Signs of pregnancy: as a growing belly

August 1, 2011

 signs of pregnancy
 Pregnant woman's belly is growing rapidly. Thus already in the early stages of growth (value of standing bottom) of the uterus can be very accurately determine the time of pregnancy. In the later stages of stomach in women has been increasing not the same and its value on the date it is difficult to judge, since it depends on various factors.


How does the uterus during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the value changes, the form, position, texture of the uterus, as well as the excitability of her muscles. Uterus increases gradually throughout pregnancy. Its increase is mainly due to hypertrophy (increase in volume) muscle fibers. Simultaneously, the multiplication of the muscle fibers, the growth of the newly formed muscle elements of musculo-fibrous skeleton of the uterus.

It expands and mucous membrane of the uterine lining, it increases the number of glands themselves gland increases in volume, growing vasculature. Since then, the lining of the uterus is called the decidua or decidua. Increases and neural elements, dramatically increasing the number of sensory receptors that will be of great value during the transmission of impulses from the mother to the fetus.

The uterus is not only plodovmestilischa that protects the fetus from adverse external influences, but also the body metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 Providing fruit enzymes and biochemical compounds needed for plastic processes rapidly developing fetus. All these substances are gradually accumulated in the wall of the uterus.


As the belly grows during the first trimester of pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy (up to twelve weeks including) the size of the uterus and therefore gestational age determined by bimanual (internal) investigation. Uterus on this term is located in the pelvis. The earliest gestational age, which is unable to determine the size of the uterus, is five weeks. In five weeks, the uterus is slightly increased from the pear and becomes more rounded. At eight weeks, the size of the uterus is about the size of the average female fist By the twelfth week of the uterus grows to the size of a man's fist, and comes to the pubis, lightly speaking over him. Outwardly, of course, increase the uterus The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology  The increase in the uterus - when the rate goes into pathology
   not visible, but the stomach to the twelfth week of increases due to increased subcutaneous fat - the body is preparing to protect the child from possible injury.


As the belly grows during the second trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy - is the thirteenth - twenty-fourth week. After the twelfth week of pregnancy, the growing uterus may be palpable through the abdominal wall, so in this period, its value is determined by the height of standing bottom suprapubic and against the top-level of the uterus (bottom) to the navel and the xiphoid process (lower end) of the sternum (the long bone in the middle of the front surface chest to which the ribs are attached). The amount of standing uterus is measured by a special measuring tape.

At four months of obstetrical or sixteen weeks (obstetric month is equal to four weeks), the fundus appears above the pubis to six centimeters and is located almost midway between the navel and the pubis. At twenty weeks, the uterus has twelve centimeters above the pubis or acts is four centimeters below the navel, at twenty-four weeks, it is located at the navel and eighteen - twenty centimeters above the pubis.


As a growing belly in the third trimester of pregnancy

During the third trimester of pregnancy (with the twenty-fifth week before delivery) uterus grows particularly intense mainly due to the growth of the fetus. In twenty-eight weeks, the uterus is twenty-four - twenty-six centimeters above the pubis, at thirty-two weeks - twenty-eight - thirty, and its bottom is located midway between the navel and the xiphoid process.

Four weeks before the birth (thirty-six weeks), the uterus is located directly below the xiphoid process, that is, thirty-four - thirty-six centimeters above the pubis, and forty weeks it drops a few centimeters, which means that soon begin delivery.

The term full-term pregnancy by premature distinguished not only by fundal height, but also on abdominal circumference, diameter and shape of the navel of the fetal head. At thirty-two weeks of pregnancy, abdominal circumference and the diameter of the head is less than (respectively approximately eighty - eighty-five and nine - ten centimeters), navel slightly flattened, and forty weeks, these parameters are ninety and twelve centimeters, much jutting navel.

The first and repeated pregnancy, the height of standing uterus different. It depends on the fact that nulliparous women elastic abdominal wall holding back the protrusion of the abdomen forward, whereas in subsequent pregnancy of such a deterrent anymore, so abdominal circumference more. Abdominal general is very important during pregnancy: the more developed muscles and taut abdominal wall is better to protect the child from injuries and sudden movements of the mother.

By increasing the belly of a pregnant woman can be judged about the pregnancy.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • signs of pregnancy

How to increase the probability of conception: the first steps to improve the reproductive function - Eat right

October 1, 2011

  • How to increase the probability of conception: the first steps to improve reproductive function
  • Herbal preparations, vitamins
  • Eat right
  • Diet for conception
  • Plants improving fertility

Forget about fast food

... Or at least on fatty, sugary foods and soft drinks and energy drinks. Couples in which one partner consumes much caffeine (about 300 - 700 milligrams) and fats, fertility is reduced by about one third. By the way, one standard cup of coffee contains 100 milligrams of caffeine, the same as a cup of tea - a total of 30 milligrams. Even one single cup of coffee a day can lower your chances of conceiving by half! It is proved that men coffee causes a deterioration in the quality of sperm and reduced sperm motility and activity. Try to eliminate from the diet of coffee and other products that contain caffeine (including chocolate, black tea, cola) for at least three months before the alleged conception.


Replace drink tea ...

Women who drink a day for at least two cups of tea, increase their chances of conceiving. According to researchers, they have to keep it in tea antioxidants.

If alcohol consumption by men is not particularly affect their reproductive function, with women the situation is quite different: if you drink at least one alcoholic drink a day, you reduce your fertility by 50%. Even low-alcohol (white semi-sweet wine) have a negative effect on fertility. For example, one study showed that women who drank at least five glasses of wine a week, the probability of conceiving within six months was two times more than those who drank more of the wine. It is well known that alcohol reduces the absorption of nutrients, including zinc - the main vitamin for men's health. At least three months before pregnancy planning to completely eliminate alcohol from your diet to maximize fertility.


Drink less milk

Studies have shown that excessive consumption of milk and dairy products can cause deterioration of reproductive function in women. In the body of infertile women (or are unable to conceive a child for a long time) it was discovered galactose (found in milk sugar) in high concentrations.


Say "no" to drugs

Marijuana impairs the reproductive function of men, as a negative impact on the formation of sperm cells in the ovaries, but also reduces their mobility and prevents the release of enzymes that help the sperm penetrate the membrane of the egg and fertilize it. Drugs also violate a woman's ovarian cycle.


Take care of your health

Echinacea strengthens the immune system, Ginkgo biloba improves memory, and St. John's wort helps recover from depression and other mental illnesses. A recent study showed that the consumption of these medicinal plants in large quantities have a negative impact on reproductive health and prevent egg fertilization (research conducted on hamsters). As these plants affect the human reproductive health is still unknown, but you should refrain from their use if you are trying to become pregnant.


Once again on a healthy weight

The most likely of conception in women of normal stature, not thick and thin. For ovulation and sexual hormones necessary that the fat was not less than 18% of body weight, optimally - 20-25%. On the other hand, excess fat may impair cycle ovarian estrogen and destabilization Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
 . Overweight (25% higher than the normal weight) can lead to the cessation of ovulation.


Do not use vaginal sprays

Vaginal aerosols affect the acidity of the vagina, which may hinder the survival of sperm. In addition, they can disrupt the pH balance of the vagina, and can cause allergic reactions that kill sperm, and wash away the cervical fluid, denying opportunities to promote sperm to the egg.


Learn to relax

Trying to conceive a child, especially bad, often provoke stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Which in turn leads to disruption of the cycle and prevents conception. Learn to relax and find time for rest and enjoyment. Do not focus on the problems, to think more about pleasant. Constant irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   and fatigue significantly interfere with conception. All female sex hormones are controlled by the central nervous system, and stress situations lead to irregular menstruation, lack of ovulation. Relieve tension and stress will help yoga and meditation Meditation - treats the body and the spirit  Meditation - treats the body and the spirit


Choose the right time

The period of increased fertility for the couple - the time between five and seven o'clock in the evening, when the same sexual biorhythms of men and women. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sperm changed during the day and reach a peak around six o'clock in the evening, when the number of active sperm is 35% higher than in the morning. Since ovulation in women most often occurs between three and seven days, experts recommend early to leave work in time to seize the favorable period. Also, experts recommend using Symptothermal method of determining ovulation, which involves the measurement of basal body temperature, daily monitoring of the state of mucus and calendaring menstrual cycles.
