Acute Hemorrhoids - office workers in danger - How is the

September 12th, 2010

  • Acute Hemorrhoids - office workers at risk
  • How is the

 how a hemorrhoid

How is the hemorrhoids and its causes

Hemorrhoids - an extension of a finite extension departments veins (cavities) of the rectum and anus, in which there are certain symptoms. Cavernous calf overflowing with blood, increasing in size and deformed to form hemorrhoids, extended walls are constantly injured with the formation of erosions and ulcers. Violation of the integrity of the wall causes frequent bleeding.

Cavities are buhtoobrazno expanded end sections of veins. These veins empty into the one hand some arteries (arterial blood rich in oxygen fills venous coils), and the other flow several small veins, which carry blood into the venous system. Many cavernous cells filled with arterial blood, communicated with each other and form clusters of erectile tissue called hemorrhoids. Typically, these vascular formations occur in three groups on the front and sides of the rectum.

Hemorrhoids are more common in individuals with severe cavities groups (growth of cavities is still in utero). Other predisposing factors are the functional failure of the connective tissue of congenital nature, the violation of the nervous regulation of the tone of the venous wall and so on.

The immediate causes of causing the signs of hemorrhoids are:

  • heavy physical exercise (such as weight lifting);
  • high pressure on the perineum during childbirth;
  • frequent stay in a sitting position;
  • long locks Constipation - Watch out for food  Constipation - Watch out for food
  • intestinal infections and inflammatory bowel disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment  Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment
  • abuse of alcohol, salty and spicy food - it increases congestion in the rectum;
  • heart failure and liver dysfunction in which impaired blood flow to the colon.

Hemorrhoids can be acute or chronic. For location and relation to the transitional fold of the anus and the external sphincter is divided into internal hemorrhoids (nodes located on the fold of transition), external (nodes under the transitional fold) and combined or mixed.

Ill hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
   more often than men, and the most common internal hemorrhoids.


Signs of acute hemorrhoids

Acute hemorrhoids - it's usually external hemorrhoids, which occurs suddenly, often after some heavy lifting, straining with bowel movements, intake of alcohol, in childbirth, and so on. It is very fast, in a few days, formed the exterior components with their rupture or blockage (thrombophlebitis). This is accompanied by severe pain, which greatly complicate the act of defecation and amplified walking, sitting. Attaches constipation and sometimes urination

Hemorrhoid increases in size, becomes inflamed, becomes tight and painful, the skin over it is red, sometimes it takes a bluish tint. A week acute effects usually subside node becomes soft and collapses when pressed (usually talks about the transition to a chronic form of external hemorrhoids). Often there bleeding, often drip, but there are also jet.

Internal hemorrhoids is often initially chronic. When mixed form of hemorrhoid disease can be manifested only by repeated bouts of acute external hemorrhoids or signs of acute or chronic proctitis (inflammation of the rectum)


Diagnosis and treatment of acute hemorrhoids

In order to establish the correct diagnosis the doctor examines the patient, if necessary, if there is a suspicion of some other diseases caused by hemorrhoids, - appoint an additional examination.

If the patient concerned pains, prescribed bed rest, complete rest, easily digestible digest food well. Assign a warm sitz baths with 2% soda solution or a pink solution of potassium permanganate 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes, lotions with antiseptic solutions. Also effective hemorrhoidal suppositories, which include painkillers. Inside designate broad-spectrum antibiotics Broad-spectrum antibiotics - not only treat but also cripple  Broad-spectrum antibiotics - not only treat but also cripple
   for the prevention of infectious complications. In severe pain in the submucosa of the rectum do sportovo-novocaine blockade.

Prevention of hemorrhoids - a timely bowel movements and prevent constipation. People sedentary occupations is recommended to perform a special gymnastics.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hemorrhoids

Candles from hemorrhoids - relieve discomfort - Types

January 16, 2011

  • Candles from hemorrhoids - relieve discomfort
  • Kinds

 candles from hemorrhoids views

The causes of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids - a disease in which the growing submucosal rectum and formed external and internal hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids are formed from small plexus of veins and arteries and do not have a clear location around the anus, while the internal components are located in the most rectum.

Hemorrhoids can be primary and secondary. Primary hemorrhoids formed when continuously or regularly increased intraabdominal pressure. Therefore, hemorrhoids almost always accompanies pregnancy and disappears after it. He can also occur when heavy physical work (weightlifting), with a constant presence in the sitting position, the abuse of alcohol, salty and spicy dishes, in the absence of a regular chair, various inflammatory processes in the large intestine.

Secondary hemorrhoids occurs against a background of stagnation, when, for one reason or another, violated the outflow of venous blood from the lower body. It develops with cardiovascular disease, with tumors, compressing the veins and violating the outflow of blood from them and so on.

Hemorrhoids can occur acutely and chronically, and is accompanied by unpleasant phenomena such as pain, burning and itching in the anus. The hemorrhoids can form a clot, and then the patient's condition deteriorates.


How to cure hemorrhoids

First of all, hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
   treat the underlying condition he was called (eg, cardiovascular disease). Be sure to try to adjust the chair - it should be every day. This is achieved using a special laxative diet (lacto-vegetarian diet) and rectal suppositories (suppository). There are rectal suppositories, which remove virtually all unpleasant sensations that can occur with hemorrhoids. But they need to be able to pick up.


What are the candles are available for the treatment of hemorrhoids

For the treatment of hemorrhoids Hemorrhoid treatment - a long, difficult but possible  Hemorrhoid treatment - a long, difficult but possible
   It produced a lot of candles. But in order that they have been effective, they should appoint a doctor, because different candle has its predominant effect.

If the patient worried about itching and pain after a bowel movement, the use candles containing antispasmodics (substances, relieves spasms of smooth muscles, including in the area of ​​the rectum), such as belladonna, as well as candles, has analgesic effect (with anestezin, novocaine Novocaine - why it is so popular in medicine?  Novocaine - why it is so popular in medicine?
   and so on). An example of such candles are candles Anuzol, which include belladonna and anti-inflammatory drugs - tribromophenol bismuth and zinc sulfate. These candles have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic and drying effect.

If disturbed frequent bleeding, then a young age can help spark with adrenaline. Older people who have, as a rule, unstable blood pressure (BP), these candles are contraindicated, since they can cause a sharp rise in blood pressure.

Rectal suppositories and gepatrombin gepatrombin Mr. contain heparin - it counteracts the formation of blood clots in the hemorrhoids, and thus the aggravation of hemorrhoids. Candles T heparin except heparin containing glucocorticoid hormone prednisone Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications  Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications
   (it reduces inflammation) and lauromacrogol (polidocanol), which has local anesthetic action and provides sclerosis (connective tissue tightening knots) hemorrhoids. But these candles contain potivomikrobnyh and antifungal drugs, so contraindicated in bacterial, viral, fungal skin lesions, tuberculosis, syphilis - prednisolone enhance such processes. These candles are contraindicated for tumors - they will stimulate their growth. Candles with heparin contraindicated with hemorrhoidal bleeding. During pregnancy, any spark can be used only on prescription.

Well soften, relieve itching, promote healing of tissue rectal suppositories buckthorn. They also strengthen the local immunity of the tissues - their resistance against infectious agents. In the same action the immunostimulatory Relief Advanced rectal suppositories that contain shark liver oil (it has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and wound-healing effect) and benzocaine - a local anesthetic drug that relieves pain and itching. These candles have almost no contraindications. It is not necessary to apply them only at an elevated blood clotting.

If you apply rectal suppositories strictly on the evidence (ie, prescribed by a doctor), they have a wonderful healing effect.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hemorrhoids
