Changes in the menstrual cycle - a manifestation of a number of diseases

December 23, 2012

 changes in menstrual cycle
 The menstrual cycle is established from the start of menarche. But in some circumstances, it takes a certain time (usually the cycle is set in the first year). If there is an influence of unfavorable factors or disease develops, there may be a change of the menstrual cycle. These violations are diverse and occur in women at different ages of her life.


The main groups of disorders cycle

In terms of clinical manifestations of violations of probation are several groups:

  • change intermenstrual interval as short, rare menses. Separately isolated syndrome hypomenstrual Scarce or monthly hypomenstrual syndrome - a call to action  Scarce or monthly hypomenstrual syndrome - a call to action
 When significantly reduces the amount of lost blood in menstruation
  • changes associated with bleeding. This is a group of dysfunctional uterine bleeding
  • the development of disease symptoms during the onset of menstruation (algomenorrhea)

One of the manifestations of functional disorders or diseases is the lack of a woman's menstruation or amenorrhea. The main clinical signs of disease in this group of patients are associated with the nature of the underlying disease. Nevertheless, it is known that in itself amenorrhea prolonged existence in turn causes the development of secondary vegetative and emotional disorders. They can be expressed irritability, general weakness, malaise, headache and dizziness, unpleasant sensations in the heart, loss of sleep and a decrease in performance. Severity of symptoms depends on the length of the existence of amenorrhea, the level of destruction and severity of changes in the ovarian and follicular unit.

Changes in the menstrual cycle may be caused by a number of causal factors, is a manifestation of the disease, which have a regulating effect on the reproductive organs. However, what would have been the causes of change cycle, the immediate cause is the defeat of one of the units of the neuroendocrine system. The pathological process, having arisen in any one of the departments, ultimately leads to changes in cyclic hormone production and development changes in menstrual function.


As clinically cycle changes

In a large enough group of women (some 30% of patients), which go to the doctor about the change cycle, revealed the presence of increased production of the pituitary hormone prolactin. Pathological production of this hormone leads to violations of ovarian function. Reasons leading to hyperprolactinemia are varied. These include prolonged exposure to a stressful situation, the presence of sclerocystic changes in the ovaries is often carried out by diagnostic curettage of the uterus Curettage - how dangerous it is?  Curettage - how dangerous it is?
 , Taking certain medication (eg, hormonal contraceptive pills). A woman with an increase in the level of prolactin in the blood changes the menstrual cycle. When unexpressed enhancing hormone in the blood characterized by delayed menstruation, and with a significant excess of normal indicators developed amenorrhea, ie there will be no menstruation. Often at survey women can vyvit presence of secretions from the breast (galactorrhea symptoms), with no dependence on prolactin levels. Half of patients with hyperprolactinemia may be complaints of headache, changes in blood pressure numbers. There is also asymptomatic forms of the state where the pathology is detected on the basis of laboratory research.

Changes in menstrual bleeding may occur. They may appear in women at any age, on different days of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 , While they differ in length, size and periodicity. The causes of uterine bleeding varied and largely coincide with the causal factors amenorrhea. These two stages of the process can be a single disease process, after an absence of menstruation when a woman develops clinical dysfunctional bleeding. But in some cases it is not possible to identify the causative agent of disorders of the menstrual cycle.

It considered to prove that bleeding disorders arise from the relationship in the neuroendocrine system, at the level of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovaries that lead to the disruption of folliculogenesis .  May develop changes even with the two-phase nature of the cycle and the full process of ovulation .  This kind of disease is called intermenstrual bleeding .  The cause of such disorders associated with dysfunction of the pituitary level, which leads to disruption of the hormonal balance by the ovaries (ovarian changes secretion of estrogen and progesterone) .  In the case where there is a sharp decline in estrogen levels after ovulation, and corpus luteum is late in its development, a woman has bleeding .  It is short, time takes about two days, and coincides with the days of ovulation .  They can also disturb complaints of malaise, nausea and unspoken pain in the abdomen .  In some women bleeding develops in the absence of the normal process of ovulation .  In some cases, anovulation Anovulation - the cause of infertility?  Anovulation - the cause of infertility?
   It is a physiological phenomenon and occurs in 10% of healthy women. But after suffering inflammation, nervous shock, physical and mental stress associated with the development of anovulation bleeding. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding should be referred to frequently relapsing chronic diseases. The complex of therapeutic measures should include not only hemostatic therapy, as well as general measures aimed at improving the well-being of women.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • menstrual irregularities

Lactational amenorrhea - the natural recovery of the body after birth

August 4, 2013

 lactation amenorrhea
 After giving birth, almost all the women start to breastfeed him, believing that only breast milk is the most valuable for the baby contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. In addition, many people know what is going on breastfeeding, the risk of an unwanted pregnancy is reduced to zero. Indeed, the lactation amenorrhea - this is the best idea of ​​nature, which gives women the body recover after childbirth, protecting the woman from a new pregnancy.

Regardless of whether interrupts young mother new pregnancy or decides to prolong it, in any case, life began again deal a severe blow to the body.


What lactation amenorrhea

In itself, the term "amenorrhea" is considered a pathological condition, and evidence of ill health of the body. However, the lactation amenorrhea - is physiological, that is the normal condition of the body. About lactation amenorrhea say, when a woman, who after delivery is breastfeeding, absence of menstruation. Of course, in this rule, there are exceptions. Perhaps the resumption of menses in a short period after birth, despite the fact that a woman breastfeeds, and perhaps the lack of menstruation for a fairly long time (about two years), even if the baby than breast milk and other food gets. During lactation amenorrhea in the ovaries do not ovulate, therefore, significantly reduced the risk of becoming pregnant. So lactation amenorrhea provides ovaries "holiday" as their activity during lactation Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   minimal. It is based on this method of lactation amenorrhea.

The physiological mechanism of lactational amenorrhea method is quite simple. During breastfeeding the female body in a large number begins to produce prolactin. At physiological hyperprolactinemia in the pituitary to suppress the formation of FSH and LH hormones, which affect the ovaries. In turn, because of the lack of the above mentioned hormones ovarian follicular maturation occurs, which blocks ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?


Necessary conditions for the effectiveness of lactational amenorrhea method

Lactational amenorrhea method quite effective, but only 2% of women become pregnant. In order to effect the method proved to be reliable, you must comply with certain conditions.

  • The first important meal frequency. The more often a woman is breastfeeding, the better. Optimal feed the child not the regime, and on demand, according to the modern conception, a time when the baby is hungry, and as much as you want. This rule must be respected: the gaps between daytime feedings should be no more than four hours, and between night no more than six hours.
  • Secondly, the method is effective only in the first six months after birth. It is in the first six months of the baby receives only breast milk and nothing else. But after the child is six months, pediatricians insist on the introduction of complementary foods Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?  Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?
   (more 'human' food). After weaning the amount of breast milk consumed is sharply reduced, respectively, and decreases prolactin.
  • Thirdly, note the presence or absence of menstruation. If, in spite of breastfeeding, recovered monthly, and a high probability of ovulation and hence pregnancy.
  • Fourth, for the reliability of the method it is very important to observe only natural feeding. If a woman has enough milk is produced, and she is forced to finish feeding the baby infant formula (mixed feeding), the effectiveness of lactational amenorrhea method Lactational amenorrhea method - effective but demanding  Lactational amenorrhea method - effective but demanding
   sharply reduced.

And of course, you must avoid the various teats, pacifiers and baby do not drink extra water (breast milk contains everything needed), otherwise the child will quickly get used to the nipple and begins to refuse the breast. In addition, in the case of diseases of mothers and children should continue breastfeeding.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • types of amenorrhea
