Can I make love during menstruation - is it good or bad?

April 3, 2012

 make love during menstruation
 All women face once a month with not very pleasant phenomenon of menstruation. Someone brings a good month, and someone literally "climb the wall." And there is a related question: "Can we make love during menstruation? "Until a few decades ago, the doctors answered that question unequivocally:" No! "Fortunately, today prohibitions for sex during menstruation is not, except in certain cases. This problem will be solved between the partners individually, someone attracted spotting Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   and the smell of blood, and someone (a man and a woman) feel disgust.

If you recall the canons of the Christian Church, the woman during menstruation is considered "unclean" and her entrance into the church during this period is strictly prohibited. It is difficult to say where did this prejudice, including making love during menstruation, but probably this is due to the inability to become pregnant. Although today many pregnancies that occurred during such relationships.


Love during menstruation

Returning to the above, the decision to make love during menstruation is dependent on partners. And as in any case of dispute, it has its advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on the activity of pairs, psychological compatibility of partners and presence or absence of prejudice.

It is noted that some women experience increased sexual desire during menstruation, and if the partner does not mind, then why not?

Some men also note increased libido at the start of menstrual bleeding wife or girlfriend, maybe it is due to the so-called woman's vulnerability and desire to conquer it?



What attracts the love of sexual partners during menstruation? The main factors are:

  • The unusual situation

"Menstrual" love can lead to the highest point of excitation, as a woman and a man, especially because they have made up for a long time, and all other methods tried and bored.

  • Pain Relief

A woman who experiences discomfort during menstruation, due to an orgasm may notice that the contractions become less painful.

  • Shortening the period of menstruation

During intercourse, uterine contractions occur, the biologically active substances produced by prostaglandins, resulting in an outpouring of menstrual blood, along with endometrial particles faster.

  • Moistening the vagina

Due allocated menstrual blood does not need to use additional lubrication. A swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   and narrowing of the vagina contribute to a stronger partner pleasure.



And, nevertheless, making love during menstruation have its drawbacks:

  • The risk of infection

The risk of infection persists in both men and women. In women, this is due to the fact that the cervical canal Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person  Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person
   during menstruation reopened, and the mucus plug falls. Therefore, the risk of infection in the uterus is improved.

In addition, the menstrual blood is an ideal environment for bacterial growth. Men are also vulnerable to inflammatory diseases (possibility of getting menstrual blood into the urethra).

  • Gestation

Making love during menstruation does not rule out a possible pregnancy (especially in case of violation of the menstrual cycle Menstrual cycle and its characteristics  Menstrual cycle and its characteristics
   or shortening).

  • Mental attitude

It is not necessary to make love during menstruation without prior agreement partners.

  • Inconvenience

Fear of blood-stained linen is some inconvenience.


Terms of lovemaking during monthly

In order to negate all the shortcomings, it is necessary to observe a few simple rules:

  • Compulsory personal hygiene partners (shower, both before and after intercourse);
  • indispensable condom use (not only to protect against infection, but also unwanted pregnancy);
  • during sexual intercourse, it is desirable to put a linen towel;
  • the presence of wet sanitary napkins in the vicinity;
  • making love in the days of moderate bleeding or spotting.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • Sexual Health

Secretions in the middle of the menstrual cycle - the dysfunctional manifestation of the disorder

November 21, 2012

 isolation in the middle of the menstrual cycle
 For one of the possible manifestations of menstrual disorders include uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
   or DMC. They can occur when the stored cycles and ovulation or changing. If a woman's ovulation is not broken, then there is bleeding in this cycle are ovulatory. A variation of this disease are a highlight in the middle of the menstrual cycle or intermenstrual bleeding.

 Secretions in the middle of the menstrual cycle - the dysfunctional manifestation of the disorder

Effects of changes in the body's hormonal saturation

The normal menstrual cycle is characterized by the presence of women in its two successive phases and ovulation. Ovulation is a physiologic process, which resulted in the follicle ruptures and the egg comes out of it. But not all the cycles during the reproductive period women are ovulatory. During the year, there is a certain number of cycles without ovulation. It has no negative bearing on the health of women and their menstrual function. The process of ovulation is influenced by hormonal changes of the body. During this period there is a change of the cyclic secretion of pituitary hormones and an increase in the blood levels of the hormone, or LH lyuteiniziruschego. Also increases the concentration of sex hormone estrogen. In the future, there is another law - after ovulation hormone levels of LH and estrogen in the blood is greatly reduced.

If you develop dysfunctional disorders at the level of the pituitary, resulting in impaired secretion of the hormone LH, there will be an imbalance between the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Produced by the ovaries. The result will be sharply reduced levels of estrogen before ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   and there is not enough progesterone for the formation of the corpus luteum. Natural reaction of this imbalance is the appearance of bleeding Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   in mid-cycle, i.e. in the presumed ovulation day. Discharge may be repeated for each menstrual cycle regularly or in most cycles. Is rarely the cause of such discharges in the middle of the cycle of the disease can be inflammatory, that is, the presence of inflammatory process in the uterus, especially after some of diagnostic procedures and intrauterine interventions. But the reason for this is rare and is not the primary. The main reason is due to hormonal imbalance dysfunctional disorders.

 Secretions in the middle of the menstrual cycle - the dysfunctional manifestation of the disorder

Features of clinical manifestations

In carrying out diagnostic procedures when examining a woman who complained of violations of the cycle and the appearance of abnormal discharge at certain times, it is necessary to note that these emissions have a clear link with ovulation. They coincide with the beginning of the process of ovulation and lasts for a few days (one or two days). May join the complaint to the emergence of pulling pain in the lower nature, malaise and weakness, nausea. These neuroendocrine symptoms last a short time and then gradually disappear.

To resolve the issue of the appointment of a course of therapy should be to conduct a full examination of hormonal women. For this trial was performed three times in a cycle - the first and second phases, and during ovulation. The only way to get accurate and complete information about the level of hormonal saturation of the woman's body and decide on the need for the appointment of hormone therapy (progestogens or COCs).

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • allocation and monthly
