36th week of pregnancy: do not be afraid

March 17th, 2011

 36th week of pregnancy
 Deliveries are approaching, and some women fear grips. In that case very well help to two things: a good preparation (after you finished school of motherhood) and insurance. And insurance - a preliminary agreement on the introduction and reception of sorts with the specialist maternity hospital. All this is sure to put you at ease.

 36th week of pregnancy: do not be afraid

Status of women in the 36th week of pregnancy

This week, the woman continues to wait for delivery. Overall condition occurring during normal childbirth is satisfactory, but still worried about insomnia, heartburn, bloating Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
 , Constipation and frequent urination. It is also possible the emergence or worsening signs of toxemia of pregnancy, varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
   and hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease

At the reception at the obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation is already underway to discuss the various options childbirth, including discussed the possibility of analgesia. Some pregnant women are concerned that the births occur painful. Pain relief in labor has a long history. At the beginning of pain relief during labor used different magic rituals, then analgesia using infusions and decoctions of herbs. More than a hundred years ago for labor analgesia anesthesia was used, but experience has shown that it often produces complications of the child. Also used drugs that relieves spasms of the muscles, pain relievers, some delivery processes, and so on. These techniques of anesthesia exist today.

If a woman is afraid of pain should discuss this with your doctor maternity hospital before childbirth, and for this it is necessary to advance to meet. The mere fact that the woman sees a doctor and believe it largely removes her fear of childbirth. Arrangement (it's your insurance) is necessary, but the last word in deciding how to use general anesthesia and anesthesia should be left for the doctor.

The most common method of pain relief in labor is an epidural today - a method when an anesthetic is injected under the hard shell of the spinal cord, resulting in a complete lack of sensitivity occurs in the pelvic area.

Today, a great place to take pain relief in labor psychoprophylaxis special techniques that are studied in the schools of motherhood. One hundred years ago, obstetricians first turned to the experience of labor in Indian women. It is known that they give birth between times, completely painless, doing heavy physical labor. But at the same time, the birth of a child is in the Native American tribes of honor and social status of mothers was significantly higher than in nulliparous women.

The reasons for painless childbirth, which also never gave complications were constant physical labor, the feeling of joy and happiness during pregnancy and childbirth. Analysis of the experience of Indian women allowed to create a number of techniques of psychological preparation for childbirth. Particularly effective are the techniques of self-hypnosis and self-massage.

Self-hypnosis better start to learn a few months before the birth. Woman learning to breathe correctly How to breathe correctly - modern and traditional techniques  How to breathe correctly - modern and traditional techniques
   and to combine breathing with relaxation and visual (visual) representation of the picture delivery. Over time, a woman will begin to quickly enter into this state, and during childbirth do it automatically, self-anesthetize the childbirth.

The techniques of self-massage can help during painful contractions:

  • you need to stroke the belly clockwise, then knead and rub in a circular motion lumbar region;
  • with the power to knead the skin of the dimples above the buttocks;
  • strongly pressed his thumbs place in the abdomen, where are the bones of the pelvis;
  • forefinger massaging a point at the back surface of the opposite hand in the hole between the thumb and forefinger; repeat the process of the finger tightening screws, then firmly press the point and "twisting" a cog;
  • another point massage is on the inside of the lower leg, four fingers on the hand of the woman above the inner ankle; massage it is carried out just like in point massage brush.

 36th week of pregnancy: do not be afraid

Condition of the fetus in the 36th week of pregnancy

By the end of this week, the fetus reaches a length of 45-46 cm, weight - 2400-2500 of this week your baby grows up and loses most of the signs of prematurity. Therefore, even if he is born a little earlier time, it did not really hurt. But still better to be up until the end of pregnancy, so try. The reward for this will be the health of your baby.

Forms of child become more rounded, wrinkled countenance disappears, fluff, elongated hairs on the head, the ears are sealed cartilage. The umbilical cord is attached near the middle of the distance between the vagina and the end of the sternum, nails almost reach the fingertips. Most of the newborns already have a sucking reflex and they can suck the mother's breast.

Very soon begin delivery.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the third trimester of pregnancy

37th week of pregnancy: almost formed man

March 20, 2011

 37 Weeks Pregnant
 Restless sleep is one of the most common signs of the last few weeks of pregnancy. If you can not sleep at night, try to sleep during the day - relax, while you can. You have to work very hard, so try to gain strength.



In the 37th week of pregnancy, the baby is not considered to develop to the end, as before birth there is still three weeks. However, if you're a parent now, his lungs are likely to be already mature enough to provide it with oxygen without the help of the mother's body. (In some children, however, the lungs are developing a little longer. Therefore, if, for example, you need a scheduled cesarean section, the doctor held him no earlier than the 39th week. Exceptions can be made only if there are medical indications for earlier intervention. )

Your baby is now weighs about 2 to 8 kg, and the length of its body is about 45-48 cm. Some children are born with already full of hair on the head. Hair length is from 1 to 4 cm. Do not be surprised if your child's hair color is not like the hair color of any of the parents. Such symptoms are sometimes inherited a very bizarre, and in addition, hair color may change with age.


Expectant mother

Braxton Hicks contractions come more often, last longer, and sometimes cause very severe discomfort. To distinguish them from real labor contractions simple. Practice contractions come at irregular intervals, gradually weakening and tested soon after the change of body position. Labor pains gradually increase, starting at regular intervals (intervals slowly declining; the gap in less than five minutes of contractions is considered the beginning of the active phase of labor).

Heavy vaginal discharge The whole truth about vaginal secretions  The whole truth about vaginal secretions
   It may be a sign of retreat mucus plug, but sometimes start at birth only a few weeks after that. If there are traces of blood secretions - probably before delivery is a few days - or even less. (If you start now vaginal bleeding, call your doctor right away.)

Ask your doctor about the results of tests for streptococcus group B. Of course, you will be informed about them, in any case, but it is better to know in advance the need to receive antibiotics during labor is not a surprise to you.

In late pregnancy, many mothers see unusually bright, detailed dreams. Someone they look like a beautiful fairy tale, someone - a horror movie, and dreams of many women is intertwined with one another. Do not try to find an explanation for these dreams in a variety of dream books - interpretation could be another cause for concern, moreover, if it proves to be true, it is only thanks to coincidence.

The fact is that the time when a person is resting, the brain works - active but differently than when we are awake. Functions and mechanisms of dreams Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   is not completely clear to the scientists, one is most likely that the dream - the result of the process of information processing that occurs while we sleep. During pregnancy, especially in the last stages of a woman worried about the future, gradually realizing that they are entering a new phase of life, which will differ significantly from what it was before. All thoughts and feelings on the matter are reflected in dreams.

In just a few weeks before the birth the baby falls just below the pelvic. This can happen in the 37th week of pregnancy, and a little earlier or later. The woman in this case feels some relief - a child is now more pressure on the bladder and frequent urination, but the pressure on the diaphragm and the chest is reduced and it becomes easier to breathe.


How is a woman in the 37th week of pregnancy

The 37th week of pregnancy usually do not bring anything new, but some women at this time lowered the stomach and it becomes easier to breathe. This means that in two weeks will begin delivery. Births do not start at all women equally, in 40 weeks. Norma considered labor, which began with the 38th at 42 weeks of pregnancy.

Due to the omission of the abdomen amplified urinary problems: it desires to become increasingly due to the fact that the baby's head is lowered pressure on the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function

Can reinforce false contractions. In some cases, they are regular and painful, that is transformed into true.

The placenta is actively collects all the necessary (enzymes, vitamins, minerals) to ensure a high level of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . At the same time, it ceases to inhibit the production of substances that increase uterine activity, such as oxytocin and acetylcholine.

The uterus increases the volume of the muscular layer and the number of nerve endings, and therefore it becomes very sensitive to the movements of the child. But in the last few weeks before delivery number of nerve endings decreases: the body prepares the uterus for childbirth and tries to make them less painful. The number of blood vessels in the uterus increases up to the birth.

The antenatal clinic gynecologist examines the cervix and evaluates its condition, ie, whether it is ready for disclosure. During labor, the cervix thins and becomes softer (smoother). It is important to determine the degree of smoothing or disclosure. It is defined in centimeters: before delivery the cervix is ​​closed, and the second stage of labor (the period of the expulsion of the fetus) usually has been full disclosure of the cervix - up to 10 cm. The entire first stage of labor is the disclosure of the cervix so that the child can go through the birth canal.

Obstetrician-gynecologist draws attention to the fetal presentation (which part of it is turned out of the uterus), and measures the width of the pelvis and the location of the pelvic bones mothers. If detected some irregularities in the fetal position or size mismatch pelvis size of the fetal head, women can offer elective cesarean delivery.

Cesarean section - an operation by which the fetus from the uterus removed through an incision in the abdominal wall and the uterine wall (gasterhysterotomy) or through an incision in the uterus in the vagina (vaginal caesarean section). The operation started doing this long ago - about a hundred years ago, but it has saved a huge amount of women, whose condition did not allow the story birth naturally.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia or under epidural anesthesia (anesthetic is injected under the hard shell of the spinal cord, resulting in a complete lack of sensitivity occurs in the pelvic area).

Absolute indications for Caesarean section are the states, excluding the possibility of vaginal birth. Relative indications - a situation in which a live birth and a healthy baby through other means of delivery is questionable or risky for the mother.


The development of the fetus in the 37th week of pregnancy

This week, the length of the fruit is 46-47 cm, weight - of 2600-2700, it has already taken a certain position in the uterus, which is not likely to change up to the birth. However, there are cases when a child changes its position just a day before delivery.

The best is cephalic, when his head is down and during the birth of the first pass through the birth canal. Yagodichek previa or feet - it is also the norm options. Wrong to consider this presentation, when the baby takes a cross or skew position in the uterus. But it is quite fixable - obstetricians and can cope with it. However, if a woman was found malposition, it is usually sent to a maternity hospital in advance, as planned - it allows the doctor to the maternity home in time to develop the correct tactics of childbirth.

Children of this term birth, usually well tolerated adaptation to adult life conditions, although often still there is some inhibition of metabolic processes, resulting in a higher weight loss and the long period of his recovery when compared with children born at a later date .

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the third trimester of pregnancy
