Endothelial dysfunction when blood flow slows down

February 24, 2011

  • Endothelial dysfunction when blood flow slows down
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 Endothelial dysfunction causes treatment
 Endothelium - a thin shell that covers the heart and blood vessels inside. Endothelial cells produce substances responsible for the contraction and relaxation of blood vessels, as well as enzymes that control blood clotting, the functions of immune cells, and platelets. Endothelial dysfunction can result from a variety of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, septic shock or Hypertension - Control your blood pressure  Hypertension - Control your blood pressure
 . It can also develop under the influence of environmental factors such as air pollution or tobacco smoke.

Studies have shown that endothelial dysfunction often precedes the development of atherosclerosis. As a result of this breach of the arteries lose their ability to properly expand, which can cause a stroke Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
   and / or heart attack.

 Endothelial dysfunction when blood flow slows down


For the diagnosis of endothelial dysfunction used a two-step test. First, the patient is administered adenosine, which normally expands the small blood vessels of the heart. The drug is injected into one of the coronary arteries, blood flow is then measured.

Then injected with acetylcholine, which is to expand the large arteries, and blood flow is measured again.

If both tests show a decrease in blood flow, endothelial dysfunction is diagnosed.

 Endothelial dysfunction when blood flow slows down


Normally, endothelial dysfunction respond well to treatment healthy diet and regular exercise. This allows you to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of many diseases.

It is necessary to abandon the consumption of trans fats because, according to research, they can contribute to the development of endothelial dysfunction.

Patients diagnosed with endothelial dysfunction, need to pay special attention to aerobic exercise - they cause an increase in heart rate and breathing speed up, providing a healthy pressure on the heart. However, before you start training, you need to consult a doctor.

In the treatment of endothelial dysfunction can also be used in medicaments, for example:

  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), which is used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure;
  • Drugs normalizing cholesterol;
  • Alpha- and beta-blockers, are used to control blood pressure;
  • External Counter Pulsation - type of therapy, which improves blood flow to the heart and normalize heart rhythm.
  • New methods of treatment, including - receiving ranolazine, aminophylline and experimental therapies.

 Endothelial dysfunction when blood flow slows down

What is endothelial dysfunction

Endothelial dysfunction can affect the development of atherosclerosis at early stages of the disease. Not so long ago, scientists concluded that the endothelial dysfunction - one of the first evidence of clinically defined diseases of the cardiovascular system. That is why it is believed that patients suffering from endoterialnoy dysfunction, prone to cardiovascular disease - such as myocardial infarction Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis  Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis
 . In addition, it is proved that endothelial dysfunction may be a factor in the development of vascular complications in diabetes.

In addition to atherosclerosis endoterialnaya dysfunction may be the consequence of a variety of other factors - from smoking and age-related problems and ending with diabetes, congestive heart failure, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia. Endoterialnaya dysfunction affects nearly 50% of people aged over 40, and women are more susceptible than men. However, endoterialnaya dysfunction respond well to treatment.

 Endothelial dysfunction when blood flow slows down


  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Adiposity
  • Menopause
  • Oxidative stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis

Dicynonum - instruction: how to stop the bleeding

October 7th, 2012

 Dicynonum guide
 Dicynonum - a drug, which stops the bleeding. It is especially effective when Dicynonum capillary bleeding and bleeding from internal organs. It stimulates natural (physiological) mechanisms such as blood clotting, shortening, thus bleeding time.

 Dicynonum - instruction: how to stop the bleeding

The mechanism of action Dicynonum

Dicynonum (INN - etamzilat) - a drug that belongs to a group angioprotectors - drugs that improve blood circulation in small blood vessels, normalize vascular permeability, reduce swelling of tissues and vessels activates metabolic processes in their walls. Produces Dicynonum international pharmaceutical concern Sandoz tablets of 250 mg in 2 ml ampoules (1 mL of solution contains 125 mg of active principle). Other pharmaceutical companies, the drug sold under the name etamzilat and eamsilat.

The mechanism of action Dicynonum Dicynonum - help with bleeding and increased bleeding  Dicynonum - help with bleeding and increased bleeding
   It based on the stimulation of the physiological mechanisms of blood coagulation. Thus, it stimulates the formation in the walls of small blood vessels (capillaries) of large molecules mucopolysaccharides, increases the resistance to any capillary effects and restores the normal permeability of the walls. All this contributes to better blood circulation in the capillary network. Dicynonum helps stop bleeding by forming a thromboplastin (coagulation factor III - it activates the external blood clotting system, which is run at a trauma of the vessel wall), normalize platelet adhesion (the ability of platelets to stick to the walls of blood vessels). It does not contribute to increased blood clotting and thrombus formation.

After oral administration, tablets Dicynonum it is rapidly and almost completely absorbed into the blood and begins to act. The maximum effect is achieved after four hours after ingestion, and the total duration is eight hours. After intravenous administration Dicynonum takes effect within ten minutes, reaching a maximum effect in one hour, while the total duration of 4-6 hours. He is well-crosses the placenta and is excreted in human milk. Excreted in the urine largely unchanged.

 Dicynonum - instruction: how to stop the bleeding

Indications and contraindications

Dicynonum used in the following diseases and conditions:

  • during ENT, obstetrics, gynecology, urology, dental, ophthalmic and other types of surgery to prevent bleeding from internal organs and tissues with a strong network of capillaries; so the operations in the organ of administration Dicynonum reduces the probability of failure due to bleeding;
  • the allocation of blood in the urine (hematuria), nosebleeds, bleeding gums How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules  How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules
 , Heavy menstrual bleeding and intermenstrual against the backdrop of menstrual disorders, the use of intrauterine contraceptive devices, or in the presence of uterine fibroids;
  • haemorrhagic diathesis and hemorrhagic syndromes - diseases that are accompanied by bleeding disorders;
  • vascular changes in the retina (including hemorrhages) diabetes mellitus Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
  • due to birth injury Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?  Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?
   in newborns and premature babies, who are accompanied by intracranial hemorrhages.

Dicynonum contraindicated:

  • hypersensitivity to its components of the patient;
  • in certain types of cancer in children - lymphoblastic and myeloid leukemia, sarcoma of bone;
  • thrombosis and thromboembolism (blood clot separation and movement through blood vessels);
  • in acute porphyria - an inherited disorder of pigment metabolism, manifested primarily by repeated attacks of neurological and mental health;
  • breastfeeding - the drug is excreted in human milk, therefore, the period of treatment is recommended to interrupt breastfeeding.

When pregnancy Dicynonum appoint only for health reasons in the event that the expected benefit to the mother's body exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.

 Dicynonum - instruction: how to stop the bleeding

Side effects

Dicynonum generally well tolerated, but sometimes in its application may experience the following side effects:

  • of the central and peripheral nervous systems - headaches, dizziness, various lower extremity sensory loss;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract - heartburn, nausea, heaviness in the stomach;
  • with the circulatory system - decrease in systolic (upper) blood pressure; flushing.

Dicynonum is effective and fairly safe drug. However, it can be used only on prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Dicynonum
