Allergic sinusitis - a manifestation of the response of the body - Symptoms

March 21, 2013

  • Allergic sinusitis - a manifestation of the organism's response
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment

 Allergic sinusitis symptoms
 Allergic sinusitis symptoms - effects of exposure to allergens

By the nature of allergic sinusitis refers to allergic diseases. Allergens enter inside the body and cause the appearance of clinical symptoms. Symptoms of allergic sinusitis are due to pathological effects on the respiratory mucosa. The most difficult is the disease occurs in people who are prone to allergies, as any external factors that will allergen leads to the rapid development of clinical sinusitis.

What can be attributed to the characteristic features of the disease

Sinusitis allergic nature has clinical features that distinguish it from other types of sinusitis. The earliest signs of the disease is nasal congestion and headache. Exposure to the allergen causes changes pathogenic respiratory mucosa. It produces large amounts of mucus accumulates in the sinus cavity, against this background that easily occurs accession infection. There are the following symptoms:

  • nasal congestion for a long time
  • copious mucous discharge from the nose or watery character. If you joined the pathogenic bacterial flora, the nature of the secretions from the nose changes, they become mucopurulent
  • pain. Worried headache and a feeling of heaviness or pressure in the cheeks, nose and sinuses projection. Sometimes patients can not specify the exact location of headache, it is uncertain. Most often worried about the pain in the temporal and frontal areas

If there is a development of acute sinusitis Acute sinusitis - occurs as the inflammatory process  Acute sinusitis - occurs as the inflammatory process
 , The reaction temperature is noted with chills, malaise and general weakness, suffering patient feels. There may be changes in the mucous membrane of eyes, conjunctivitis and keratitis develop. Patients appear swollen eyelids, cheeks. Another symptom of allergic sinusitis is a cough that bothers mainly at night and it is very difficult to remove a variety of drugs. Patients undergoing treatment for chronic bronchitis Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned  Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned
 Other possible causes of persistent cough without effect, but the cough is not docked. It is unacceptable in such a situation to start immediately to antibiotic therapy, as it may adversely affect the character of the disease.

The seasonal nature of sinusitis

Sinusitis allergic nature are seasonal in nature, worsening of the disease occurs mainly in autumn or spring. The first symptoms of the disease occur some time after exposure to the allergen (as the allergen can be a dust, hair or pollen). Quite often combined with sinusitis rhinitis allergic nature. The disease paroxysmal, suddenly appears stuffy nose, itchy nose, frequent sneezing and profuse watery discharge Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions  Watery discharge: Signs rules and conditions
   from the nose. In identifying the allergen and eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis Sinusitis - symptoms of inflammation in the maxillary sinus  Sinusitis - symptoms of inflammation in the maxillary sinus
   gradually subside, there comes clinical recovery. Given that the disease prone people suffering from allergies, the development of sinusitis can be prevented by eliminating the effect of the known allergen.

In some cases, against the background of allergic sinusitis nasal polyps are formed. It is accompanied by difficulty breathing, changes in voice (the voice becomes nasal), and frequent headaches. The polyps have the ability to sprawl, become visible to the naked eye. The only therapeutic measure for nasal polyps is surgical removal.

Chronic sinusitis - impact on health - Symptoms

March 21, 2013

  • Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment

 chronic sinusitis symptoms
 Chronic sinusitis symptoms - which determines the clinical picture

The clinical picture of sinusitis differs depending on the form in which the disease occurs. Symptoms of chronic sinusitis are different from symptoms of an acute process that will largely depend on the duration of inflammation. These physical examination and the results of instrumental studies in conjunction with the assessment of the patient's complaints allow the doctor to diagnose and correctly choose the treatment policy.

Clinical manifestations of acute sinusitis is

Chronic inflammation is characterized by a prolonged course. Most often it is a one way process with the defeat of sinuses on one side. Because the process takes a long time, there are changes in the nasal mucosa. Develop hypertrophic processes formed polypoid growths or polyps. Disturbed nasal breathing, suffering from the very functioning of the respiratory tract. Polyps can fill the entire nasal cavity, which will hinder the process of moving air through the nose and ventilation capacity appears to be broken. If the inflammation in chronic sinusitis is a common and obliterating polyps olfactory slit, the patient's sense of smell is impaired.

The most typical complaints are associated with longer duration of the inflammatory process and the development of complications. Paranasal sinuses are anatomic proximity to the eye sockets, so one of the first signs of chronic sinusitis are the following complications:

  • conjunctivitis
  • keratitis

Patients suffering from chronic sinusitis Sinusitis - when a puncture is required  Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
 They have a distinctive appearance - swelling of the eyelids, redness of the eyes. Already on the basis of the appearance of the doctor may suspect the presence of inflammatory lesions of the nose and sinuses to conduct more in-depth examination of the impact parameter. Due to the swelling of the mucous and dysfunction of the lacrimal sac may suffer slezovydelitelnaya function.

Local signs of disease

Long term course of the disease leads to the fact that the patient has the objective local symptoms. In chronic sinusitis concerned purulent nasal discharge. Due to the fact that they are permanent, in the vestibule of the nose and upper lip, there are signs of skin irritation. This phenomenon can chronic dermatitis, which exhibits the following symptoms:

  • the development of the skin and mucous cracks
  • the phenomenon of maceration
  • eczematous dermatitis character Dermatitis - what to do with the inflamed skin?  Dermatitis - what to do with the inflamed skin?

If we consider the allocation Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
   their nose on a used handkerchief, against the background of yellow discharge will be visible streaks of blood. It notes the existence of a specific unpleasant putrid odor of secretions. This smell is different from the smell, which is observed in other diseases that have important clinical implications for the diagnosis. Pus constantly accumulated in the sinus, when changing the position of the head when the patient bends his head forward, they will constantly drain and accumulate in the bottom of the nasal cavity. If the allocation to delete, then they re-formed as the accumulation of selections will be very sinuses.

Chronic process is the cause of headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
 . It is in most cases the constant and intensified mainly during the exacerbation of the disease, as well as tilting or shaking the head, sneezing, coughing. This is one of the symptoms of chronic foci of infection, which is also reflected in the general condition of the patient, leading to physical fatigue, exhaustion of the body.
