Many people from time to time there are movements of the muscles that resemble spasms. These movements, also known as tick most commonly affects the muscles of the eyelids and face, but may appear elsewhere in the body. In most cases the tick is harmless and temporary. Sometimes, however, it is a violation.
There are two major types of nervous tic - motor and vocal. The engine is characterized by short tick sudden, involuntary movements, vocal - pronouncing sounds; in general, a person's behavior is normal. This may be, for example, twitching of upper or lower eyelid of the rotation of the head, and so on.
Motor tics can be simple or complex. A simple tick - is the repetition of a single movement, a complex - the repetition of a few movements in a specific order.
Most tics is not completely involuntary movements. Many people may at some time to suppress it, but at the same time experiencing increasing discomfort that can be relieved only by starting to perform movements that are "dictating" tick.
Tic observed among representatives of all ages, but most often it occurs in children. Experts say that about 25% of children, more or less often have a nervous tic. It is much more common in boys than in girls.
Scientists do not know exactly what causes tics. It is assumed that the stress and sleep deprivation
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may influence both the appearance tick and on its intensity.
Previously, doctors believed that certain medications, including used to treat attention deficit disorder
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hyperactivity disorder, can cause tics in children with a predisposition to it. Recent studies, however, showed that this was not so.
Varieties tick
Primary tic. This disorder occurs mainly in children and adolescents. According to experts, it suffers from a 5% to 25% of school-age children. Primary tic is characterized by one or more episodes of teak, at least for a month, but not more than for a year. In most cases, there is a motor tic.
Chronic tics may continue for several years. people with this disorder are observed prolonged episodes of tick - motor and / or vocal. The first symptoms of the tick appear before the age of 18 years.
Tourette's syndrome - the most serious kind of nervous tic, which is characterized by both motor and vocal tic. The first symptoms of Tourette's syndrome typically appear between the ages of 5 and 18 years. The intensity of the symptoms of Tourette's syndrome varies over time. The periods when practically no episodes may alternate with periods of increased disease activity. Fortunately, most patients episodes of Tourette's syndrome with age becoming less intense.
Tourette's syndrome most commonly occurs in children whose mothers smoked, drank alcohol and / or caffeine drinks, or experienced a lot of stress
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during pregnancy. Low birth weight also increases the likelihood of developing this disorder.
Tick treatment depends on the severity of the violation. Often the treatment is not necessary, and after some time passes tick itself.
In some cases, patients with a nervous tic appointed behavioral therapy or drug therapy - or a combination of both. Behavioral therapy helps patients cope with the symptoms and reduce the frequency of episodes of a nervous tic. Drugs also reduce the frequency of episodes. Typically, such treatment provides a relief not complete remission.
To determine the correct therapeutic tactics doctor should explain the nature of the appearance of nervous tics. Most often, for the treatment of nervous tics used method of psychic kinesiology, which is considered universal regardless of the origin of the disease. But the doctor with the patient through special exercises and tests corrected system of reflexes and muscle contraction at the level of higher brain centers. No less effective method is psychotherapy, as often in the nervous ticks are reflected some deep subconscious conflicts. Psychotherapy will not only help them discover and resolve, but also resolve other internal problems.
The role and drug therapy. For example, to optimize the function of different brain structures allows to improve the oxygen supply of the brain, providing a sufficient amount of glucose. A good psychological effect is given sedatives (tranquilizers) medications. Some experts note a positive trend in the occupational therapy, since the flow of nerve impulses to regulate physical activity, "mutes" the impulses that causes involuntary movements during the ticks.
If such measures are ineffective, botulinum toxin used "A" - a drug that prevents the excitation of the muscles. Direct administration into the muscle leads to the fact that it is no longer "twitch." However, the price of such drugs is very impressive - more than three hundred dollars for a bottle.
To prevent the emergence of new attacks should avoid negative emotions, which is useful to do martial arts, yoga exercises, meditation
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. With the same purpose should be the most pleasant in the company of people you avoid aggressive films, to go through life with humor. All this will help to ensure a favorable emotional background, so necessary for a successful fight against nervous tics.
Zhiguli Andrew