Wart Removal - Do not engage in independent action

October 2, 2008

 wart removal
   Most people first try to remove warts home remedies. If everything is done correctly, home treatment is successful and less painful than the procedure performed cosmetologist or a doctor. If you are not sure that the education you have a wart on the skin Warts - germ of cancer?  Warts - germ of cancer?
   and / or if you have diabetes, peripheral arterial disease, or other serious violations, before removing warts need to consult with a medical professional.

Do not use the following methods to remove genital warts.

 Wart Removal - Do not engage in independent action

Removal of warts using salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is sold in pharmacies as an ointment or a solution, which should be applied to the wart. Before using salicylic acid, carefully read the instructions in the package insert, and if you do something will not understand, ask your pharmacist questions or physician. To get rid of warts using salicylic acid, usually it requires from a few weeks to several months.

  • Before applying salicylic acid in the water to help the skin area on which the wart. It will soften and acid will be easier to penetrate the skin.
  • Apply salicylic acid to the wart at bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . Tie this place a bandage or plaster close up and put on socks. In the morning rinse with acid.
  • Salicylic acid must be applied directly to the wart; Avoid contact with the rest of her skin.
  • At sufficiently prolonged use salicylic acid softens the wart so that its fabric can be easily removed.
  • Carefully remove dead tissue daily or 1-2 times weekly using pumice or as instructed. The necrotic tissue is still the virus that caused the warts, so the tissue removal is recommended to burn. Do not use a pumice stone, with which you are removing warts, for any other purpose.
  • If, due to the treatment area of ​​the skin where the wart is becoming too sensitive, stop using salicylic acid for 2-3 days.

 Wart Removal - Do not engage in independent action

Removal of warts using patch

This method is somewhat simpler previous. Buy at the pharmacy special plaster to remove warts. Its active ingredients are salicylic acid and other substances. (There are recommendations in the same way to use a conventional adhesive or even adhesive tape).

  • Cut a piece of plaster, most similar in shape to the surface of the warts.
  • Attach the patch to the wart and leave it for 6 days. If it were peeled off, stick a new piece.
  • After 6 days, remove the patch and rasparte wart. Using a pumice gently scrape off the softened surface of the warts. Do not rub too hard - it is necessary to remove only what goes easily and without pain. After 12-24 hours glue patch again for 6 days. Repeat until the wart does not come down, but no longer than two months.

 Wart Removal - Do not engage in independent action

Other methods

Celandine is a popular folk remedy for removing warts. It is for the properties it got its name. Juice of celandine Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries  Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries
   should be regularly applied to the wart until it goes. To be most effective wart before applying the juice is recommended to steam. You can also try to rub the wart with the juice of fresh beans, garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   and onions. These means are slower salicylic acid, and are not always effective.

Most warts are safe, painless and do not require special treatment .  If you decide to remove a wart yourself, take all the necessary precautions and be patient - home treatments do not work fast .  Also, keep in mind that the salicylic acid helps, on average, in 75% of cases .  Because it is the most effective means of those that can be used at home, if you do not help, it is necessary to seek professional help .  Most often, beauticians and doctors removed the wart with liquid nitrogen or laser .  The procedure is performed using a local anesthetic .  The procedure itself takes a bit of time, usually a few minutes .  After her area of ​​skin, which had a wart can be quite sick .  Usually this kind of pain is possible to remove with the help of non-prescription painkillers .  The skin will heal a few weeks .  During this time, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight .  You should also give up the cosmetics containing alcohol .  If the wart was not very big, in its place there will be no scars, and in a few weeks, nothing will be reminded of the fact that once it was generally .

Article Tags:
  • Warts

Facelift - does not negate aging

December 17, 2006

 No matter how well you may care for your skin, it can only be postponed for some time the appearance of wrinkles that are a natural part of the aging process. However, modern technology allows to significantly rejuvenate the face and smooth skin.

A facelift or rhytidectomy not only wrinkles, but also, to some extent, improves facial contours that change with age. If you feel that your appearance does not correspond to your inner state - you may want to consider a facelift.

 Facelift - does not negate aging

Preparing for facelift

First, of course, you need to consult a doctor, who will examine your medical history, assess the elasticity of the skin, bone structure; Specialists carefully study the lines and hairline their potential patients. During the consultation, discusses the patient's expectations.

Two weeks before surgery should stop taking certain medications, among them - aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, warfarin Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants  Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants
 . You should also give up some food additives Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
 Which increase the risk of bleeding during surgery, for example, vitamin E, omega-3, an extract of green tea and gingko biloba. Thus it is not necessarily excluded from the diet products containing any of these substances. Consult with your doctor before you stop taking any prescription medications.

Most professionals require patients to refuse from smoking at least a month before the facelift, and did not smoke during the month after the procedure. Smoking reduces blood flow to the face. As a result, one out of ten smokers after facelift begins necrosis of skin cells in the joints, unless they start shortly after the smoking operation.

 Facelift - does not negate aging

How is the procedure

Usually, the whole procedure takes a few hours, after which the patient can go home.

First, the least significant portions of the skin on the face (e.g., ear or hairline) makes a small incision. Then get rid of the skin under her fabrics, pull it and remove the excess tissue. Sometimes some parts of the face removed excess fat. If necessary, during the same procedure makes lifting the neck.

Within a few days after the surgery, the patient must wear a bandage.

Swelling and bruising under the skin - the most common consequence of the procedure. To speed recovery and prevent infection, patients prescribed anti-inflammatories and antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 . Inflammation and swelling can be reduced also by applying cold compresses to the skin.

 Facelift - does not negate aging

Recovery and Results

Most patients can return to work within a few days after the procedure, and full recovery usually takes a couple of weeks. The pain and discomfort after the operation is minimal. Within a few weeks after the facelift should avoid direct sunlight; for intense training can begin six weeks after surgery.

The final result will be noticeable facelift as six weeks. If the operation is successful, the scars are invisible, and the skin will look naturally. Overly stretched skin is not the result of a successful operation.

 Facelift - does not negate aging


Risks associated with facelift:

  • Noticeable scars on the skin;
  • Bleeding or bruising under the skin (hematoma);
  • Infection;
  • Slow healing of wounds or skin necrosis;
  • Damage to the facial nerve The facial nerve when a person loses symmetry  The facial nerve when a person loses symmetry
  • Asymmetry of the face;
  • Numbness or other changes in skin sensitivity;
  • Necrosis of facial adipose tissue;
  • Swelling;
  • Pain;
  • Skin discoloration, sensitivity or swelling;
  • Hair loss;
  • Dissatisfaction with the results;
  • Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications.

 Facelift - does not negate aging

Selecting the clinic and doctor

Performing conventional braces, also known as the lifting and tightening of muscle carcass faces (the so-called lift SMAS), it takes a few hours, depending on how many mini-procedure to perform in a single operation. Some surgeons divide operation into two stages. When performing this type of lift the surgeon separates the skin from fat and muscle layer, and then removes or sucks the fat from the neck and chin to improve the contour of the face. Thereafter, the surgeon tightens the muscles and open the partition, pulling the skin to the ears and removing the excess. Stitches reinforce strained layers of fabric and hide to make cuts; It uses metal braces. In general, the factors directly affecting the operation of the lifting equipment, determined the individual characteristics of the patient's face, the surgeon's preferences and the actual type of braces.

In addition, men and women, the incisions are performed in different locations, although the standard incision requires continuous incision, which begins at the temple, passes in front of the ear, passes him and ends in the crease behind the ear. Instead of a full-lift, some patients choose a local lifting the forehead, chin or neck.

 Facelift - does not negate aging


Bandages must remain intact for 48-72 hours after surgery. Drainage is removed, only the first time you change the bandage. Relaxation after lift surgery is of paramount importance; the first two days after the lifting need as much rest and sleep, to give the body a chance to recuperate. During this time the patient's head should be in the raised position and remain stationary to reduce swelling.

Be sure to enlist the help of friends, and ask someone from relatives to look after you after the operation or use the services of a nurse. You will need help to change a cold compress to answer phone calls and serve food. To maximize the efficiency of the operation and speed rehabilitation, limit physical activity. Motion can cause a rise in blood pressure, leading to bleeding or stretchable seams. In the postoperative period, at least one month should refrain from any strenuous activity. In addition, if ready for an exceptional feeling of fatigue after surgery.

In most patients, post-operative rehabilitation takes about two weeks. After completing the recovery process, and the successful healing of your reflection in the mirror you will be pleasantly surprised.

 Facelift - does not negate aging


Despite the long-term benefits and the effectiveness of a face-lift, it does not negate aging. Thus, it is difficult to clearly define what exactly over time required to re-tightening. Some women, only one lift, the results of which are saved until the end of life, the others have to go under the surgeon's scalpel every five - ten years.

Article Tags:
  • tightening
