Memory loss - not only in the telenovelas - Generalized violations

May 30, 2010

  • Loss of memory - not only in telenovelas
  • Generalized violations

Memory and its types

Memory - is one of the most important functions of the central nervous system, on the basis of which the body can use his past experience to build behavior in the present. Memory is inherent in all organisms, but the degree of its severity depends on the level of evolutionary development.

There are species memory, caused by genetic factors carried by the DNA, and individual memory, acquired by each individual organism during its life. Individual memory depends on the species.

Depending on the time of retention of data memory is divided into short and long term, each of which has its mechanisms has different capacity and stores a particular form of information.

Short-term memory has a small capacity and provides data storage for 30-60 seconds - enough time to identify the signals and the corresponding orientation. Long-term memory provides storage of information on almost throughout life. However, selective methods of extracting the required information from long-term memory are still not fully understood.

 Generalized violations | Memory loss - not only in the telenovelas

Causes of Memory Loss

Loss of memory is called amnesia, she may be accompanied by a complete lack of recollections or incomplete memories of past events. Memory loss can be general or generalized and more narrow, limited to certain time frames or transitory.

Reasons for the loss of memory can be different. This organic brain damage - with the structure of the brain is disrupted, for example, tumors, age-related changes of the brain, epilepsy, effects of the brain injury, infection, alcohol or toxic substances, and so on. Memory loss may be due to trauma or some painful memories - in such cases, the body as it is protected at a subconscious level, displacing memory traumatic memories - this is called psychogenic amnesia.

 Generalized violations | Memory loss - not only in the telenovelas

Generalized memory impairment

There are two main types of generalized disorder memory Memory Disorders - aggravation as dangerous as the weakening  Memory Disorders - aggravation as dangerous as the weakening
 : Fixation amnesia and progressive amnesia.

When some organic brain diseases sometimes disrupted the ability to remember new information. This condition is called fixation amnesia, with weaker or no memory for recent events in the ongoing safety of its on acquired knowledge in the past. This is especially true for the alcoholic brain damage (encephalopathy). Failure to retention of new information (learning disability) leads to the fact that a person loses the ability to navigate in the environment, and the time sequence of events.

In senile dementia, progressive paralysis and some other states may occur deeper generalized forms of memory impairment, there is a gradual complete devastation of its reserves (acquired knowledge and skills). This type of amnesia called progressive. Loss of memory and skills are in accordance with the law Ribot: first, lost memories of recent events, and then - on the previously acquired knowledge and skills. Most fixed in the memory of the automated movement skills (gait, gestures, etc.) are stored the longest.

 Generalized violations | Memory loss - not only in the telenovelas

Impaired memory for a certain period of time

Such disturbances of memory can be full (total) or partial (drop some periods of time). There are such violations after various disorders of consciousness (coma, psychosis, state of affect, pathological intoxication, and so on), traumatic brain injury, poisoning, epileptic seizure Epilepsy - a sacred disease  Epilepsy - a sacred disease
   and so on.

When the consciousness changes that accompany these conditions are violated mental functions, which leads to the impossibility of memory and more or less complete loss of memories for a certain period of time. Loss (usually full) memories are often limited to only a period of impaired consciousness (kongradnaya amnesia), but can also apply to events which preceded the loss of consciousness. This is called retrograde amnesia, it may last from several hours to several years.

If the lost memories of the events that have been at the end of a painful disorder of consciousness or mental state, it is called anterograde amnesia. Sometimes retrograde and anterograde amnesia combined form. The duration and severity of these forms of amnesia after the injury usually correspond to the severity of the injury.

Katatimnoy amnesia called memory gaps that occur after the unpleasant, traumatic human events. Memory is lost on a subconscious level and "protects" people from traumatic memories. Other disorders of memory on the background of traumatic situation can be fugue state: patients suddenly forget all that swinging their identity and often start a new life in a new place. This general knowledge about the world persist. Dissociative fugue may last from several hours to several months, sometimes longer, after which the man suddenly remembers everything, but usually forgets everything that happened during the fugue. Sometimes the person experiencing these changes several times.

The memory is still fraught with many unsolved requiring prolonged scrutiny.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • memory

Phenibut - activates the central nervous system

January 21, 2010

  • Phenibut - activates the central nervous system
  • What nootropics

 Phenibutum - a substance similar to the gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is produced in the brain. Phenibutum used as drugs in increased anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Fears, sleep disorders (insomnia), stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Fatigue, PTSD, depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 , Alcoholism and heart rhythm disturbances. It is also used to improve memory, learning and stimulate thought processes.

 Phenibut - activates the central nervous system

The history of discovery and mechanism of action

Phenibutum - a derivative of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that penetrates the blood-brain barrier. It was developed in the Soviet Union and 1960 was used in clinical settings for different purposes. Its effect is studied in the framework of experimental medicine; before Phenibutum is in the medicine cabinet astronauts.

Phenibut often compared to valium, and indeed, these drugs are somewhat similar, but they are also significant differences. Phenibut has anxiolytic and nootropic properties.

Structural Phenibutum and GABA are very similar to each other; phenylethylamine and baclofen is also similar to GABA. GABA is an important inhibitory neurotransmitter. When introduced into the molecule of the phenyl ring (which is in the molecule phenibut) it is much easier to overcome the barrier between the brain and the blood.

 Phenibut - activates the central nervous system

Properties phenibut

In general, Phenibutum has a positive effect on the emotional state. It helps to cope with the psychological and physical overload, stimulates mental activity, improves sleep, enhances the effect of sleeping pills and antipsychotics (as well as drugs, including alcohol). Phenibut has anticonvulsant effect.

Sometimes reception phenibut recommended to improve the performance of the vestibular apparatus, and as a sedative for patients, who will be a major surgical procedure. It is also used in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome relief.

In addition, Phenibutum may temporarily increase physical strength and endurance, as well as to increase the effectiveness of mental activity.

 Phenibut - activates the central nervous system

How and to whom you need to take Phenibutum

According to recent studies, a calming effect phenibut weaker than that of the popular medication such as diazepam. In some countries, Phenibutum even allowed to sell without a prescription.

This medicine may be taken for both adults and children, including preschoolers.

Most scientists recognize Phenibutum safe drug, virtually no side effects. Sometimes patients have hypersomnia, but this effect is rather weak. Very rarely, after the first dose, patients complain of headaches, nausea, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Anxiety, dizziness. When these symptoms and signs of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. However, in most patients these symptoms after a while pass - as soon as the body gets used to a new drug.

 Phenibut - activates the central nervous system

pay attention

Symptoms of overdose may be phenibut dizziness, fainting and hallucinations.

Phenibut can not be taken simultaneously with alcohol and other sedatives, and, of course, illegal drugs. Its use can be dangerous for patients who are taking or have recently taken medicines for epilepsy and Parkinson's disease, as well as narcotic analgesics. If you are taking Phenibutum, refuse sleeping pills, including OTC. Phenibut can strengthen their action so that it will reduce your activity in daily life and is likely to adversely affect the ability to drive vehicles and work with complex technical equipment.
