Neuritis of the facial nerve - if contorted face

December 17, 2009

  • Neuritis of the facial nerve - if contorted face
  • Facialis

 Neuritis of the facial nerve occurs when the nerves that control facial muscles on one side swells or inflamed. As a result, half of the face looks like a saggy smile crooked and his eyes could not be closed properly. Neuritis of the facial nerve can occur in anyone, but it is very rarely seen in patients younger than 15 and older than 60 years.

In most patients, the symptoms begin to become less severe within a few weeks; complete recovery takes three to six months. Approximately 10% of patients relapse happens neuritis of the facial nerve; sometimes at the same time it affects the other side of the face. A small number of patients have symptoms of neuritis of the facial nerve in varying degrees persist throughout life.

 Neuritis of the facial nerve - if contorted face

Symptoms of neuritis of the facial nerve

  • Sudden weakness or complete paralysis of muscles of one side of the face.
  • Half face looks saggy; Use facial expressions much more difficult.
  • Pain in the jaw or ear on the affected side of the face neuritis.
  • Increased sensitivity to sounds.
  • Headache.
  • Deterioration of the ability to taste.
  • Altered salivation and lacrimation (usually high).
  • In rare cases, neuritis of the facial nerve affects the nerves in the two sides of the face.

If signs of paralysis of the facial muscles, see a doctor immediately, as this can be caused by stroke. This neuritis of the facial nerve is not associated with stroke.

If you have seen the weakness of the facial muscles, and consult a doctor to detect or exclude certain serious diseases that can cause these symptoms.

 Neuritis of the facial nerve - if contorted face


The most common cause of neuritis of the facial nerve is the herpes simplex virus Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
 , Various types of which cause the common cold on the lips and genital herpes. Several less neuritis of the facial nerve cause other viruses:

  • Herpes zoster (he is also the causative agent of chickenpox Chickenpox: painful, but not dangerous  Chickenpox: painful, but not dangerous
   and herpes zoster)
  • Epstein-Barr virus (the causative agent of mononucleosis)
  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Risk factors for the development of neuritis of the facial nerve:
  • Pregnancy, especially during the first trimester
  • The first week after birth
  • Diabetes
  • Upper respiratory tract infection

Some patients prone to relapse of this disorder, a family history of neuritis of the facial nerve. It is assumed that they have a genetic predisposition to the development of this disorder.

 Neuritis of the facial nerve - if contorted face


When mild forms of neuritis of the facial nerve the symptoms disappear within a month; more severe forms, however, can cause the following complications:

  • Irreversible damage to the facial nerve.
  • Incorrect regrowth of nerve fibers, leading to some involuntary movement of muscles when a person tries to use other - synkinesis. For example, when a person smiles, he may involuntarily closed his eyes.
  • Partial or complete loss of vision due to the inability to lower the eyelids and, as a result of excessive dryness of the eyes.

 Neuritis of the facial nerve - if contorted face


For the diagnosis of neuritis of the facial nerve is usually fairly simple medical examination. If the diagnosis is in doubt, it may be used electromyography or methods of medical imaging.

 Neuritis of the facial nerve - if contorted face


Most patients with facial nerve neuritis recover completely by a special treatment or not.

From medicines for the treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve are most commonly used are:

  • Corticosteroids, such as prednisone Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications  Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications
 Are potent anti-inflammatory agents. They are used to relieve inflammation of the facial nerve.
  • Antivirals such as acyclovir Acyclovir - as it is safe?  Acyclovir - as it is safe?
   or valacyclovir, effectively fighting the viruses that cause neuritis of the facial nerve.
  • Corticosteroids are stronger than anti-viral agents; They are most effective if you start taking the first three days after onset of symptoms.

 Neuritis of the facial nerve - if contorted face

Physical therapy

Paralysed muscles can shorten and narrow, causing contracture. A physical therapist can show the patient exercises and specific massage techniques for the muscles of the face using that, you can prevent the development of this complication.

Understanding Alzheimer's disease - the basics

June 15, 2012

 Alzheimer's disease
 Alzheimer's disease or dementia of the Alzheimer type is a progressive degeneration of brain tissue, which is particularly susceptible to people over 65 years. It is the most common form of dementia, which is the main characteristic of the damaging effects on the human psyche. First of all, suffer from mental abilities such as memory, understanding and speech.

 Understanding Alzheimer's disease - the basics

Symptoms of the disease

There are problems with focusing attention, difficulty in the work of simple calculations, it is becoming harder and harder to perform normal daily activities, the person is in a state of disorientation and decadence. At night, these symptoms are manifested in a more acute form. It happens mood swings Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?  Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?
   - Anger, panic attacks followed by periods of apathy and indifference. A person suffering from these symptoms may be more and more disoriented in the area, wander aimlessly or lost in familiar places him. Over time, the problems of the physical properties, such as loss of coordination, or strange, atypical manner of walking. In the end, a person can be completely helpless, incontinent, and completely lose the ability to communicate.

Alzheimer's disease for several years, can lead to death, but in some cases it may last for about twenty years. But in spite of that, on average, a full cycle of the disease last for nine years. One person out of 65 suffer from this terrible disease. Women have more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease, and that women account for nearly half of the patients contained in specialized medical facilities for those suffering from this disease and similar disorders.

 Understanding Alzheimer's disease - the basics

What are the causes of Alzheimer's disease

The disease usually Altsgemera catches people in old age, but it is not a natural consequence of the aging process. This abnormal condition, study of the causes which continues to this day.

The gradual fading of the functions of the brain is considered the main cause of this disease. This process is a result of two basic forms of nerve damage:

  • The brain cells are formed tangles (neurofibrillary tangles).
  • In the brain are formed protein deposits called plaque.

Scientists have not yet agreed what the cause of these processes, but some of the most encouraging recent studies show that it may be naturally occurring blood protein, apolipoprotein E, which is essential for the circulation of fatty substances in the body.

Like all other proteins, form apolipoprotein E caused by genetics of each individual person, presently identify several types of genetic disorders - some of them seem to be associated with the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Certain forms of apolipoprotein E can actually cause damage to nerve tissue.

There is also the possibility that this protein interacts with other substances responsible for plaque formation. Whatever it was, apolipoprotein E, to some extent it may be found guilty in the appearance of Alzheimer's disease. Definitely we can say that genetic information plays an important role in this case, respectively, a man whose one of the parents suffered from this disease, are at risk.

 Understanding Alzheimer's disease - the basics

Theories of disease

Also, other options were considered and the causes of Alzheimer's disease.

One theory suggests that the ingestion of minute particles of aluminum, for example, using utensils, can also cause this disease. Some see as a cause of some connection between the formation of plaques and free radicals - unstable molecules move freely, that trigger destructive chemical reactions. All these theories are controversial, generating a lot of controversy and do not have evidence.

Indeed, many scientists doubt due to aluminum and Alzheimer's disease.

Another version, which causes a lot of contradictions - is zinc. It is not proven that it can provoke the disease. It is believed that the reduced levels of zinc in the body is very helpful, but with an increase in the allowable level it is very harmful.

In addition, there is another question to a single answer to that scientists still can not come: whether the appearance of plaque is the cause of Alzheimer's disease or those plaques, in turn, are its consequence. Finally, the ability of zinc to form plaques might not be associated with the underlying causes of the disease.

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   in the blood greater risk of Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease - can be slowed down, it can not be cured  Alzheimer's disease - can be slowed down, it can not be cured
 . In some cases, this may be the consequences of trauma. How serious was the injury of the head, the greater the risk in the future become a victim of Alzheimer's type dementia.

While scientists are looking to solve the problem and the theory of waiting for their confirmation or refutation is safe to say the following: The most powerful risk factors associated with Alzheimer's disease are age and heredity.

Article Tags:
  • Alzheimer's disease
