Some women sometimes have pink discharge before menstruation. It is not always their appearance indicates the presence of disease. But very often pink discharge - one of the symptoms of many diseases. Therefore it is best to consult a doctor to undergo a full examination.
When the pink highlight are the norm
Conventional discharge from the genital tract of women - a liquid that sweat of blood and lymphatic vessels located beneath the vaginal epithelium. To her mixed mucous secretion that produce glandular cells of the cervix and uterus, as well as cancer vestibule. Furthermore, in the normal discharges include epithelial cells, bacterial (preferably sour milk) and a small amount of microflora leukocytes.
The normal vaginal discharge clear or whitish. When you see them in a small amount of capillary blood they turn pink.
Not always the presence of such secretions evidence of any disease. Some women pink mucus
Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman
It appears in a small amount during ovulation
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. During this period, hormonal changes, and due to high levels of estrogen
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a small portion of the mucous membrane is rejected. This happens a half or two weeks before menstruation and are not accompanied by any unpleasant symptoms.
It is also considered the norm pink highlight that appear in two or three days before menstruation. Then they return to normal menstruation and continue for two or three days after its completion.
If a woman takes hormonal contraceptives, in the middle of the cycle may appear pink discharge. This usually occurs in the first few months after starting these drugs. Pale pink discharge before menstruation
Selections before menstruation - that is the norm?
often appear in women who use intrauterine devices.
Pink allocation before the date of the alleged delay in her menstruation and often indicate the occurrence of pregnancy. If implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine lining small blood vessels are damaged, and secretions from the genital tract apparent slight admixture of blood.
Pink allocation in pathology
Pink and sometimes spotting - a frequent symptom of various diseases. They can occur when:
- Endometrium;
- Endocervicitis and cervical erosion;
- Endometriosis;
- Endometrial polyps and cervical cancer;
- Benign and malignant tumors.
Endometritis - an inflammation of the lining of the uterus. The emergence of such a state by a variety of intrauterine intervention (dilatation and curettage, abortion and childbirth complications, the use of intrauterine device). This inflammation can become chronic in the following situations:
- Scraping carried out repeatedly;
- There has been no adequate treatment of postpartum or post-abortion endometritis;
- The uterus intrauterine devices were for a long time;
- Because of the suture after cesarean section.
In acute endometritis body temperature rises, there is a fever. Vaginal turn pink, sukrovichnymi, with an admixture of pus and acquire an unpleasant odor. There are pain in the abdomen and groin.
Chronic endometritis is accompanied by prolonged and heavy menstrual periods. More rarely cause bleeding between periods. Vaginal discharge is mucopurulent, because of the small amount of blood can purchase a pink tinge.
Endocervicitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the cervical canal. This disease can occur both in acute and chronic forms. It occurs after damage during childbirth or abortion and intrauterine interventions. Also, the emergence of the cervical canal inflammation contribute to diseases of other parts of the reproductive system (inflammation of the vagina, the uterus). Endocervicitis development occurs under the following microorganisms: Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci, mycoplasma, chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci, trichomonas and viruses.
In the acute stage of the reproductive tract endocervicitis appear mucopurulent or purulent discharge, sometimes with a small amount of blood. Occasionally this condition is accompanied by a drawing pains in the lower back and abdomen.
Endocervicitis If not treated, it becomes chronic. Cervical inflammation eventually leading to the development of erosion.
Endometriosis - the process by which tissue similar in structure to the endometrium proliferate outside of the normal uterine mucosa localization. When such abnormal foci arise in the muscle layer of the uterus or in her neck, before and after menses appear meager spotting. Abdominal pain and prolonged, heavy menstrual period - one more symptoms of endometriosis.
The most common benign tumor disease of female genitalia - uterine fibroids. This is a benign tumor nodes of the smooth muscle cells. Uterine fibroids is shown bleeding and cramping abdominal pain. When necrosis node appear brownish liquid discharge with an unpleasant odor.
When endometrial cancer first appear watery liquid bleach. They arise due to the destruction of lymphatic vessels located superficially. Later secretions appear admixture of blood and they can be pink. The main manifestation of endometrial cancer - uterine bleeding. Pain in this disease appear only in severe cases.
In order to ascertain the cause of the pink discharge, consult your doctor. After examination, the doctor will assign all the necessary tests and studies to identify or exclude a variety of diseases. If it is detected any abnormality, the doctor will prescribe treatment.