Kidney cancer: in the early stages the prognosis is favorable - How is

March 24, 2011

  • Kidney cancer: in the early stages the prognosis is favorable
  • How is

Why can develop kidney cancer

There are several types of kidney cancer, but the most common of these is adenocarcinoma (renal cell, clear cell) - a malignant tumor originating from the renal epithelium. Contributing factors contributing to the development of adenocarcinoma of the kidney are genetic predisposition, various hereditary diseases of the kidneys, ionizing radiation, immune disorders, various intoxications (eg, smoking), injuries, chronic inflammatory processes.

In most adenocarcinoma located in the renal cortex (usually on one of its poles) it has a rounded shape and a soft consistency. The tumor may grow as buds inside and out (mostly).

 How is | Kidney cancer: in the early stages the prognosis is favorable

How is kidney cancer

Initially, kidney cancer goes unnoticed. But gradually there are three main symptoms of the disease: pain in the lumbar region, blood in the urine Blood in the urine - a reason for serious concern  Blood in the urine - a reason for serious concern
 , A tumor, which can be felt in the lumbar region. These symptoms have usually indicates advanced disease. All signs of kidney cancer are divided into renal and extrarenal.

Renal signs of kidney cancer include blood in the urine appearance, a large number of white blood cells (pus), protein and cylinders (protein cell formations shaped cylinders). These same features are aching pain in the lumbar region and palpable tumor.

By extrarenal signs of cancer Fifteen signs of cancer that women ignore  Fifteen signs of cancer that women ignore
   kidney include increased body temperature, increased blood pressure, kidney dysfunction, weakness, weight loss, varicose veins of the spermatic cord (varicocele), changes in the blood (anemia, accelerated ESR).

Blood in the urine in the kidney adenocarcinoma is permanent painless character. It is caused by damage to blood vessel walls resulting in tumor invasion or rupture variceal kidney. Blood clots can form, if they are formed in the ureter, then take wormlike shape and sometimes clog ureter, causing renal colic attack.

Temperature increase in renal cancer is often the earliest sign of the disease, unlike other cancer where it is a late indication. Fever may be permanent or may subside and reappear. The pain usually occurs in advanced cases and depends on the involvement in the process of tumor surrounding tissue and nerves. Sometimes the pain is similar to the pain of sciatica. Selected at probing the tumor is often the only sign of renal adenocarcinoma. Varicocele can develop as a result of compression of tumor testicular vein.

The most common tumor metastasizes to the lungs, bones, nearby lymph nodes, liver, adrenal glands, brain and kidney opposite. Comparatively rarely metastasis detected in the ovary, breast, vaginal wall, bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 , In the heart, spleen.

Suspected kidney cancer can occur during the initial examination and the presence of the triad characteristic signs (pain and swelling in the lower back, blood in the urine). In this case, carry out further examination of the patient, which includes ultrasound, various types of X-ray examination, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), radioisotope studies, laboratory tests of blood and urine. If necessary, a biopsy of the tumor (the taking of the tumor for research in the laboratory).

 How is | Kidney cancer: in the early stages the prognosis is favorable

What to do

Radical treatment for kidney cancer is nephrectomy - removal of the kidney. This contraindication for surgery is not even the presence of single metastases Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
 As well as the removal of a kidney can greatly extend the life of the patient. At the same time removed all the nearby lymph nodes. If it was possible to detect the disease at an early stage, in some cases, a kidney can not save.

In addition to the surgical treatment prescribed radiation therapy, immunotherapy and anti-tumor agents (interferon-alpha, interleukin-2). But these tools are complementary, they are only used in a combination therapy.

The result of treatment depends on how far through the process of tumor and whether there is metastasis. In the early stages of the disease prognosis may be favorable.

Kidney cancer - a serious disease that is often found in the already advanced stages.

Galina Romanenko

Is there a natural cure for cancer? - Chemotherapy or self

October 28, 2012

  • Is there a natural cure for cancer?
  • Chemotherapy or self

 cancer chemotherapy or self

Cancer and chemotherapy

When you realize that the toxic drugs used for chemotherapy, in fact, are one of the causes of cancer, it is absurd to think that we still use them to treat people with cancer. Actual studies have shown that chemotherapy not only reduce the quality of life, but in many cases not very effective in the treatment of cancer Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary  Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary

Chemotherapy and removal of infected parts of the body eliminate a cancer symptoms Symptoms of cancer: time to recognize the disease - a guarantee of recovery  Symptoms of cancer: time to recognize the disease - a guarantee of recovery
 But not its cause.
  That is why according to statistics the majority of cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
 , Relapses occur. Or, as chemotherapy and radiation therapy only weaken and destroy the immune system, patients become more susceptible to other diseases that threaten the immune system. Banal cold or the flu can turn into pneumonia, which can be fatal.

Statistics recovery from cancer only considers cases where chemotherapy and radiation a person lives longer than five years. Many people who are supposedly "cured" of cancer die within six or seven years. Chemotherapy - is not a panacea. We use cause cancer (toxic drugs) to treat it.

The pharmaceutical industry seeks only to make a profit. Some courses of chemotherapy can cost more than $ 100,000.

One major problem is that when people hear this diagnosis, they panic. Many people actually believe that it is a death sentence. They are obsessed with fear. And when people are afraid, they will resort to any means, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and other expensive and ineffective treatments.

 Chemotherapy or self | Is there a natural cure for cancer?

What you can do for your body to

Cancer - it is not a death sentence, and you can fight it by your own efforts.

You do not have to be afraid. Find out who is really your enemy, and examine this issue. Do not let fear get the better of you. Our body can not only be healed of cancer - he can prevent it. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. You just have to know what really promotes true health.

It is now known that cancer cells feed a few things:

  • Milk stimulates mucus production in the body, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. Refusing to cow's milk and replace it with unsweetened almond milk, you "starve" cancer cells. According to some scholars, milk should be consumed in very limited quantity, regardless of the state of your health.
  • Cancer cells thrive in the acidic environment. The content of meat products in the diet should be strictly limited, and cancer patients are better off completely abandoned. It is best to eat fish, and a small amount of lean meat such as chicken. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are very dangerous, especially for people with cancer. Cancer patients should completely eliminate meat from your diet. We need to eat foods that are alkaline in nature. What foods are alkaline?
  • Almost all vegetables and fruits, as well as bean sprouts, pea, cereal grains and seeds are alkaline products. That is why the Gerson therapy such emphasis on the consumption of freshly prepared juices of fruits and vegetables. Contained in fresh juices enzymes to effectively strengthen the immune system, helping it to naturally fight with all sorts of diseases, including cancer.
  • Science known and many other nutrients that can stimulate the immune system and helps fight organizimu cancer cells. Thus, the strongest immune stimulators are vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin D.

Cancer - a disease of the mind, body and spirit. Active and positive spirit will help the cancer to survive. Anger, bitterness, and bitterness will only reinforce the stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   and will contribute to maintain the acidic environment in the body. Learn to love and forgive. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

Cancer cells can not grow in oxygen environment. To ensure the influx of cells of oxygen, get exercise every day, do exercises. It is also helpful to learn breathing techniques. Oxygen therapy - another way to kill cancer cells. You can use the Ozonator ozonation for drinking water.

Knowing exactly what causes problems in the body, you can cure it faster. From time to time resort to a diet - it is an effective means of detoxifying the body, accelerating the healing of the body.
