Erespal - a cure for allergies and inflammation

June 16, 2013

 Erespal - it is anti-inflammatory agent capable of also reduce the allergic reaction and remove bronchospasm. It is used in infectious and inflammatory and allergic processes of the lower and upper respiratory tract and upper respiratory tract.

 Erespal - a cure for allergies and inflammation

Erespal - how the medicine

Erespal (active substance - fenspiride) - a drug with anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effects. He produced in the form of tablets or syrup for oral administration (manufacturer - Laboratories Servier, France).

The action of the drug associated with the suppression of the production of biologically active substances, which are major mediators of inflammation and allergies (including bronchospasm), - cytokines, arachidonic acid, free radicals and so on. Suppression erespalom formation of arachidonic acid enhanced blockade of histamine H1-receptor and alpha-adrenergic receptors (histamine and adrenaline stimulates increased secretion of bronchial glands).

As a result Erespal reduces the effects of factors that contribute to the secretion of factors that promote inflammation and bronchoconstriction. In addition, Erespal has antispasmodic action, that is, removes a spasm of bronchial smooth muscle.

When administered Erespal well absorbed in the gastro-intestinal tract, its concentration in blood increases during the first 6 hours. Displayed Erespal mainly through the kidneys in the urine, but also partly in the bile through the intestines.

 Erespal - a cure for allergies and inflammation

Which diseases appoint Erespal

Since Erespal selectively acts on the tissue of the respiratory tract and upper respiratory tract, it is used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory and allergic diseases of these organs.

In acute diseases (bronchitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis, otitis, etc.) Erespal prescribed as part of a treatment with antibiotic therapy, and other expectorants. Under the influence of this drug decreases the inflammatory process and the simultaneous use of antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   It allows you to get rid of the infection. It was found that the simultaneous use of Erespal anetibiotikov and can significantly speed up the healing process.

Erespal also found wide application in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), in which the obstruction of bronchi associated with long flowing inflammatory process. It was found that long-term, for 2-3 months, the reception Erespal in COPD exacerbation is able to prevent the recurrence of the disease and reduce the rate of increase of respiratory failure.

Apply Erespal as bronchial asthma - it prevents the development of bronchospasm and has a bronchodilator (relieves spasm of bronchial smooth muscle) activity.

 Erespal - a cure for allergies and inflammation

Who should not take Erespal

Erespal can not be taken for patients with individual intolerance of its components, for children up to two years (syrup, tablets), children and adolescents under 18 years (tablets), pregnant women (no data on its effect on the fetus), nursing mothers (It is not known whether this drug in breast milk). As a part of sucrose syrup Erespal there, it should be taken with caution to patients and enzyme disorders and diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 . Can not be combined with drugs Erespal welcome, calming drugs and alcohol.

Since Erespal may cause drowsiness and impaired attention, can not during the course of treatment to drive motor vehicles.

 Erespal - a cure for allergies and inflammation

Do Erespal side effects?

Erespal - a non-toxic drug that is well tolerated by patients. However, in its application may cause various side effects. There may be heart palpitations (tachycardia), the intensity of which may be reduced in the appointment of lower doses of the drug.

Relatively often when taking Erespal nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 . Not less often appear side effects in the central nervous system - dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Drowsiness, fatigue, decreased performance.

Employment Opportunities Erespal and allergic reactions such as pruritus, urticaria, angioedema, etc. The possibility of allergies increases with the reception syrup, which includes a dye Sunset Yellow S, relatively often cause allergic reactions, including delayed-type.

 Erespal - a cure for allergies and inflammation

Is it possible to overdose?

Overdosing Erespal possible only when receiving a very large doses - over 2320 mg (per one tablet contains 80 mg, and 100 ml sugar - 200 mg). In this case, amplification of all possible side effects. If you have symptoms of overdose should be washed stomach and call an ambulance.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Erespal

Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned

November 1, 2009

  • Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned
  • Kinds

 Bronchitis - an inflammation of the bronchial tubes. It may occur in acute or chronic. Individual episodes of bronchitis is usually not a serious cause for concern; the disease can be managed without medical assistance. However, recurrent bronchitis should consult a specialist.



Common to both acute and chronic bronchitis symptoms are:

  • Cough;
  • Expectoration of sputum that can be transparent, white, gray or yellow-green;
  • Fatigue;
  • A slight fever and chills;
  • Discomfort in the chest.

In patients with acute bronchitis, the cough may persist for several weeks after other symptoms have passed. Chronic bronchitis - a condition in which the cough with expectoration lasts a total of at least three months for two years. Symptoms of chronic bronchitis at times significantly compounded and it spills over into acute bronchitis.

Consult your doctor if the cough persists for three weeks or more, keeps you awake and / or is accompanied by fever (38 C or more), and if there are traces of blood sputum, cough and shortness of breath, or accompanied by wheezing.



Acute bronchitis is usually caused by viruses, especially those that cause colds and flu.

The most common cause of chronic bronchitis is smoking. Air pollution, dust or toxic fumes into the environment can also contribute to the development of this condition.



If repeated episodes of acute bronchitis may develop the following complications:

  • Chronic bronchitis;
  • Asthma;
  • Cystic fibrosis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Sinusitis.



In the early days of the symptoms of bronchitis Bronchitis - symptoms of the disease: requires medical control  Bronchitis - symptoms of the disease: requires medical control
   It can be difficult to distinguish from the symptoms of the common cold. For the diagnosis in most cases, a stethoscope, but sometimes are also used:

  • Chest X-ray. This method allows you to exclude or detect pneumonia, or other disorders that can cause prolonged cough;
  • Analysis of sputum. With this analysis it is possible to detect bacterial infection;
  • Pulmonary function test reveals signs of asthma, or emphysema.



The primary goal of treatment for bronchitis is to relieve symptoms. In most cases, it is sufficient to measures such as bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, inhalation, and the reception of non-prescription medicines.

In some cases, your doctor may recommend medication. If you suspect a bacterial infection, he may prescribe antibiotics. Patients with chronic bronchitis and smokers are also sometimes appointed antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   - Is associated with a high risk of serious secondary infections.

Admission cough medicine Cough medicine - when they should be used?  Cough medicine - when they should be used?
   It may be needed for those who cough interferes with sleep. In the daytime, it is not recommended to take drugs that suppress the cough, since together with phlegm from the lung airways are displayed various stimuli.

In addition, patients with bronchitis are advised to avoid different stimuli - above all, to stop smoking How to Quit Smoking: Tips for Women  How to Quit Smoking: Tips for Women
 . Moist air helps relieve cough and promotes expectoration. Therefore, you should use a variety of humidifiers. However, do not forget to clean it regularly - it can actively breed bacteria and fungal organisms.

If the cough is worse in cold weather, leave the house in a special gauze bandage. Thus, you will not only alleviate their symptoms, but also to protect others from infection.
