Headache in temples - a common problem, which in most cases is not a signal of serious malfunctions in the body. However, persistent headache in temples can cause significant discomfort and they do not just put up.
Causes of headaches in the temples
Causes of headaches are very diverse, and it depends on them the way they are treating.
On the physical level headaches in the temples begins when nerves located in the temples (or, sometimes, in other areas), the brain receives pain signals. However, the reasons for this are often psychological factors, such as stress and anxiety
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With which most people are constantly faced. Researchers have noted a disturbing trend: more and more people complain of frequent headaches at the temples or on the forehead, with many of them suffer from severe stress and know that they have to control it. Most of them even know what it needs to do - but they do nothing to reduce the impact of stress on their daily lives.
The researchers also point out that the more powerful and frequent stress tests are, the more rest he needs, but in practice, people who are under the influence of extreme stress, usually resting least.
For such people, analgesics are just a way to temporarily relieve the headache, but it will appear again and again, if you do not take steps to reduce stress. To do this, first of all, get enough rest - if people do not regularly get enough sleep if he does not have enough free time to spend with the family, sports and hobbies, headache can be a constant companion of his life. In addition, yoga can help, auditory training
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, Meditation and breathing exercises. If you deal with the stress alone does not work, you may need professional help.
Throbbing headache in the temples are often a harbinger of changes in the weather. Some people are particularly sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure, in other headache is a response to fluctuations in temperature or humidity. Why do some people react to change in the weather, and on the health of others, it does not have any effect, it is unknown. To prevent the occurrence of headaches associated with the weather, it is impossible; People who suffer from this problem can only watch the weather forecast and keep handy analgesics. Fortunately, these headaches are usually mild or moderate, and to relieve them, only one or two tablets of aspirin or paracetamol.
Jet lag or transfer to summer / winter time is bad for the state of health of many people. The result of failure of circadian rhythms can be severe, throbbing headache and left temple (or only at the right), the intensity of which usually remain constant regardless of whether the patient is sitting or moving. To prevent the occurrence of such pain is also not possible, so people who are sensitive to the change of time zones or time conversion, usually have to take painkillers.
In some cases, headache in temples is associated with allergic reactions, such as pollen, household chemicals or animal hair. Other more common symptoms of allergies are runny and stuffy nose, red eyes, watery eyes, itchy skin. Often the headache passes shortly after taking antihistamines or decongestants.
So is the state, which is caused by oxygen starvation, and occurs at a certain altitude climbers hang-gliders, and people traveling in a balloon. The height at which there are signs of altitude sickness depends on the fitness level of human, general health, but mainly - the climate. Thus, in the humid air disease can begin at about 1.5 km, and in regions with dry air human health can be normal until it rises to a height of 3.5 to 5 km.
Most people suffering from altitude sickness, complaining of a headache in the forehead, but about a third of them there is a pain in the temple. Thus, if the first time in a patient appeared headache in the right temple, then if it again in the future will develop altitude sickness, pain is most likely to be localized to the right again. The reasons for this are not yet known. Other common symptoms of altitude sickness - nausea, mild dizziness and fatigue.
Symptoms of this disorder can be very severe headache in temples or in forehead and a sharp deterioration of vision, pain around one eye, muscle spasms, stiffness of certain facial muscles (usually only one side of the face). If you suspect that the violation should immediately seek medical help.
In rare cases, chronic, progressively worsening pain in the temples or in other areas of the head can be signs of tumors in the brain. Usually headaches in these cases are accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, blurred vision, weakness of the arms and / or legs, speech, behavior change.
Some people have a hangover causes severe pain in the temples, although often after alcohol headache in the forehead
Headache in the forehead - causes and methods of disposal
. To get rid of the headache, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids, eat foods containing fructose (eg, honey or fruit juice), and take analgesics. The use of small dose of alcohol may also ease the pain, but people who have problems with alcohol dependence
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Such treatment should be avoided.
A very common cause of pain in his temples. Pain may occur after prolonged reading, computer work, knitting in low light, and so on. To prevent the occurrence of such pain, you should regularly give your eyes rest and do special exercises for the eyes.