Colorectal cancer: depends directly on the power supply

March 20, 2011

  • Colorectal cancer: depends directly on the power supply
  • How is

 rectal cancer
 The rectum is part of the digestive system. Once the nutrients from food is absorbed in the small intestine, waste via twitch moved into the colon. There are removed from the water and the waste are moved temporarily deposited in the rectum, which is the last 20 cm of the intestine. Because colon waste excreted from the body through the anus. The inner shell of the rectum (the epithelium) secrete mucus that helps feces to pass through the anus. Colorectal cancer begins as a cellular changes in the uppermost layer of the epithelium. It usually occurs in people over the age of fifty years, more frequently in men than in women.

 Colorectal cancer: depends directly on the power supply


Symptoms of colon cancer:

  • Changes in intestinal motility, such as constipation Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
   or diarrhea Diarrhea (diarrhea) - a familiar nuisance  Diarrhea (diarrhea) - a familiar nuisance
  • The feeling that the bowel has not emptied completely after using the toilet;
  • Bleeding from the anus;
  • Abdominal pain.

 Colorectal cancer: depends directly on the power supply

Risk factors

Factors that may increase the risk of colon cancer:

  • Over the age of fifty years;
  • Cancer of the colon or family history;
  • Polyps of the rectum;
  • Transferred earlier inflammatory bowel disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment  Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment
 , Such as ulcerative colitis Colitis - the danger of colon  Colitis - the danger of colon
  • A diet high in fat and lack of fiber and calcium;
  • Obesity.

 Colorectal cancer: depends directly on the power supply


Colorectal cancer is diagnosed by a number of tests, including:

  • A rectal examination - the doctor feels is looking for seals in the rectum;
  • Fecal;
  • Inspection using proctoscope - anus introduced a subtle tool that allows you to see inside the anus;
  • Colonoscopy - a tool used for a larger survey rectum and colon. Before the procedure, the patient is given a sedative;
  • Biopsy;
  • Barium enema - rectum pour a special liquid, and then carry out X-ray examination;
  • Endorectal ultrasound;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - this method of research, which allows to obtain high-resolution images, is used to determine the size and extent of cancer of the rectum.

 Colorectal cancer: depends directly on the power supply

Stages of the disease

The beaten adopted the following stages of colorectal cancer:

  • Stage 0 - the cancer grows within the rectal mucosa.
  • Stage 1 - the cancer has spread to the deeper layers of the membrane of the rectum.
  • Stage 2 - the cancer has spread to tissue outside the colon, but not in the surrounding lymph nodes.
  • Stage 3 - the cancer moved to the adjacent lymph nodes.
  • Stage 4 - developing a secondary cancer in other parts of the body.

 Colorectal cancer: depends directly on the power supply


For the treatment of colorectal cancer can be used the following methods:

  • Surgery - a cancerous tumor and surrounding rectal tissues, and nearby lymph nodes are removed through the anus or through an incision in the abdomen. The rectum is then stitched. If you had to remove a lot of fabric and sew the rectum is not possible, you may need a colostomy - temporary or permanent.
  • Radiotherapy - high doses, aimed at the tumor, are used to kill cancer cells.
  • Chemotherapy - drugs that kill cancer cells, injected or taken orally.

Kidney cancer: in the early stages the prognosis is favorable

March 24, 2011

  • Kidney cancer: in the early stages the prognosis is favorable
  • How is

 kidney cancer
 Kidney cancer begins to develop as a result of various mutations in cellular DNA. Mutated cells multiply rapidly and form a cancerous tumor. After some time, some of the cells begin to be cleaved from the tumor and distributed in the various areas of the body.

 Kidney cancer: in the early stages the prognosis is favorable


Kidney cancer rarely causes symptoms in the early stages. With the development of the disease it may cause such symptoms:

  • The presence of blood in urine Blood in the urine - a reason for serious concern  Blood in the urine - a reason for serious concern
  • Back pain just below the ribs, which does not pass for a long time;
  • Weight reduction;
  • Fatigue;
  • Periodic fever.

Risk factors:

  • Older age.
  • Paul. In men, kidney cancer is more common than in women.
  • Smoking. The risk of developing kidney cancer in smokers is significantly greater than non-smokers. In quitters gradually reduced.
  • Obesity. People who suffer from overweight or obesity, prone to kidney cancer more than people of normal weight.
  • High blood pressure (hypertension). It is known that high blood pressure increases the risk of kidney cancer, but it is not clear why.
  • Working with chemicals. Constant work with a variety of chemicals, such as asbestos and cadmium is associated with an increased risk of kidney cancer.
  • Treatment of renal failure. People who for a long time are dialysis Dialysis - maintains normal body  Dialysis - maintains normal body
   for the treatment of chronic renal failure, are at risk of developing kidney cancer.
  • The disease von Hippel-Lindau. People with this disorder tend to hereditary development of various cancers including kidney cancer.
  • Hereditary papillary renal cell carcinoma Carcinoma - how to prevent disaster?  Carcinoma - how to prevent disaster?
 . The presence of this disease in a patient increases the likelihood of his cancer of one or both kidneys.

 Kidney cancer: in the early stages the prognosis is favorable


In the diagnosis of kidney cancer are used:

  • Blood and urine tests.
  • Medical imaging techniques allow us to see the cancer.
  • A kidney biopsy. This method is used only in some cases. Because of the high probability of false-negative results of a biopsy is used only if there is a strong likelihood that the tumor in the patient - non-cancerous, and if the patient, for whatever reason, surgery is contraindicated.

The next step after the diagnosis of cancer is to determine the stage. This is usually used computed tomography and other imaging techniques.

  • I stage. At this stage, tumor size can be up to 7 cm in diameter. The tumor grows only within the kidney.
  • Stage II. Tumor size greater than 7 cm in diameter, but it still does not go beyond the kidneys.
  • Stage III. Swelling begins to extend beyond the surrounding kidney tissue, such as the adrenal glands or the nearby lymph nodes.
  • Stage IV. Cancer spread to distant parts of the body, such as bone marrow, liver and lungs.

 Kidney cancer: in the early stages the prognosis is favorable


In most cases, the first step in the treatment of cancer Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary  Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary
   Kidney surgery becomes.

Radical nephrectomy - a complete removal of the affected kidney, part of the surrounding tissue and lymph nodes. Sometimes also remove the adrenal glands. The operation can be conducted by a conventional method or using a laparoscope.

Partial nephrectomy - removal of the tumor from the kidney. During surgery, the surgeon removes the tumor and a small portion of the surrounding healthy tissue. Such an operation is possible if the cancer develops in only one kidney.

When conducting the surgery is not possible, the following treatments:

  • Embolization - blocking blood flow to tumors. During this procedure, the main blood vessel leading to the kidney, introduced a special material that blocks blood flow, depriving the tumor of oxygen and other necessary substances.
  • Cryoablation - freezing the cancer cells. While experts have a very small amount of data on the safety and efficacy of cryoablation. As a rule, such a procedure is prescribed for people who can not do surgery.
  • Radiofrequency ablation - a procedure in which cancer cells are destroyed by exposure to high temperatures.
