Cryosurgery - not only for the beauty - Special procedures

April 22, 2010

  • Cryosurgery - not only for beauty
  • Features procedures

Features procedures

Cryosurgery - a method of local influence of low temperatures to destroy the abnormal tissue. The source of the low temperature at this is liquid nitrogen, whose boiling point is - 196 ° C. Fast and very strong cooling of the tissue leads to a simultaneous freezing of intercellular and intracellular fluid to the formation of ice, which causes disruption of the cells and tissue decay. The faster the freezing, the more efficient the process of cryoablation.

Place exposure to cold should be deeper and wider than the volume occupied by the tissue changes that you want to delete. As a result of the cold zone is formed necrosis (dead tissue) and the surrounding area is damaged, but not necrotic tissue, which eventually restores its function.

Plus cryoablation is that it is quite gentle on the tissue, so on-site operation in most cases remains adhesions, scar constrictions and stenosis (narrowing of the cavity or tubular organs, impeding progress on them content). Additionally, cryosurgery painless and in most cases no complications.

The downside of this operation is that after the tissues heal more slowly than in other modern methods of surgical treatment (for example, after exposure to a laser or radio waves). In addition, there are difficulties in determining the depth of the impact of cold on the tissue, it can cause or incomplete removal of abnormal tissue (in such cases a repeat cryotherapy) or destroy healthy tissue.

Cryosurgery is usually used to remove age spots, warts, moles. Widespread use of cryoablation found in gynecology.

 Features procedures | Cryosurgery - not only for beauty

Stages of change in tissue cryoablation

Operation cryodestruction lasts from 30 seconds to 2 minutes and does not require anesthesia, since the effects of low temperature are damaged nerve endings. After cryoablation occur following a step change in the tissue:

  • immediately after the operation place the impact pales, it becomes cold and insensitive due to violation of blood circulation in the capillaries, for the same reason there is no bleeding;
  • in one - three o'clock the place turns red and swells the impact, there is a feeling of pain, tingling and burning;
  • during the day on the site of exposure to the cold bubble appears with clear or bloody content;
  • after two or three days on the spot a bubble formed dry crust, under which the formation of a new tissue - not a substitute for scar tissue, namely, that the fabric, in which cryosurgery was performed;
  • within a month (sometimes one and a half months) crust disappears, leaving a small almost imperceptible spot, which may eventually disappear altogether - the structure of the skin is completely restored within six months.

 Features procedures | Cryosurgery - not only for beauty

Indications and contraindications for the conduct of the procedure

Cryodestruction deleted:

  • dark spots;
  • warts, papilloma, condyloma - benign tumors on the skin and mucous membranes of viral origin;
  • vascular tumors (hemangiomas);
  • moles (nevi);
  • hyperkeratosis zones - horny layer of the skin surface with the presence of the beam papillary growths (eg, corns on the feet);
  • certain types of skin cancer Skin cancer - a full recovery possible  Skin cancer - a full recovery possible
  • epulis (benign tumor of the gums);
  • some gynecological pathological processes.

Cryosurgery is contraindicated in the presence of inflammatory diseases.

Cryosurgery of the cervix

Cryosurgery of the cervix - is a gentle method that is used in the treatment of various pathological processes of the cervix. The indications for this procedure are cervical erosion Cervical erosion - almost without symptoms, but with consequences  Cervical erosion - almost without symptoms, but with consequences
 Cysts and precancerous cervical disease, chronic inflammation, or polyps in the cervical canal condylomas and papillomas (benign tumors of viral origin).

Cryosurgery of the cervix is ​​not suitable for all acute inflammatory processes in the field, in cases of suspected malignant tumors of the female genital organs, uterine fibroids Uterine fibroids - when surgery is needed?  Uterine fibroids - when surgery is needed?
 , Endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences

Cryosurgery of the cervix is ​​held in the first phase of the menstrual cycle (7-10 days of the menstrual cycle) in an outpatient setting, it is painless and does not leave scars, does not alter the elasticity of the cervix, which is especially important for young nulliparous women, as scars in the area of ​​the cervix prevent its disclosure in childbirth.

Cryosurgery - a wonderful method of surgical treatment of various diseases.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of plastic surgery

Mentoplasty - how to correct the chin? - Operation

February 18, 2010

  • Mentoplasty - how to correct the chin?
  • Transaction

 mentoplasty operation


Mentoplasty - plastic chin. That's chin sometimes creates dissonance in the form of a man: a very small, "cut" visually increases the chin, nose and gives a person the infantile expression. On the contrary, too long or protruding chin gives the face a heavy, which is not always suitable for women.

Facial features must always correspond to each other, otherwise lost its shape, which, of course, affects the appearance. Chin must also comply with the rest of the facial features, it should be clear from the shape, with a width equal to approximately one-third the distance from the hairline to the bottom of the chin, the width of the wings of the nose and the distance between the eyebrows, height - half the horizontal dimension of the lower third of the face.

In addition, with age it noted withering skin and the appearance of fatty deposits in the chin and neck, i.e. there is a double chin. Modern plastic surgery techniques allow to get rid of this defect.

 Operation | Mentoplasty - how to correct the chin?

Who should conduct Mentoplasty

Sometimes defects chin significantly distorted proportions of the face, such conditions require plastic chin. Mentoplasty needed:

  • under the chin of irregular shape, which disturbs the harmony of the face;
  • when underdevelopment, "slant" chin;
  • with a large, heavy chin;
  • congenital defects of the chin;
  • after traumatic injuries of the chin;
  • when you double-chin, as a consequence of obesity or aging.

Contraindications Mentoplasty:

  • disorders of blood coagulation;
  • diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   (reduced immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 So it can join the infection);
  • Any acute and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • age 18 years, when the facial features have not yet formed.

 Operation | Mentoplasty - how to correct the chin?

Equipment Operation

Mentoplasty operation is usually performed under local anesthesia. The incision is made in the skin or under the chin or on the oral mucosa in the area of ​​the lower lip (the latter does not leave any traces at all).

Mentoplasty demagnification is to remove part of the mandible or dissection offset bottom back bone. Augmentation mentoplasty is nominating the bottom of the jaw forward or change the shape of the chin with an implant (silicone implant is placed under the periosteum). Furthermore, the chin can be formed by using the patient's own adipose tissue taken from another area of ​​the body. All these techniques are used not only to increase or decrease the chin, but also to change its shape in congenital asymmetry and other congenital anomalies of the facial skeleton.

Removing a double chin is that excess fat in the neck area is evacuated by liposuction loose neck muscles and stretching the skin is stretched, excess skin is removed. At the same time the features of a human face restored, decreased double chin, the skin over it again becomes elastic again.

 Operation | Mentoplasty - how to correct the chin?

After operation

After surgery Mentoplasty head superimposed on a light fixing bandage, which must retain the shape of the tissues until they are healed and applied cold. The postoperative period usually takes place in an outpatient setting, the patient comes to the clinic only for dressings. The entire recovery period usually takes about two weeks. This discomfort (including some soreness, swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
 , Impaired chewing) may be only in the first week. During the first month is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise. Two weeks later will be displayed on the street, and the final result, with the complete disappearance of all the consequences of plastic surgery can be seen in three months.

Plastic surgery on the chin can dramatically change a person's appearance.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of plastic surgery
