Symptoms prior to menstruation - a well-known PMS
April 4, 2012
A rare woman can boast that almost does not notice the onset of menstruation. According to some estimates, about half of the total female population of the world suffer from some disorders on the eve of the critical days is called premenstrual syndrome. Symptoms before menstruation are numerous and differ widely. Premenstrual syndrome can occur so hard that violates not only the state of mind of a woman, but also its efficiency. It is noted that aged 19-29 expressed symptoms before menstruation experiencing around 20% of patients, whereas after 40-49 years, this figure rises to 55%.
Premenstrual syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome is a complex set of pathological symptoms occurring on the eve of menstruation and manifested neuropsychiatric, vegetative-vascular and metabolic and endocrine disorders. Usually, symptoms of premenstrual syndrome occur for 2-10 days before menstruation and disappear immediately after the start or during the first days. Premenstrual syndrome often first appears after abortion or childbirth (especially pathological), and after infections or stress. Theories explaining the development of premenstrual syndrome, a set. These include:
- hormonal theory (based on the decrease in progesterone in the luteal phase of the cycle);
- the theory of "water intoxication" (explaining fluid retention neuroendocrine disorders);
- theory of psychosomatic disorders;
- genetic theory;
- and many others.
Clinical manifestations of premenstrual syndrome
Symptoms that appear on the eve of menstruation, characterized by great diversity. Depending, of which a group of symptoms predominates, there are four main clinical forms of PMS: neuropsychiatric, cephalgic, swelling and krizovoe.
Premenstrual syndrome is divided into light (three to four symptoms for two to ten days before the onset of the disease) and severe (five to twelve symptoms for three to fourteen days before menstruation).
Neuropsychiatric form of premenstrual syndrome is characterized by the following symptoms: irritability, weakness, depression, tearfulness, aggression. Often patients complain of increased sensitivity to smells and sounds, flatulence, bloating and breast tenderness.
Edematous form of premenstrual syndrome appears sharp pain and breast engorgement, swelling of the face, legs, fingers, bloating, irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
, Weakness. Also, women suffer from itchy skin, increased sweating, and sensitivity to odors.
Patients with cephalgic form of premenstrual syndrome complain of headaches, irritability, nausea and vomiting, dizziness. Some women suffer from depression cephalgic form
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
, Noted pain in the heart, hand numbness
Numbness of hands - not such a harmless symptom
, Swelling and engorgement. Headache patients are described as throbbing, jerking, with dedication to the eyeballs.
When krizovoe form clinic prevailing sympathadrenalic crises that occur with high blood pressure, a sense of compression of the chest and the emergence of the fear of death. During the crisis marked coldness and numbness of extremities, heart palpitations.
The first treatment of patients with premenstrual syndrome is to conduct psychotherapy, autogenic training and awareness-raising talk about the essence of the disease. It is necessary to respect the day and relax. The power in the second phase of the menstrual cycle should be limited to coffee, tea, salt, and liquid milk. It is recommended that full body massage or neck massage.
Given the relative lack of estrogens, progestins are appointed (or djufaston utrozhestan) in the second phase of the cycle. In severe cases, young women show the use of combined estrogen
Estrogen - the key to bone health
-gestagennyh drugs. Premenopausal women recommend receiving norkoluta (progestogen). Since patients often develop allergic reactions to the background of the disease, it is shown receiving anti-allergy drugs.
Anna Sozinova
How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
November 4th, 2007
- How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
- Safety measures
For many women, tampons - a convenient alternative to conventional sanitary napkins. Tampons provide a dry and comfortable during menstruation, facilitate movement while swimming in the pool or intense exercise, so that the woman in this delicate time does not feel inferior. Whether you can use a tampon? How to use it? How to enter a tampon? Are there rules for the selection and use of tampons? From this article you will learn the answers to these and other important issues.
Tampons guard women's health
The use of tampons as a contraceptive has been recorded in 1550 BC Greek and Hebrew inscriptions suggest that women use tampons as in menstruation, and to prevent unwanted pregnancies. In ancient times, for the manufacture of tampons used wool, paper, plant fibers, porous materials, grass, and later cotton. But the first mass production of tampons in the United States were not previously thirties.
Selecting hygienic means reduced to a choice between the traditional pads and tampons. This choice is individual and depends on the lifestyle of intense menstrual and personal preferences. Unlike sanitary napkin or napkin having an adhesive bottom surface, and which is attached to the panties, tampons are small lumps oblong soft absorbent material to be administered to the vagina. Vaginal muscles hold the tampon in place, and it absorbs menstrual fluid
Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
. The intensity of absorption depends on the design and size of the tampon.
Recently, a tampon become the most popular means of women's menstrual hygiene. Different women appreciate its various benefits, but the biggest advantage of tampon believe that it allows in this delicate period to continue hobbies - dancing, swimming, jogging and so on. In addition, many women swab instills a sense of security, because the invisible even under the most fitting dress, pants or a bathing suit. Some appreciate tampons for what not to fear constantly "leak", as is the case when you use sanitary napkins
Feminine pads - talk about wings
How do I choose tampons
Tampons you can buy over the Internet, in stores of cosmetics, pharmacies, and even large supermarkets. Cotton swabs, swabs from a blend of cotton and the area of organic cotton swabs - here are the options concerning the tampon materials. Material tampon tightly compressed to give it a cylindrical shape. If sensitivity to chemicals is not recommended to buy scented pads - they may cause allergic reactions
Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
. You can also select a tampon applicator, which greatly facilitates the insertion of the tampon into the vagina, or a tampon without an applicator, you want to drive a clean fingers. In addition, tampons differ in the degree of absorption that allows you to choose the appropriate option depending on the intensity of menstrual flow.
The US Office of FDA Food and Drug Administration (FDA), regulating the production of tampons, requires all companies that manufacture these products using a single system of standard tests aimed at measuring the level of absorption of tampons, and pointed out that information on the packaging. This helps customers to compare products from different manufacturers and make the right choice. For example, it is possible to select a small package of tampons, medium or high absorption, and a set of pads of varying degrees of absorption. Tampons increased absorption of the most suitable for the first days of menstruation, when copious. They are a little thicker and denser than the others, because they contain a larger absorbent material.
How to use tampons
For every package of tampons can I find detailed instructions how to enter a tampon. Without opening the package, carefully read the instructions. Also pay attention to how to retrieve the swab. Try to imagine the whole process consistently before proceeding to it in reality. If in doubt, refer to the instructions.
- Before opening the pack, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
- Remove the swab.
- Completely relax!
- As a result of nervous tension tense muscles, making it difficult insertion of the tampon.
- It is convenient to sit or stand to easily reach the vagina.
- Slightly open your legs and bend your knees.
- Remove the tampon wrapper.
- Find the middle of the applicator and take it to the right or left hand.
- Place the applicator so that it was directed to the vagina.
- Forefinger and thumb take a swab from the base / junction with the applicator.
- Insert the tampon into the vagina so that the applicator is hung.
- With his free hand, expand the vagina.
- Push a swab inside.
- When the swab will take its place, there will be a feeling of comfort.
- If this feeling does not appear, remove the swab and repeat the whole procedure again, using a new swab.
- Painless and smooth sliding of a tampon will help a small amount of vaginal lubrication.
- Remove the applicator and dispose of it as directed on the package.
- Depending on the intensity of menstrual flow pads should be changed every 4-6 hours.
- If necessary, you can change the pads and more.
- Use tampons should be disposed of following the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging.
- After removing the swab, wash your hands with soap and water.
- Unused swabs keep in a clean and dry place.