis diffuse pathological process takes place more or less evenly in both breasts at the nodal mastopathy mammary formed one or more nodes. The causes of mastitis are many: constant stress, pelvic inflammatory disease, abortion. Mastopatia requires constant monitoring, and in some cases cure. This diffuse disease of the breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   treated by conservative methods, and components - a combination of conservative methods with the operation - a sectoral resection of breast cancer.


Signs of diffuse mastopathy

It is believed that diffuse form of mastitis - is the initial stage of the disease, which occurs in young women. It is manifested initially only breast swelling and pain before their menstruation. Pain can be very strong, so that frightened woman, and she begins to think that she has breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
 . This often brings a woman to neurosis, while it can not be solved for a long time to see a doctor. But in some cases the pain are not too strong and the women they do not pay attention, the more so after menstruation begins, the pain subside. And with that, and in another case, they often turn to have sufficiently developed the disease.

Thus, breast develops further, the pain intensified, becoming longer and completely terminated after the onset of menstruation. In some cases, the pain is so strong that the whole chest aches, pain in the back and give a hand. Mammary impossible to touch, pain is not allowed to sleep, and interfere with daily life. In this condition the woman has had to seek medical help.

With further development of mastitis can independently decrease the pain, but there are discharge from the nipples, which also frightens women. Discharge can be like a yellowish colostrum, transparent, mixed with blood. The breast can be felt certain segments, bands that alternate with a grainy breast tissue. After menstruation ends, the breasts are not fully recovered.

There are several forms of diffuse mastopathy:

  • diffuse disease of the breast Diffuse breast disease - affects the whole breast  Diffuse breast disease - affects the whole breast
   with a predominance of proliferation of their own breast tissue;
  • diffuse disease of the breast with a predominance of proliferation of connective tissue;
  • diffuse disease of the breast with a predominance of education in the gland tissue cysts;
  • mixed form of diffuse fibrocystic breast;
  • replacement of breast tissue by connective tissue.


Signs of a nodal mastopathy

Nodal breast usually occurs on the background of existing diffuse mastopathy, that is actually a continuation of it. Therefore, it occurs more frequently in older age. When nodal mastopathy in a woman's breasts appear one or more nodes of various sizes, which do not change its consistency depending on the menstrual cycle. But stored and cyclic changes in the mammary glands are typical of diffuse mastopathy. When probing the breast can be detected as the characteristic nodal mastopathy nodes, so the characteristics of diffuse mastopathy.

For node negative mastitis characteristic symptom Koenig - he distinguishes mastopathy from breast cancer. Negative symptom Koenig is that perfectly Palpable nodes in the breast in a standing position, it is not palpated in the supine position. In breast cancer, the nodes can be felt in any position (positive symptom Koenig).

Nodal mastopathy more dangerous, since the survey sites are often found in areas overgrown tissue changes that are precancerous conditions. If these components are not removed in a timely manner, with time on-site assembly may develop breast cancer.

Timely detection and treatment of mastitis Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical?  Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical?
   It is the prevention of breast cancer.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • disease of the breast
