How to call monthly with amenorrhea? This can not be done blindly. Amenorrhea is a condition where a woman with an established menstrual cycle menstruation absent for more than six months. Or menstruation does not occur, despite the fact that the girl is 16 years old. Causes of amenorrhea can be very different. In order to restore normal menstrual cycle, it is necessary to conduct a full examination, identify and eliminate the causes of the amenorrhea
The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom
The main causes of amenorrhea
The causes of amenorrhea may be a lot, because the hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle and fertility of women carried neurohormonal system, which includes: the cerebral cortex - the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary. At any of these levels may fail. Thus, failures at the level of the cerebral cortex and the hypothalamus often cause severe load, stress, intoxication and common diseases, at the pituitary level - tumor hemorrhage and at the level of the ovary - genetic disorders and autoimmune (allergic to the body's own tissues) processes. All these types of amenorrhea require different approaches to treatment.
Moreover, the cause amenorrhea
Causes of amenorrhea - different circumstances
may be anatomic changes in the uterus, cervix, vagina, and so on. Young girls may have an innate character - for example, the lack of openings in the hymen, which is an obstacle to the outflow of menstrual blood. In women, after a difficult birth, abortion or various gynecological manipulations can occur imperforate cervical canal or the expansion of intrauterine adhesions (connective tissue adhesions). Under these conditions of menstruation and can not be, because in the way of the outflow of blood is an obstacle.
How to call monthly with amenorrhea - whether to do it yourself?
Since the causes of amenorrhea may be different, its treatment should be different, it is selected individually according to the survey.
Self-treatment of amenorrhea
Treatment of amenorrhea - should begin as soon as possible
unacceptable. For example, some zhneschiny try to treat amenorrhea (without knowing its origin) djufaston. Djufaston - a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
He adjusts the second half of the menstrual cycle, suppressing the proliferation (growth) oral mucosa of the uterus induced by estrogen in the first half of the menstrual cycle. But amenorrhea may occur because of the lack of estrogen, what further action to suppress them?
Likewise djufaston will be useless if amenorrhea uterine origin, when the ovaries are functioning normally, but the outflow of menstrual blood is an obstacle in the form of imperforate cervical canal, or the lack of openings in the hymen.
Fix it myself amenorrhea will only lead to a deterioration of women and protraction. Sometimes the cause of amenorrhea are minor malfunctions in the neurohormonal systems that are easy to fix. But if such functional impairment will occur long time, it can lead to persistent changes in the ovaries, which will be a cure is very difficult. The earlier to investigate the cause of amenorrhea and put an accurate diagnosis, the better, both for the general health of the woman and for her future pregnancies.
What can a doctor with amenorrhea
Doctor, first of all, ask a woman about how and why (in her opinion) began amenorrhea. Sometimes it becomes clear on the basis of one survey already. However, after examination of the survey should be women - general and gynecology. General examination may reveal genetic disorders - such women tend to have a distinctive appearance. The pelvic examination can reveal inflammation and abnormal development of reproductive organs, which can also be the cause of amenorrhea.
After that is assigned to research on hormones, and blood hormone tests - the introduction of certain hormones, followed by blood analysis and the identification of their impact on the neurohormonal system are women.
There are also ultrasonic, radiographic, endoscopic (gisteroskrpiya, laparoscopy - if necessary) study, MRI or CT scan, allowing to identify abnormalities that caused amenorrhea.
Only after the tap and set the cause of amenorrhea is assigned individually tailored treatment of a doctor. The duration of treatment also depends on the cause of amenorrhea, but often for the treatment of spent a lot of time and effort. But that such treatment can guarantee the recovery of the menstrual cycle and fertility of women.
Galina Romanenko