Rinsing the nose in the sinus: a possible alternative treatment of painful

March 23 2013

 washing of the nose in the sinus
 Sinusitis - a very common disease that often requires surgical treatment. Fortunately, many unpleasant procedures can be avoided if the time to start treatment. For example, when washing the nasal sinus gives a good effect in the early stages of the disease, but it should be remembered that this procedure can be done, not all and not always.

The disease

Sinusitis called inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Typically, the disease is a complication of the common cold: nasal cavity of germs and bacteria penetrate the maxillary sinus inflammation develops. Patients complain of general malaise, shortness of breath, discomfort in the nose, headache, fever. If you do not start treatment, acute sinusitis Acute sinusitis - occurs as the inflammatory process  Acute sinusitis - occurs as the inflammatory process
   can become chronic. In such a case, any supercooling can lead to an aggravation of the disease. In addition, inflammation in the maxillary sinuses can contribute to the development of pneumonia and other diseases. Due to the proximity of the maxillary sinuses to the brain there is a risk of inflammation of the meninges and even brain abscess.

The earlier treatment is started sinusitis Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician  Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician
 , The more effective it will be. Early treatment of an audiologist in most cases, to do without surgical intervention, limiting a drug therapy and physiotherapy.

Nasal lavage

When the sinus as a result of inflammation in the maxillary sinus formed pus. To remove the pus and prevent it from forming, doctors often recommend to do washing. Perfect for those washes sea salt, dissolved in water or broth chamomile (the latter method helps to avoid irritation of the mucous membrane). Per liter of water or broth chamomile should take one teaspoon of unscented sea salt. As a last resort, sea salt can be replaced by ordinary table.

It is very important to thoroughly dissolve the salt in a liquid: insoluble crystals are deposited on the mucous membranes and irritate them for a long time, and the resultant process does more harm than good. Therefore, it is desirable to filter the prepared solution through a cheesecloth, then proceed to washing. Also, you can always use a special solution to wash the nose, which are sold in a pharmacy. Generally, for the preparation of such solutions used is specially purified seawater. The undeniable advantage of such tools is their convenient packaging, but the price is significantly different from the price of the solution prepared by yourself, in a big way.

It is necessary to wash out a nose correctly. For this there are two ways. It is possible to use a syringe by which small portions of injecting a solution into the nose. A more efficient way: hold down one nostril and the second to involve the solution until it will flow into the nasal passages; then should hold both nostrils and much lean forward to a solution of the pocket in the maxillary sinus, and shake his head, and then straighten up. This ensures that rinsing the sinuses.

Another traditional way of washing the nose is called "cuckoo." During this washing, the patient lies on his back, his head thrown back at an angle of forty-five degrees. In one nostril injected washing solution from the other solution with pus is removed by a special suction. To the drug solution for the procedure, did not get into the respiratory tract, the patient all the time you need to say "cuckoo" - hence the "frivolous" method name. Typically, this method of rinsing the nose is very effective at carrying out in a health institution, and before you wash your nose so yourself, you need to consult a doctor. Rinsing the nasal sinuses by "cuckoo" works miracles performed by a specialist, but it can only bring harm if performed amateur who does not know a lot of nuances.

Rinsing sinuses can be efficiently and as a preventive measure with a cold. However, abuse such washings can not: the treatment is sufficient to wash out the nose twice a day, and as a preventive measure rather almost daily rinsing with salt water. Keep in mind that sinusitis - very serious illness trying to cure his own: at the first sign you need to see a doctor and only after consultation with an otolaryngologist to do washing. Otherwise, the procedure will not be useful, and may even do harm. In particular, the nose wash flow method can only be achieved if the two halves of the nose passable. Otherwise there is a risk of the solution getting into the middle ear through the Eustachian tube, which can cause acute otitis media Acute otitis media: to heal, to not become a chronic disease  Acute otitis media: to heal, to not become a chronic disease
 . In particular, it is generally not recommended nasal lavage flow method for children with adenoids.

Washing solution

In addition to the normal saline solution to flush the sinuses on the advice of a doctor can use other means. In particular, the well-proven soda-salt solution, tincture of eucalyptus, a solution of tincture of calendula Calendula tincture: for health and beauty  Calendula tincture: for health and beauty
 , A weak solution of alcohol tincture of iodine, potassium permanganate solution, some antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Do not use too concentrated solutions - they will not bring more benefits than recommended by your doctor, but it can cause irritation. To prepare the soda-salt solution, usually enough to take half a teaspoon of baking soda and salt in a glass of water. Alcohol solution of iodine is quite twenty drops in a glass of water, potassium permanganate should be used so that the water is painted in pale pink color. Also often use broths succession, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and other herbs that have anti-inflammatory effects.

Maria Bykov

Article Tags:
  • treatment of sinusitis

Tonsillitis - frequent complications

March 30, 2014

 Tonsillitis - a kind of a sore throat at which the inflammation of the follicles of the tonsils. Inside the follicles formed pus, so the disease is also called purulent tonsillitis. It can cause more severe symptoms than catarrhal angina Catarrhal angina - superficial lesions  Catarrhal angina - superficial lesions
 And often leads to the development of complications.


Causes of tonsillitis

Causes of tonsillitis may be as viruses and bacteria, but more often it is caused by bacteria is. Generally, the bacteria usually cause the most severe forms of angina, affecting deeper tissues of the tonsils. Among the viruses that may be causative agents of follicular angina, the most common rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, parainfluenza and influenza viruses, enteroviruses. Of bacterial tonsillitis are most often streptococci, staphylococci, rarely - gonorrhea and Haemophilus influenzae. Tonsillitis contagious, it is transmitted from person to person by droplet infection.


Symptoms of tonsillitis

Typically, symptoms appear suddenly follicular tonsillitis, and only occasionally before the acute phase of the disease are observed such "warnings" as weak sore throat and cough. Typical symptoms of tonsillitis are sore throat, fever (body temperature sometimes exceeds 39 degrees Celsius), chills, weakness, drowsiness, redness of the throat and the appearance of a white or yellowish plaque on the surface of the tonsils. In some patients, plaque forms and language. Tonsillitis without fever is rare; significantly more patients - in most cases, adults - suffer this disease with a slight increase in body temperature - up to 37.4-37.6 degrees Celsius.

Typically, the most severe symptoms of the disease are observed on the third to fifth day after the appearance of the first signs of infection, after which the patient's condition gradually improved. In most patients, tonsillitis passes completely by the end of the second week.


How to treat tonsillitis

Whether caused by tonsillitis viruses or bacteria to cure her, often enough use of folk remedies and non-prescription drugs.

Treatment of tonsillitis at home - recommendations:

  • Patients should drink plenty of liquids, especially those in whom the disease has caused a high fever. In case of insufficient wetting of the body healing process may be delayed;
  • Compliance with bed rest is essential for the successful treatment of follicular tonsillitis;
  • Gargling helps to quickly destroy the pathogens. Prepare a brine solution (one teaspoon of salt per 250 ml of warm water), and rinse their throats 3-4 times a day;
  • Avoid tobacco smoke, very sour and hot beverages that can irritate the throat and exacerbate the symptoms of tonsillitis;
  • Take medications to relieve angina symptoms - paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac, and others. You can also use lozenges with sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
   and echinacea, eucalyptus or mint and candy, which perfectly soften throat.

Quite effective is the treatment of follicular tonsillitis folk remedies, such as:

  • Onion juice and honey. Mix roughly equal amounts of onion juice and honey and take one tablespoon of this medicine two or three times a day;
  • Tea made from crimson branches - a wonderful remedy for many infectious diseases;
  • Tea from the pharmacy chamomile, peppermint Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
   and / or Echinacea. All these herbs effectively relieve the symptoms of angina, and echinacea, in addition, contain substances, which have a strong antimicrobial effect;
  • Garlic is a cure for many diseases. During the acute phase of the disease it is recommended to eat 2-3 claw garlic a day - it's a little speed up recovery and help reduce the likelihood of complications. In addition, garlic can be used for the prevention of angina.

Antibiotics for tonsillitis. If home treatments do not help, or if the patient's immune system is weakened, for the treatment of follicular tonsillitis can be used antibiotics. Most often, doctors prescribe ten-day course of treatment with penicillin; if the patient is allergic to penicillin, the doctor may prescribe treatment of follicular tonsillitis macrolide antibiotic group, or cyclosporine. To macrolides include, for example, viprofen - a drug whose active ingredient is Josamycin. Viprofen at folikulyarnoy tonsillitis caused by streptococcus, take for at least ten days. Its side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite; usually they are mild and tested shortly after the end of treatment.

If after 2-4 days after you start taking antibiotics you do not notice an improvement, talk to your doctor.


Effects of follicular tonsillitis

In most cases, this disease even without treatment passes quickly without any health effects.

Tonsillitis during pregnancy is not harmful for expectant mother and fetus and young children, this infection usually does not cause a delay in development and other issues. However, in some cases, tonsillitis causes complications, and sometimes - very serious. This usually occurs due to a weakened immune system or in some patients due to wrong treatment of angina. Possible complications of tonsillitis:

  • Chronic angina;
  • Peritonsillar abscess Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?  Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?
  • Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media);
  • Acute rheumatic fever;
  • Subacute bacterial endocarditis;
  • Glomerulonephritis.

Article Tags:
  • sore throat
