The cure for sinusitis: what tools are effective - Macropen

March 21, 2013

  • The cure for sinusitis: what tools are effective
  • Macropen
  • Rinofluimutsil
  • Sinupret
  • Dolphin
  • Bioparox

 macrofoams in the sinus
 Macropen in the sinus: an antibiotic is needed

Bacteria play an important role in the development of sinusitis, and to destroy them need special drugs - antibiotics. Therefore macrofoams in the sinus is used as a drug that is administered in the first place.

How does macrofoams

Macropen - is an antibiotic that is representative of the macrolide, and are sensitive to it many microorganisms. A preparation in low doses has bacteriostatic action (bacteria cease to proliferate), and large - bactericidal (promotes destruction of microbes).

Macrofoam important feature is that it acts on microorganisms that produce penicillinase. This enzyme destroys the natural and semisynthetic penicillins, due to which these antibiotics are ineffective against certain bacteria, and can suppress macrofoams their vital functions.

Macropen appoint both in acute and chronic sinusitis Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health  Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health
 . In the first case, the drug can be applied before the analysis results will be obtained on the sensitivity of bacteria to it. When the results of laboratory tests to find out which antibiotics are best used, the treatment can be adjusted.

In chronic sinusitis Sinusitis - when a puncture is required  Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
   first identify pathogens and determine their sensitivity to makropenu. Only then can the doctor prescribe antibiotics.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

In some cases, you can not take macrofoams. Contraindications include:

  • Hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • Hepatic failure, severe;
  • Children under the age of three years (for tablets).

During pregnancy, this antibiotic is used only in those situations where the benefit to the woman than the potential risk to the fetus. When treating makropenom breast-feeding the baby should be discontinued, as the drug passes into breast milk.

Sometimes during the treatment-emergent adverse effects. Macrofoam side effects are as follows:

  • From the digestive system: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis Stomatitis - to breath fresh  Stomatitis - to breath fresh
 , A feeling of heaviness in the stomach, jaundice. In the biochemical analysis of blood is sometimes determined by increased levels of bilirubin and liver enzymes. Very rarely it develops a long and severe diarrhea, which may be a symptom of pseudomembranous colitis (severe inflammation of the large intestine), which is a complication of treatment with antibiotics;
  • Allergic reactions: itching, rash, urticaria, bronchospasm, increased eosinophils in the blood;
  • Weakness.

Cases of severe overdose have not been registered. Nausea and vomiting - possible signs of the drug in doses, which exceed the permissible.

How to take macrofoams

The drug is available in two forms of release: in the form of tablets, which are coated with a special membrane, and pellets. Of the latter, you need to prepare a suspension of the instructions and take it inside.

Usually, the doctor prescribed for adults and children whose weight exceeds thirty kilograms macrofoam one tablet three times a day before meals. Doses for other children are calculated based on their body weight. Antibiotic treatment Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   It lasts from one to two weeks.

Interaction with other drugs macrofoam

If one simultaneously takes makropenom preparations containing ergot alkaloids (e.g., sinkapton) or carbamazepine, the concentration of drugs in blood serum increases. In these combinations of drugs need to be cautious.

In appointing macrofoam with a powerful immunosuppressant cyclosporin or anticoagulants (eg, warfarin), removing the last two agents from the body slows down. In such cases, the doctor should carefully monitor the condition of the patient and, if necessary, adjust the dose.

Macropen - an antibiotic that is active against many germs that cause inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. But it can be taken only after a survey on doctor.

Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician - Adults

March 20, 2013

  • Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician
  • In adults,
  • Effective measures
  • Without a puncture
  • Treatment with laser
  • Domestic procedures

 treatment of sinusitis Adults

Treatment of sinusitis in adults - how not to run a disease

Among the diseases of upper respiratory tract sinusitis problem and its treatment it is urgent because of the high prevalence of the disease. It is important to start the treatment in time to prevent the development of chronic sinusitis and complications associated with the spread of infection. Treatment for sinusitis includes the use of methods of conservative treatment and surgical treatment in the case of associated complications.

 Adults | Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician

Is there a need for puncture sinuses

For the majority of patients who are faced with the problem of sinusitis, it is an important question of whether to make this disease a puncture or puncture sinuses. Carrying puncture considered treatment to which should be used in case of complications of sinusitis current version, with the development of purulent inflammation option. In all other cases, you can resort to the methods of conservative therapy, which effectively eliminates the symptoms of the disease.

Carrying puncture purulent inflammation can significantly reduce the recovery time of the patient. This can be explained by the following positive aspects:

  • the outflow of pus from the cavity
  • enhanced regenerative capacity of mucous membrane
  • increased local protective properties possessed by the mucous membrane

This method of treatment is a measure to prevent the development of serious complications such as purulent meningitis Purulent meningitis - can be caused by different pathogens  Purulent meningitis - can be caused by different pathogens
 Which can develop as a result of infection.

 Adults | Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician

On the need for appointment of antibacterial therapy

Sinusitis can be caused by various pathogens - fungi, viruses, bacteria. Often there are mixed forms that act as a pathogen several types of microorganisms. Appoint antibiotics makes sense only if sinusitis is caused by bacterial flora. It is therefore recommended for patients to carry out bacteriological examination, which will give an opinion on a possible causative agent of the inflammatory process. Great help in the selection of the drug has a certain sensitivity to antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   or holding antibiotikogrammmy. Such an approach to the selection of drug therapy prevents the development of microorganisms that are resistant and insensitive to the appointment of the drug. If the treatment of sinusitis is appointed in accordance with relevant pathogen mind, you can expect a good clinical effect and rapid onset of recovery without the development of chronic diseases and complications.

If sinusitis developed against the backdrop of a viral infection, the appointment of the antibacterial agent would be meaningless. In such a situation should be preferred antiviral and immune-boosting drugs. The state of immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   an important place during the entire complex of therapeutic measures. In order to enhance the body's immune, you can use not only synthetic drugs and natural remedies that will effectively influence the increase of the body's defenses. If addressed the issue of the appointment of an immunostimulatory agent (from the group of synthetic means), it is best to pre-examine the status of the patient's immune system, to carry out necessary research or immunnogrammu. Based on the conclusions of this study can affect the immune system of a particular link The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
 That will greatly enhance the effectiveness of the treatment.
