Direct prostate massage is performed only urologist or a specially trained nurse such a massage. Layman trusted to conduct direct prostate massage is impossible - it is not only not improve the patient's condition, but it can aggravate it. It is also impossible to carry out a self-massage.
What is direct massage of the prostate and what it is spent
Prostate male (prostate) is located just below the bladder
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and covers the upper part of the urethra. Therefore, any disease of the prostate, accompanied by her swelling or growth of tissue, causing urination disorders. Pain is also characteristic of the disease of the prostate, as in the region where it is located, is a lot of nerve plexus.
To remove the swelling and inflammation of the prostate tissue is recommended to perform the massage. The most effective is the direct prostate massage
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thumb through the wall of the rectum. However, prostate disease can be different, and not at all helpful to conduct a massage. Therefore, prior to direct prostate massage is usually examine a patient.
Direct prostate massage is performed in chronic inflammatory processes in the prostate (chronic prostatitis), but when it is contraindicated in acute processes. The fact is that massage causes dilation of blood vessels and blood flow to the prostate. In chronic prostatitis with subacute inflammatory process is useful because it improves metabolism, stimulates the gland and its deliverance from the inflammatory process, contributes to a better absorption of other drugs.
But in case of acute inflammatory processes, when the inflammation is a lot of infectious agents and inflammatory products, massage is dangerous because all these elements fall into the dilated blood vessels and smash it around the patient's body, causing foci of inflammation in various organs and tissues. This can lead to sepsis - a serious condition that requires urgent medical care in hospital.
It is impossible to massage and prostate cancer - it can stimulate tumor growth and the emergence of metastases.
How to conduct direct prostate massage
Direct prostate massage is performed after inspection and establishing a definitive diagnosis to be sure that the procedure does not harm the patient. Prostate massage is performed in a doctor's office urologist. It is also possible the behavior of direct prostate massage urological nurse's office, which has a special training on the issue.
The patient must clearly understand all the features and benefits of massage of the urethra, this urologist before the appointment procedures always explain what is happening in the body as a result of such exposure. Only in this case the patient will try as much as possible to fulfill all the requirements of a doctor with a massage.
First of all, the patient must learn to relax in a certain position. It's not as easy as it seems, because many men find massage humiliating procedure and it does not allow them to relax. If you make yourself relax fails, then holding massage is delayed and patients received special medicines with a soothing and relaxing effect of the muscles (usually tranquilizers, such as seduksen).
Carrying forward the procedure prostate massage should be completely painless - a specialist who owns the massage technique, it can achieve this. Painful prostate massage will not bring benefit to the patient.
How is the procedure of direct prostate massage
The patient is placed on a couch on the right side or in a knee-elbow position. The doctor puts on rubber gloves, lubricates the index finger with Vaseline
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and enters it into the rectum, feeling the prostate gland. After determining the size and consistency of the prostate gland (it is made sure before each treatment) made a direct impact on its fabric along the ducts, stimulating the secretion elimination.
First, the right lobe is stroking is performed in the direction from the gland upper outer edge towards the center (to the midline). Then, the same have a direct impact on the left lobe of the prostate. In the first two massage stroking limited. Unless there was a worsening of the disease, prostate swelling and tenderness, then the third session attached to the stroking pressure on the prostate gland. Total spent about 10 sessions (their number determined by the physician) at intervals of once every two days.
Direct prostate massage - a wonderful method of treatment of chronic prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
Which can be combined with medication.
Galina Romanenko