Breast changes in pregnancy - be ready for change

October 5, 2006

 breast changes in pregnancy
 From the very beginning of pregnancy your body undergoes substantial change. Some of them are invisible to the eye, while others - such as the increase in the chest - are obvious both for you and for others.


Pregnancy: What breast changes should be expected?

  • During pregnancy your breasts are a number of changes, the most obvious are the following:
  • Growth and
  • Aggravation sensitivity
  • Darkening of the nipples and the skin around them caused by the hormones that affect pigmentation of the skin
  • Darkening of blood vessels on chest (caused by increased blood flow to the mammary gland)
  • The appearance of thick, yellowish discharge from the breast Discharge from the breast - preventive maintenance and regular inspection  Discharge from the breast - preventive maintenance and regular inspection
  • Bulging nipples; increasing the size of the nipple and areola
  • Lifting small glands on the surface of the areola (Montgomery tubercles).
  • Other changes are also caused by unstable hormonal during pregnancy.


How to adapt to change anything?

Growth and that many women look forward to the appearance of the signs of pregnancy - because they finally appear very seductive curves! However, in women with a prominent bust, this change is less enthusiastic. Such women should definitely buy a good support bra. If the volume of the breast increases several sizes, it is possible that you will have to sleep in a cotton sports bra.


How to choose a bra?

  • With good support
  • With frame, hidden deep in the cups
  • On the broad straps
  • With adjustable buckle (bras that are fastened at the back, more comfortable for pregnant than a bra with zipper front)
  • Do not wear a bra underwire

Aggravation of sensitivity: Hormones are preparing your breasts to feed the baby. There is growth and extension of the milk ducts, and their content of milk at an early stage of pregnancy. All this leads to the exacerbation of the sensitivity of the breast, especially the nipples. This change is also possible to pay in its favor: breast tenderness much enhance your sexual experience.

Isolation Colostrum: Colostrum is called the "first milk." It's sweet and watery fluid that is easily digested. Development of colostrum begins during the second trimester of pregnancy. Initially, the colostrum yellowish and thick, but as we approach the date of birth, it becomes more liquid and almost colorless. Colostrum will be the first food your newborn baby while you will not have a full milk. Isolation of colostrum can happen at any time, especially during a massage or sexual stimulation of the breasts.

Do not worry if this happens frequently, or not at all.

Women who during pregnancy have not been allocated colostrum still have enough milk for feeding a baby.


How to protect against breast cancer?

It is important not to stop the independent regular breast examinations during pregnancy. Unfortunately, it was then the task become difficult to achieve because of all the characteristic changes. Breasts grow, it becomes hypersensitive, and sometimes they even appear seals. However, do not forget to check their own breasts every 4 - 5 weeks.

Many pregnant women in the breast examination are small seals - clogged milk ducts. This red solid seals, which are extremely painful react to touch. Warm compresses (eg, wash the breast with warm water in the shower or warm attachment napkins) and massage will relieve you of this problem and clean the ducts in a few days. If you are not sure about the nature of the detected compaction, ask a gynecologist. Do not worry ahead of time: breast cancer Breast cancer - the verdict?  Breast cancer - the verdict?
   It is very rare in women younger than 35 years.

If you are over 35 and you're going to conceive a child, be sure to go through mammograms Mammography - protection against breast cancer  Mammography - protection against breast cancer
   before you begin to conceive Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child

Article Tags:
  • signs of pregnancy

Signs of early pregnancy - a prisoner of doubt

March 15, 2009

  • Signs of early pregnancy - a prisoner of doubt
  • Razrazhitelnost, temperature, pain
  • Doubtful signs
  • Home pregnancy tests
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 Signs of early pregnancy
   Many have heard about the most common symptoms of pregnancy, but every single woman they can be quite different. Some women in the early stages did not notice any special signs, and that's okay too. In addition, we must note that often these symptoms are associated, for example, disease, stress, fatigue, hormonal imbalance, the cause of which is not pregnant, and so on. To make sure that you really are pregnant, you should do a pregnancy test and, in the case of positive results, consult a doctor.

 Signs of early pregnancy - a prisoner of doubt

Delayed menstruation

This is the most well-known sign of pregnancy, which makes it a fairly high probability that you are expecting a baby. Some women, however, at an early stage of pregnancy may start light bleeding accompanied by abdominal pain, similar to menstrual. However, they are much weaker than menstruation, so confused with one another difficult.

 Signs of early pregnancy - a prisoner of doubt

"The feeling" of pregnancy

For this reason, many women begin to look for information on the Internet about the first signs of pregnancy. Often they believe that intuition is the first "reports" about the pregnancy. And intuition is often right.

But maybe you just do not feel as usual - for example, you're tired, you have a bad mood, nausea, dizziness, or heartburn, constipation, urinary tract infection, due to which you go to the toilet more often than usual. You have to wait until the feeling of pregnancy is confirmed - or confirmed - other signs.

 Signs of early pregnancy - a prisoner of doubt

Increased breast tenderness

One of the early signs of pregnancy, which is hard to miss - and very sensitive to the increased breast size. You can first pay attention to it in the shower or while playing sports when getting dressed, or when lying in bed, trying to find a position, easy to sleep - breasts become so sensitive that any contact with her, even soft tissue can cause discomfort. In some women, the skin around the nipples becomes darker.

 Signs of early pregnancy - a prisoner of doubt


Fatigue is also an early sign of pregnancy. You can go to bed earlier and get up in the morning will still be difficult. If you are in the middle of the day you may have a very strong desire to lie down and even a little nap. Training requires considerably more effort than usual. Even after going to the store, or simple home affairs there is a sensation of full frazzled.

This is due to the many changes that occur in the body of a pregnant, including increased production of hormones.

If you have such an opportunity, sleeping during the day for 15-30 minutes. After that, you will feel more energetic and will work more efficiently.

 Signs of early pregnancy - a prisoner of doubt

Frequent urination

More frequent trips to the bathroom may indicate that you are pregnant. The fact that increases in size uterus presses on the bladder, and you feel the urge to urinate more frequently. Furthermore, during gestation the volume of fluid in your body increases, and for nine months will only increase.

 Signs of early pregnancy - a prisoner of doubt


Malaise, nausea and vomiting may zastigat pregnant by surprise when she least expects it. This pregnancy symptom may appear a week after conception in some women is maintained throughout the forty weeks.

Often nausea begins in the morning when you drink tea, coffee or eat something on an empty stomach before breakfast, or even - the so-called "morning sickness." Other women nausea occur in the afternoon or evening; some - during the day. To ease this symptom eat small meals every 3-4 hours. Some women say they are helping snack saltine crackers and milk.

This pregnancy symptom occurs within a month after conception. In the second trimester, it usually becomes much less pronounced, however, unfortunately, it does not happen at all.

 Signs of early pregnancy - a prisoner of doubt

Dizziness and / or fainting

One of the most unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy - dizziness and fainting. This can occur when you climb the stairs, getting up abruptly, or just stand for a while in line at the supermarket. Usually, all it confined to vertigo, but some women swoon.

When the uterus increases, it compresses the arteries in the legs, causing the blood pressure drops and dizziness occur.

Fainting can happen after a few hours spent without food. Because of the large gap between meals drops sharply blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
 Since sugar is the main source of supply of your baby. Try to eat more and to eat a healthy diet to keep blood sugar levels normal. Snack on apples, bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 , Grapes, yogurt, carrots and greens, cheese and crackers, dried fruit and nuts.

 Signs of early pregnancy - a prisoner of doubt

"Brutal" appetite or aversion to food

Passion pregnant to certain foods and strange combinations of food - a very common cliché. For example, someone wants a hot peach pie with vanilla ice cream and always - at night. However, these desires can arise not only in pregnant women, and not only women.

This is due to the fact that your body lacks certain nutrients, and in pregnant women is such a shortage is particularly acute.

Therefore, doctors recommend expectant mothers take prenatal vitamins and fish oil Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?  Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?
   in capsules.

Not so well known, but not less common pregnancy symptom - an aversion to certain foods, sometimes - the food at all. You may find that the foods that you enjoyed before you now do not even want to look. This is normal and you just have to eat what you want and, of course, do not forget about vitamins.

 Signs of early pregnancy - a prisoner of doubt

Sensitivity to odors

Already in the early stages of pregnancy a woman may develop a heightened sensitivity to odors. It happens that even the favorite fragrances - perfume, food or flowers - cause gagging or just a desire to get away from the source of the odor. It is believed that this is another consequence of the increased production of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   in pregnant.

 Signs of early pregnancy - a prisoner of doubt

Heartburn and / or constipation

This pregnancy symptom caused by the fact that the uterus, increasing, more and more pressure on the stomach and other adjacent organs. In addition, elevated levels of hormones slows down the process of digestion and bowel movements, so that the body has had time to absorb from food as much as possible nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are very important for the normal development of your baby.

This increases the production of gastric juice to aid digestion, and this in turn causes heartburn. To resolve this symptom, drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda, and to prevent its re-emergence, try to eat small meals 5-6 times a day. This will facilitate digestion. Drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruits, vegetables and cereal grains - fluid and fiber contribute to better digestion of food. Some supplements contain digestive enzymes - they can help you, but, before taking them, consult your doctor.
