Ambrobene - excellent cough medicine

July 22, 2012

 Ambrobene help in cases where the patient is viscous, hardly sputum expectorant. Such sputum often as acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory processes in broncho-pulmonary system, and in asthma.

 Ambrobene - excellent cough medicine

As ambrobene effect on broncho-pulmonary system

The active ingredient is ambroxol ambrobene. This drug stimulates mucus secretion of bronchial glands, and at the same time dilutes it. In addition, the cilia of the bronchial mucosa under the influence ambrobene beginning to make progressive movement towards the exit of the bronchial system, thereby promoting mucus.

Ambrobene also contributes to increased production of surfactant - surfactant, which prevents spadenie small airways (bronchial tubes) and alveoli (sacs at the end of the bronchioles).

Ambrobene available in various dosage forms, which allows the use of this drug to treat patients of different age groups with varying degrees of severity of broncho-pulmonary system. Ambrobene dosage forms: tablets, capsules, retard (prolonged action), a solution for oral administration and inhalations, syrups and injectable solution.

 Ambrobene - excellent cough medicine

To appoint

Ambrobene as part of a treatment is prescribed for a variety of acute diseases of the bronchi and lungs - acute bronchitis and pneumonia. Appointment ambrobene promotes the transfer of dry cough in the wet, dilution, and the conclusion of sputum from the bronchial tubes, which leads to a rapid recovery.

Apply ambrobene and chronic diseases of bronchial tubes and lungs. For example, an exacerbation of chronic obstructive bronchitis with impaired patency of the bronchi scored viscous phlegm, relapse is much faster when using ambrobene. Most effectively applied in such cases ambrobene solution inhalation.

No less effective this drug for bronchiectasis Bronchiectasis - when the work light under threat  Bronchiectasis - when the work light under threat
 As a result of stagnation of phlegm in the bronchial tubes are formed bags of pus - bronchiectasis. Ambrobene in this case also best applied in the form of inhalations.

Ambrobene used in the treatment of premature babies in the case when they have not fully matured broncho-pulmonary system, in which the surfactant deficiency is detected, which leads to collapse of lung tissue. Ambrobene in this case assigned as part of a treatment for the stimulation of surfactant.

 Ambrobene - excellent cough medicine

In some cases, it is not necessary to appoint ambrobene

For the purpose ambrobene there are a number of contraindications. First of all, it can not be given to patients with hypersensitivity to its components. In gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer ambrobene not appointed due to the fact that this drug can cause abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Nausea and vomiting, which can provoke an aggravation of the disease.

You can not assign ambrobene as epilepsy. Contraindications age are: capsule - under the age of 12 years, for other forms (except for syrup) is a contraindication to the age of 6 years. A syrup may be applied to children of all ages.

Be wary of this drug in any dosage form used in the liver and kidneys, as ambrobene decomposed in the liver and excreted in the urine. In severe diseases of these organs prescribed lower doses of the drug to the long intervals between its use.

Caution administering ambrobene be observed also in the case when the disease is accompanied by the release of large amounts of sputum in conjunction with the violation locomotor activity bronchi - ambrobene in this case can facilitate sputum bronchial stasis.

During pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast ambrobene used with caution and only when it is really vital to the mother's body.

 Ambrobene - excellent cough medicine

Do ambrobene side effects?

Ambrobene sometimes showing a slight side effects, but most of the drug is very well tolerated. In rare cases, patients develop excessive salivation Increased salivation - deviation from the norm  Increased salivation - deviation from the norm
   or dry mouth, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. There may be as headaches and disorders of urination.

From the bronchopulmonary system sometimes a dry throat and bronchial tubes, and runny nose. Allergic reactions from hives to anaphylactic shock.

With the rapid introduction of a solution for injection into a vein may appear severe headache, sudden weakness, heaviness in the legs, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, fever.

Ambrobene - a high-quality drug, but in order that he had expected a therapeutic effect, it must appoint a physician.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • ambrobene

Ambrobene - cough syrup for children and adults

July 22, 2012

 ambrobene syrup
 Cough syrup ambrobene often prescribed for children, but it is quite possible to receive and adults. Ambrobene syrup tastes good and has all the features typical for other dosage forms of the drug. But children this drug without a prescription should not be taken.

 Ambrobene - cough syrup for children and adults

As ambrobene syrup acts on the child's body

Syrup ambrobene (the main active substance - Ambroxol) is composed of auxiliary substances - liquid non-crystallizable sorbitol, propylene glycol, raspberry flavor, saccharin, purified water. One teaspoon syrup ambrobene (5 ml) contains 15 mg of active compound, 1 ml - 3 mg. Available syrup in dark glass bottles of 100 ml.

When receiving a baby into the syrup ambrobene rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream, and after half an hour starts to operate. Effect of the drug lasts for six hours or more. He then decomposed in the liver and excreted in the urine.

Proceeding into the fabric of the bronchi, ambrobene stimulates the mucus glands located in the mucous membrane of the bronchi and dilutes it. Influenced ambrobene activates motor activity bronchi, including movement of the cilia of its epithelium, which is pushed out of the sputum bronchi.

Under the influence of ambrobene also stimulated the formation of surfactant - surfactant contained in the walls of the alveoli and small airways and not giving it to subside. This property ambrobene especially appreciated in pediatrics, as in preterm infants after birth is sometimes not easy to straighten out due to lack of the necessary amount of surfactant.

 Ambrobene - cough syrup for children and adults

Syrup ambrobene when bronchopulmonary diseases in children

Acute respiratory infections in children are often given in the form of complications of bronchitis. Immunity in children is not perfect, it matures slowly, often found children with reduced immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 . If a child several times been ill with acute bronchitis Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned  Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned
 Then it is threatening to become chronic. Therefore, it is important to promptly and properly treat acute bronchitis in children. To do this, some antibacterial drugs is small, necessary medications with mucolytic (phlegm) and expectorant properties. It is to such drugs is ambrobene.

Assign syrup ambrobene well as inflammation of the lungs Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes  Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes
   and bronchial asthma attacks that ends the release of viscous mucus. But parents should not give their children the syrup ambrobene own, it can only do doctor strictly on the evidence after examining the child.

Premature babies with impaired respiratory function syrup ambrobene prescribed to stimulate the formation of surfactant - a substance that prevents bonding of the alveoli of the lungs.

Ambrobene Syrup has a pleasant raspberry flavor and like children, so this dosage form is most often used in pediatrics.

 Ambrobene - cough syrup for children and adults

Do all children can be assigned to a syrup ambrobene?

Syrup ambrobene can not be assigned a child with individual intolerance to the components of this drug. Epilepsy, which is quite common in children, is also a contraindication to receiving ambrobene syrup. Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer often occurs in school-age children - this is another contraindication for appointment ambrobene.

With care and a specially selected syrup ambrobene dosage administered to children with severe diseases of the liver and kidneys, which are accompanied by a violation of the functions of these bodies.

 Ambrobene - cough syrup for children and adults

How to take

Syrup ambrobene given to children after 30 minutes after a meal. It should drink plenty of water, juice, weak tea, etc. in order to form the sputum. The package syrup ambrobene a special measuring cup, using which it is easy to measure the required dose. The dose corresponds to the age of the child:

  • up to two years - 2, 5 ml twice per day;
  • from two to six years - 2, 5 ml three times a day;
  • six to 12 ml of 5 two or three times a day;
  • older than 12 years and adults - 10 ml three times a day for the first three days, then 10 ml twice per day.

 Ambrobene - cough syrup for children and adults

Side effects

Syrup ambrobene well tolerated in children. But sometimes, this dosage form has side effects. Basically, they are expressed in nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, increased salivation. Sometimes headaches, dry up the goal and runny nose. After adjusting the dose these effects are.

But if there was a suspicion of an allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
 Syrup ambrobene should be lifted immediately.

Ambrobene syrup is widely used in pediatric patients because of its effectiveness and the almost complete absence of side effects.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • ambrobene
