The behavior of women like the wind - it irritable and moody, the carefree and fun. But it is often to blame for not only her character. Undoubtedly, in today's society with rapid and hectic lifestyle it is becoming increasingly difficult to live and to control their emotions
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. But if you look deeper into the nature of the female body, the answer becomes obvious - all the processes, and accordingly, and behavior are regulated by periodic changes in the female reproductive organs under the influence of hormones. One of the factors mood swings are critical days. Their duration and pain depend not only emotions, but also health.
Critical days
Menstruation or, as they called the period of bleeding, critical days - is cyclical rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the uterus), which is accompanied by uterine bleeding
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. Menstruation occurs due to hormonal changes in the body that is associated with regression of the corpus luteum and does not mean the release of "tainted" blood. In fact secretions contain very small amounts of blood mixed with mucus and uterine lining tissue.
The duration of menstruation of each woman individually and ranges from three to seven days. The period of heavy or moderate bleeding should last no more than two - to five days, and in the last two days of menstruation assumes the character of spotting. The volume of blood loss during the critical days is less than 50 ml, or 5-8 tablespoons per day.
Menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle - a period lasting from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next. The menstrual cycle should not be less than 21 days and more than 35 days. Any deviations in either direction are considered pathology. To understand what determines the duration of the critical days, and why they are there, it is necessary to recall the phases of the menstrual cycle.
- The first phase - follicular
Under the influence of hormones in the ovaries begin to grow the egg follicles, of which matures within one (sometimes two). This phase occupies about half of the menstrual cycle. At this time, it begins to grow and thicken the endometrium in preparation for future implantation of a fertilized egg.
- The second phase - ovulatory
Ovulatory phase lasts an average of three days, at this time the main burst follicle and mature egg leaves.
- The third phase - secretory
Secretory or luteal phase begins after the release of the egg and the formation of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone
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. Under the influence of progesterone endometrial glands mature, proliferate and begin to secrete. The mucous membrane of the uterus becomes loose, edematous and juicy - the endometrium is ready for implantation.
This phase desquamation or menstruation. Due to lack of fertilization corpus luteum undergoes reverse development, the level of progesterone drops, begins rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium.
Based on the physiology of the menstrual cycle, it is clear that any effect on the body in one way or another phase not only affects the critical day length, but also the duration of the menstrual cycle.
Factors affecting the duration of critical days
Intrauterine contraception (eg, a spiral) lengthen the phase of desquamation. This is due to a traumatic effect on the endometrium helix, which manifests elongation menses and longer spotting at the end. Combination oral contraceptives, on the contrary, not only regulate the menstrual cycle, but also reduce blood loss and duration of menses.
After birth, the nature and duration of the critical days, tend to vary. This occurs because of the anatomical changes in the cervix (which is shorter and wider), whereby the reduced duration of menses, the daily blood loss and the volume increases.
Stress, climate change, food, intense physical activity and other factors affect the menstrual cycle as a whole, and by changing the duration of menstruation. The duration of critical days may be as decrease or increase.
And common diseases (infectious, endocrine), and diseases of the sexual sphere significantly affect the duration of menstruation. Uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts
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Endometriosis significantly lengthen menstruation and make them heavy. In some diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes, thyroid disease, or adrenal glands) menstruation becomes shorter and poorer.
Anna Sozinova
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- the duration of the menstrual cycle