Detraleks - improves the function of blood vessels - Mechanism of Action

November 15, 2009

  • Detraleks - improves the function of blood vessels
  • Mechanism of action

 detraleks mechanism of action

Mechanism of action

Detraleks - refers to angioprotectors (drugs used to improve the activity of the blood vessels). Angioprotectors used to treat diseases that are accompanied by violation of the permeability of blood vessels, the deterioration of capillary circulation and venous congestion. Detraleks - a complex drug, which is composed of two flavonoids (diosmin and hesperidin, which are actively involved in metabolic processes) with a very small diameter of the particles forming the tablet, allowing it to be rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Detraleks has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, as it is able to suspend the formation of prostaglandins in the body that cause inflammation. Detraleks exerts antioxidant effect, preventing free radicals - one of the most important factors of damage to the vascular wall.

Detraleks increases the tone of veins and reduces the extensibility of the veins and venous stasis, promotes the outflow of lymph through the lymph vessels, normalizes blood flow in small blood vessels (capillaries - reduces the permeability and fragility) and prevents the formation of blood clots (inhibits the adhesion of leukocytes to the walls of blood vessels and the release of them toxic components capable of damaging the vascular wall).

The effect of the drug is dependent on the dose received, the recommended dose - two tablets a day. Detraleks effective in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs and hemorrhoids.

After ingestion of the drug is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and has four hours affects the blood vessels. Excreted in the feces and urine partially.


Indications and contraindications

The indication for admission is detraleks signs of veno-lymphatic insufficiency:

  • pain and heaviness in the lower limbs;
  • tired legs in the morning, cramps in the calf muscles;
  • changes in the soft tissues surrounding the veins: swelling, changes in skin color, trophic ulcers;
  • aggravation of hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
   (stagnation of blood in the veins of the rectum) - as part of a treatment.

Contraindications detraleks are individual intolerance of components, pregnancy and lactation Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   Child (clinical studies in pregnant women and nursing mothers have not been conducted).


Side effects and overdose

Side effect is very rare. However, there are cases of changes on the part of the digestive system (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) and nervous system (general malaise, dizziness, Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , headache). Discontinuation of the drug, they usually do not require.

No cases of overdose have been identified. Detraleks also does not affect the driving and performing jobs that require high-speed mental and physical reactions.


Dosing detraleks

Detraleks take one tablet twice a day (afternoon and evening) with food. During exacerbation of hemorrhoids take four days, six tablets a day for three days and then - four tablets per day.

The therapeutic effect is enhanced detraleks respecting the principles of a healthy lifestyle (good nutrition and regular moderate exercise), weight loss (if overweight), wearing special underwear, improves blood circulation (eg, golf or socks). You should also avoid prolonged sun exposure.

Detraleks is an effective drug for the treatment of venous insufficiency Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease  Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
 . It produces its pharmaceutical company "Servier Laboratories Industry", France.

Article Tags:
  • detraleks

Compression stockings for the treatment of varicose veins: how to help the feet - Purchase and socks

March 19, 2013

  • Compression stockings for the treatment of varicose veins: how to help the legs
  • Buying and socks

 Compression stockings for varicose veins treatment and purchase of sock

How and when to wear compression tights

Wear compression stockings should be before the feet begin to swell. Ideally this should be done in the morning, as soon as you get up from bed. If in the morning you take a shower before putting on stockings, how to wipe off with a towel.

The easiest way to wear compression stockings, lying on your back and lifting your legs up - it provides blood flow to the legs and slightly reduces their circle. In any case, to wear stockings of compression hosiery is very difficult, so be prepared for the fact that this process will take you in the morning a few extra minutes.

 Buying and socks | Compression stockings for the treatment of varicose veins: how to help the legs

What does the science of compression pantyhose

The effectiveness of compression hosiery Compression knitwear - observe the following rules  Compression knitwear - observe the following rules
   for the treatment of varicose veins evaluated in numerous randomized controlled trials. After analysis of 25 such studies had concluded: "the wearing of compression hosiery products actually improves the symptoms of varicose veins. However, what is the use of compression can slow the progression of disease, or prevent new varicose veins, is not confirmed by currently available research results. " That is, compression stockings can make your life easier, eliminating symptoms such as heaviness and swelling, but, despite this, there will be new varicose veins.

The key to successful treatment of varicose veins Treatment of varicose veins: a preference - conservative methods  Treatment of varicose veins: a preference - conservative methods
   - Combining different methods. It should be wearing compression stockings to combine with taking drugs and food additives Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
 That will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and stop the development of varicose veins. With only one result of such compression is not achieved.

 Buying and socks | Compression stockings for the treatment of varicose veins: how to help the legs

Where to buy compression stockings, and some prefer manufacturer

Most patients buy compression stockings in local drugstores or specialty stores. However, more and more people are attracted to the benefits of online shopping. Often the prices are lower and the choice is much more - on the Internet, you can almost always find the model and size, which are not found in the pharmacy. In addition, to make the purchase, you do not even have to leave home.

Before you buy something in a particular online store, read reviews about it on discussion forums, as well as compare prices and assortment of other shops. These simple measures will help you find fast and reliable service.

Regarding the choice of the manufacturer, it is a matter of personal preferences of each person. Every company can find compression stockings very good quality at a high price, and things at reasonable and low prices - their quality is quite acceptable, although somewhat lower than that of the more expensive things. The world's largest manufacturer of compression hosiery is now the company Sigvaris. It holds the unofficial title since 2009. In one year the company produces about 3.6 million pairs of compression stockings Compression stockings - check with your doctor  Compression stockings - check with your doctor
 Stocking and golf. Before you buy, read the table of sizes, and, if necessary, contact the customer service of the company whose products you want to buy - they also will be able to help you with a choice.

Article Tags:
  • varicosity
