Troxevasin - a drug, efficacy and safety of which is time-tested. It tones the smooth muscles of the walls of the veins, has a beneficial effect on the capillaries, inhibits the action of toxic free radicals. Furthermore, it is well reduces swelling resulting in stasis of venous blood, and anti-inflammatory effect.
How does troksevazin
Troxevasin (troxerutin) is a semisynthetic derivative of routine - bioflavonoids contained in the leaves of rue fragrant. Rutin, especially in combination with ascorbic acid has a positive effect on capillary walls, reducing their permeability and fragility. Troxevasin more active than natural routines. It not only strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces swelling, inflammation of the walls of the veins, preventing the formation of blood clots.
It significantly enhances the effect of ascorbic acid, also strengthens the walls of blood vessels. This happens due to the fact that troksevazin inhibits toxic effects of free radicals and oxidation of ascorbic acid.
Particularly important beneficial effect troksevazin to the smallest blood vessels (capillaries), which, however, play a crucial role in the formation of varicose veins. Under the effect of increased tone troksevazin capillary walls, thereby promoting venous blood in the right direction from the bottom upwards.
When thrombophlebitis and related eating disorders troksevazin surrounding tissues reduces inflammation in the walls of the veins, tones the walls of veins, relieves congestion and swelling in the tissues. All together, this leads to better nutrition of soft tissues surrounding the zone of disturbed venous circulation. If this area were sores, the application troksevazin promotes their full or partial healing.
If ingestion troksevazin enters the bloodstream, acting for eight hours, then decomposed by the liver and excreted primarily in the urine, but also partly in the faeces (bile).
In some cases, treatment is indicated troksevazin
Troxevasin prescribed mainly for chronic venous insufficiency
Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
. This disease may be accompanied by edema, malnutrition tissue, trophic ulcers, inflammation and venous thrombosis. All these phenomena when taking troksevazin can significantly decrease. If you start taking troksevazin at the beginning of the formation of venous insufficiency, the progression of the disease may be a long pause.
Troxevasin can be used in many vascular disorders. For example, diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
At which damage the blood vessels often leads to gangrene of the extremities.
Troksevazin also help with hemorrhoids - venous stagnation of blood in the veins of the rectum. In chronic hemorrhoids troksevazin warn formation of blood clots and the transition to an acute chronic course. If acute hemorrhoids has already begun, the troksevazin reduce swelling, pain and inflammation.
Apply troksevazin and increased bleeding - strengthening the walls of blood vessels prevents the appearance of skin hemorrhages, typical for such diseases.
For some children the infection affects the small blood vessels, which increases the intensity and duration of the inflammatory process. Such diseases include measles
Measles in children - may cause serious complications
and scarlet fever. Troxevasin in this case as part of a prescribed treatment. By the same disease, and include the flu, which can affect people of any age.
How to apply
Frequently troksevazin applied simultaneously and orally (capsule), and outwardly in a 2% gel.
Inside troksevazin take during the meal, do not chew the capsule with water. First take one capsule (300 mg) three times a day for two weeks. During this time it will be seen how effective the action of the drug. After this dose or reduce or leave unchanged, and continue treatment for a total of up to a month. After treatment, the therapeutic effect lasts for another month.
When vascular changes in diabetes mellitus troksevazin dose is adjusted individually and is usually higher than the recommended for the treatment of varicose veins.
External and local use 2% gel troksevazin, it is applied to the skin over the site of the lesion and rub gently until complete absorption.
In what cases can not be used troksevazin
Troksevazin not use in case of hypersensitivity to it the body of the patient. For external and local application troksevazin a 2% gel no other contraindications.
The capsules should not be used as troksevazin ulcerative processes in the stomach and intestines in the acute stage, in the first trimester of pregnancy. With care it is used during pregnancy, breast-
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast and kidney function.
Troxevasin help patients with a variety of cardiovascular problems.
Galina Romanenko