Sinusitis - when a puncture is required

June 9, 2013

  • Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
  • Acute
  • How to treat
  • Home treatment methods

 Sinusitis - an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Acute sinusitis may be the result of acute rhinitis, which is often a complication of influenza, measles Measles in children - may cause serious complications  Measles in children - may cause serious complications
 , Scarlet fever and other infectious diseases. Chronic sinusitis - is repeated at varying intervals episodes of acute inflammation. These episodes may be due to compaction of the mucosa, hypertrophy of the shells, a deviated septum.

Sinusitis every year millions of people get sick; often it occurs in a mild form that people do not go to the doctor, and carry the disease to the common cold.

Sinusitis often causes a feeling of intense pressure in the nose, jaw and eyes. There are lengthy headaches that are fully tested only after successful treatment of the disease. Some patients have postnasal leaking, which causes severe coughing, similar to that which occurs in patients with bronchitis. Sometimes patients complain of recurrent episodes of visual impairment - usually a doubling of visible objects.

In sinusitis may be many reasons, but most of it goes quickly and without serious consequences for the health of the patient.

There are four types of sinusitis: rhinogenous (especially common among adults), hematogenous (most common in children), odontogenic and traumatic. In addition, there is a form of allergic sinusitis and vasomotor, which usually occurs in people with autonomic dysfunction.

Acute sinusitis is accompanied by fever, shivering, headache, toothache, and pain in the nose. The pain is worse when pressure on the person by coughing and sneezing. Some patients also observed symptoms such as photophobia, and lacrimation abnormal.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health  Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health
   are general weakness, malaise, fatigue, headache (especially at night), and nasal congestion. Sensitivity to odors is reduced or disappears. Sometimes sinusitis causing intracranial complications - swelling of the brain, serous and purulent meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 , Meningoencephalitis, perimeningit.

 Sinusitis - when a puncture is required

Nasal septum

The nasal septum - a structure that divides the nasal cavity into two. If it has an anomalous shape or it is slightly shifted away from the center, this may lead to blockage of the maxillary sinus. In severe cases, because this may be impaired breathing, increases the risk of various infections, including sinusitis. Often the cause of the trauma becomes the face and nose. Sometimes correction of nasal septum surgery is necessary.

 Sinusitis - when a puncture is required


In humans, there are upper, middle and inferior turbinates are located, respectively, at the top, middle and bottom of the nose. Abnormally large turbinates may lead to blockage of the nasal passages, thus causing an infection sinuses, and violated their drainage.

 Sinusitis - when a puncture is required

Acute sinusitis

In acute sinusitis Acute sinusitis - occurs as the inflammatory process  Acute sinusitis - occurs as the inflammatory process
 As a rule, there is a release of yellowish or greenish mucus from the nose. There are also symptoms such as fever, chills, and toothache (usually this indicates that the infection has affected not only the maxillary sinus). Sometimes, acute sinusitis if untreated, leads to swelling in the upper part of the face, including the - around the eyes, which is why the patient may temporarily lose vision. When such symptoms as soon as possible to contact your doctor.

 Sinusitis - when a puncture is required

Bacterial infection

Not only viruses, but also bacteria, such as staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae, streptococci and pneumococci can become agents of sinusitis. Sometimes an infection of the gums or various sinuses extended to maxillary sinuses. In rare cases, the removal of the teeth leads to a worsening of sinus infections.

To relieve the symptoms of sinusitis is recommended to drink tea and other hot beverages, take a hot shower or doing inhalation. If sinusitis is caused by a bacterial infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

 Sinusitis - when a puncture is required

Sinusitis and oral hygiene

Oral hygiene can be a factor contributing to the development of sinusitis - sinuses, mouth and teeth are very close to each other. The slightest infection that affected his mouth, can cause sinusitis, so it is important to observe basic rules of hygiene and visit the dentist regularly.

It is important that sinus dental examination was carried out to identify the contributing factors. If they are not found, the treatment of sinusitis do not give proof of a positive result.

Often physicians disregard the fact that sinusitis can be associated with diseases of the teeth. So if sinusitis is accompanied by a toothache, or if you just suspect that your teeth are not perfectly healthy, we should say to your doctor. Effective treatment is possible only if we know the true cause of the disease.

Even minor infection of the mouth may lead to infection of the maxillary sinuses. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to undergo regular dental checkup. If you often get sick sinusitis, and you have not been to the dentist - it's time to check their teeth. Sometimes the pain in the upper molars sinus indicates that the cause of the disease to be found in the mouth.

 Sinusitis - when a puncture is required

Fungal sinusitis

Sometimes sinusitis pathogens are fungi, including those that can live in your house. Fungal sinusitis is quite rare, but if you're often sinusitis, despite the fact that a well watch your health, it makes sense to consider such a possibility. To know the exact diagnosis, tend to make the analysis of mucus secreted from the nose. Among fungal organisms often cause sinusitis Aspergillus, which can be quickly destroyed, taking antifungal agents. In this case, treatment is prescribed antifungal drugs, is also recommended to avoid contact with pathogens, otherwise very high probability of recurrence.

 Sinusitis - when a puncture is required

Treatment for sinusitis

Common and chronic sinusitis is treated with medication that the doctor prescribes. Typically, this antipyretics, sulfonamides, antibiotics, vitamin supplements. For topical vasoconstrictors may use in the form of droplets and dispersions. Rinsing the sinuses it is only done if there is nasal discharge pus. Laser therapy can be used to eliminate the effects of inflammation and enhance the effect of drug treatment. Sometimes it makes sense to combine traditional medical treatment with acupuncture, taking vitamins and drinking infusions and medicinal herbs. The whole course of treatment usually lasts from two weeks to two months.

In most cases, you only need outpatient treatment, but if there is a risk of serious complications, hospitalization may be required.
