- Detraleks - improves the function of blood vessels
- Mechanism of action
Detraleks tablets contain 500 mg of micronized flavonoid fraction - 450 mg diosmin and 50 mg hesperidin. The composition of this preparation also contains: sodium carboxymethylcellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, magnesium stearate, talc, white wax, glycerin
Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair
Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose 2910, polyethylene glycol 6000, sodium lauryl sulfate, iron oxide red, iron oxide yellow and titanium dioxide.

Chronic venous insufficiency organic or functional origin; trophic disorders; leg cramps; swelling; heaviness in the legs and morning tired feet; acute and chronic hemorrhoids. Detraleks assigned only to adults.

Side effects
Most patients can tolerate treatment detraleks. In rare cases, there are side effects such as the disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea and vomiting, dyspepsia, diarrhea), and such disorders of the autonomic nervous system, like dizziness and headaches. Interrupt treatment is not necessary. Usually these symptoms disappear quickly and without taking any action; if they do not weaken and do not go through one or two days after the onset, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Detraleks flebotonicheskim relates to drugs and has venotonic. It reduces venous capacity, distensibility of the veins and venous emptying.
In addition, it has a protective effect on the microcirculation system, reduces inflammation of the veins, reducing the activation of leukocytes, and consequently, inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators, primarily free radicals and prostaglandins. Detraleks reduces the permeability of capillaries by strengthening their walls.

Efficiency detraleks
Detraleks also improves lymphatic drainage, increasing lymph flow and oncotic pressure. This action on the lymphatic system and is associated with flebotonicheskim sosudozaschitnym detraleks effect.
Numerous studies have proven the effectiveness of detraleks as a means of treatment of chronic venous insufficiency
Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
. Detraleks significantly improves the symptoms of venous insufficiency, which have a negative impact on daily life: heaviness in the legs, pain, swelling, functional impairment, and night cramps.
In addition, detraleks is a very effective remedy for hemorrhoids. It greatly facilitates the subjective symptoms and objective signs of hemorrhoids, such as anal discomfort, pain, redness, discharge from the anus, proctitis, tenesmus, pruritus, erythema, and rectal bleeding. Detraleks also reduces the frequency and duration of episodes of acute hemorrhoid
Acute Hemorrhoids - office workers at risk

Pharmacological properties
Detroleks phlebotropic is the only drug that contains purified flavonoid fraction and a micronized form. Micronization is a decrease in the particle size of the active substance formulation. Thus, increasing the speed and quality of the absorption of the active substance; moreover, in this form the substance starts to operate faster.
The researchers found that the optimal therapeutic effect in the treatment of functional and organic diseases of lower limb veins and hemorrhoids is achieved by taking two tablets a day.
In addition, it has been found experimentally that after ingestion detroleks perebaryvat actively, resulting in formation of phenolic acids, which are then excreted in the urine. Detraleks half-life (the period during which the concentration of drug in the body is reduced by half) is 11 hours. About 80% of the active substance is derived through the intestine, and approximately 14% of the dose excreted in the urine.
Flavonoids are generally present in plants in the form of compounds with the sugar (glycoside) and play an important role metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
plants. They take part in photosynthesis process of seed germination, protect plants from fungal infections and so on.
The human body can not itself synthesize flavonoids, but they must include in the diet, as have a significant effect on the metabolism by altering the activity of many enzymes. Some flavonoids also have antimicrobial activity.
The sources of flavonoids may be fruit (especially a lot of them in the lemon peel), berries (especially sea buckthorn), green tea, red wine, dark beers, bitter chocolates.