- Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
- Causes and types
What is thrombosis
Thrombosis - a lifetime of blood clotting in the lumen of the blood vessel. Thrombosis leads to circulatory disorders in the tissues, causing diseases such as myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, thrombosis, and others, as well as contribute to the weighting of any disease.
In a healthy body processes blood clotting regulated by the nervous and endocrine systems in violation of this balance can occur and bleeding disorders with the formation of blood clots.
At the heart of thrombosis is damage to blood vessel walls, changes in the functional state of the vascular system and slowing blood flow.
Damage to the blood vessel wall may be a structural (as a result of trauma, poisoning or infection), or functional, arising, for example, due to stress
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(thrombus formation process starts catching adrenaline). The change of the functional state of the circulatory system can occur as a result of bleeding disorders under the influence of various factors. Spasm of the arteries and veins can cause impaired blood flow and blood stasis - it also contributes to increased thrombosis.
All these mechanisms of blood clots are most often the result of trauma, obesity, advanced age, stress, allergic and cardiovascular diseases and so on.
How is the blood clot
In the process of clot formation has several stages:
- The first stage - damage to the blood vessel wall, which leads to local activation of homeostasis (the body tries to repair the damage);
- the second stage - to the damaged portion of the vessel wall rush platelets;
- the third phase - the concentration on the damaged site of a large number of platelets;
- fourth step - the formation of a special enzyme thrombin which converts fibrinogen plasma protein into insoluble fibrin protein, in which filaments are retained blood cells (platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells), which leads to thrombus formation
- fifth stage - retraction (active contraction) of the thrombus, causing it becomes dense.
Coronary thrombosis
Coronary Thrombosis (supplying the heart muscle) vessels leads to the fact that in the muscle fibers of the myocardium metabolism changes
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, Disrupted activity of enzyme systems. All this causes a profound change of heart muscle cells, muscle section with impaired circulation stop working and die. This condition is called myocardial infarction. This is followed by a sharp pain, and cardiac abnormalities.
Cerebral thrombosis
Cerebral thrombosis is the cause of stroke
Stroke - a serious brain injury
- The withering away of brain tissue. Most often develops after a stroke, emotional or physical exertion, alcohol, and manifested in the morning or at night. Signs of stroke is increasing gradually, appearing lesion of a part of the brain in the form of visual impairment, hearing loss, some types of movements and sensitivity.
Thrombophlebitis - an inflammation of the vein wall in combination with thrombosis. The first sign of thrombophlebitis - suddenly appeared sharp pain along the vein and fever. The skin around a vein becomes reddened and edematous, Vienna palpable as a thick strand painful.
Thrombophlebitis is a long, recurrent, difficult to treat disease and the source of detached clots that can move freely on the venous and arterial systems, clogging blood vessels and causing numerous complications.
Complications Thrombosis
Thrombosis is a serious complication of thromboembolism
Thromboembolism: severe complications
- Separation of thrombus or its parts and their free movement in the bloodstream. Most often a blood clot separation occurs in the venous system, venous thrombosis of lower extremities.
Especially dangerous is pulmonary embolism - blockage of pulmonary arterial blood clot in the veins of the systemic circulation (systemic circulation collects the venous blood from the upper and lower limbs, abdomen, and so on). For such thrombosis is characterized by acute onset of shortness of breath, pain in the heart, and often almost instantaneous death of the patient.
Thrombosis - a dangerous disease, so people who have it moved, should be under constant medical supervision.
Galina Romanenko