Point G - a small germ of prostate

August 17, 2008

 Many scientists argue that the site called point G, helps a woman to achieve orgasm. The theory, of course, looks attractive, but the debate about its existence does not cease. Among physicians there is hardly many who accurately answer the question, what's the point G and whether it really is.

  • In most standard textbooks on gynecology no mention of point G
  • The manuals on anatomy for medical students the G-spot is not defined
  • There is no evidence that any surgeon saw her during operations
  • Point G so far not been detected at necropsy

On the other hand, the existence of the G-spot tells a personal experience of many women. In particular, many of them claim that the stimulation of this area to help them achieve orgasm - and sometimes unusually strong orgasm. So, probably at the point where it is suspected point G, at least it is concentrated many nerve endings, which make this portion so sensitive.

 Point G - a small germ of prostate

1944: opening Grefenberga

In 1944, the German gynecologist Ernst Grefenberg discovered a new erogenous zone, bred on the front wall of the vagina. He told about his discovery in the article, entitled "The role of the urethra in female orgasm" was published in 1950. Urethra - is the urethra, the length of which in women is about four centimeters. Through it appears urine from the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function

An important fact - the urethra adjacent to the front wall of the vagina. Therefore, when the pressure on the anterior wall of the vagina and create a pressure on the urethra.

Dr. Grefenberg said that the stimulation of the front wall of 4-6 cm from the entrance to the vagina adjacent tissues swell, she feels a strong arousal and orgasm. He also linked this erogenous zone with the phenomenon of female ejaculation Female ejaculation - the mysterious nature  Female ejaculation - the mysterious nature

In 1950, few paid attention to the opening of Dr. Grefenberga. Over the next thirty years, his name was known only in the medical environment - as the creator of an intrauterine device Intrauterine device - how to avoid complications?  Intrauterine device - how to avoid complications?
 Rather than the discoverer of the "point of pleasure."

 Point G - a small germ of prostate

1981: receives the name of the point

Opening Dr. Grefenberga attracted attention in 1981, after Dr. Addiego colleagues published an article in the scientific journal devoted to the problem of female ejaculation.

This article was based on the testimony of just one woman - she said she feels "a deeper orgasm" with the stimulation of the anterior vaginal wall. The authors named this section G-spot after Grefenberga.

 Point G - a small germ of prostate

1982: the beginning of the phenomenon

In 1982, American scientists Ladas, Whipple and Perry published a book, which became a bestseller - "G-spot and other discoveries in the field of human sexuality." Following a host of publications, distributed among millions of people the idea that every woman can achieve orgasm - just need to find the magic point.

 Point G - a small germ of prostate

1983-2007: a modern gynecologic myth?

In the eighties and nineties, many scientists have been trying to locate the point G. The research results were more or less convincing - primarily because of the technical possibilities for the study of female reproductive organs at the time were still very limited. This led to the fact that in 2001 one of the most authoritative scientific journals in the United States called the point G «modern gynecological myth."

 Point G - a small germ of prostate

2008: Ultrasonic breakthrough

In March 2008, the G-spot once again hit the headlines of the world media after a group of Italian researchers announced the results of the ultrasound scan of twenty women. Half of them are between the wall of the vagina, and it was found utetroy seal tissue. Moreover, among women who have found the seal, it was more than those who experienced vaginal orgasm (ie, orgasm, which comes only from the stimulation of the vagina, with no direct stimulation of the clitoris).

These rather questionable data many were interpreted as a new discovery point G.

Article Tags:
  • orgasm

The duration of intercourse - is there a norm?

September 6, 2011

 The duration of intercourse
 Many couples do not have a clear idea of ​​how long can last sexual intercourse. This causes some patients to address to the urologist or sex therapist complaining of too short a sexual act, while its duration is correct. In contrast, some patients feel normal sexual intercourse is very short, it turns out that sometimes by accident, during the examination on another occasion.

 The duration of intercourse - is there a norm?

What is the normal duration of sexual intercourse

Standards duration of sexual intercourse can be very different, they depend on the physical and emotional state of man, his physical and neuropsychiatric stress, diet, the environment and many other factors.

To determine the physiological norm duration of sexual intercourse primary importance is the length of time since the introduction of the penis into the vagina before ejaculation and orgasm (friction step copulatory cycle). Usually estimated duration of the period and the number of frictions (translational motion of the penis), which will appear in its entire length. Lower limit of normal is considered to be the duration of more than one minute at sixty-eight frictions, the upper limit is not clearly defined, it can be from three and a half, ten minutes or more. But sexual intercourse that lasts more than ten minutes, and usually wears a man and a woman.

It has been found that the duration of intercourse is inversely proportional to the duration of the intervals (periods of abstinence) between the shorter intervals the higher duration of intercourse, and vice versa.

But some men have their own idea of ​​"male power" and if it is not enough for the normal duration of sexual intercourse, then try to save it, making long intervals between sexual acts, which leads to the opposite result.

 The duration of intercourse - is there a norm?

What is premature ejaculation and its causes

Ejaculation (ejaculation) is considered premature if a man can not extend more than one minute frictions. Regarding premature ejaculation is a condition in which the sexual act lasts more than a minute, but it can not cause an orgasm in women. Such a state is quite possible to compensate for the preliminary preparation of sexual intercourse as a caress, but if the man in the middle of intercourse, and no longer able to satisfy a woman, then ejaculation is still considered premature. Based on long-term follow couples it was found that the duration of intercourse for about two minutes with the number of frictions over sixty may satisfy a woman, and a man does not need additional stimulation. To bring a woman to orgasm prolonged foreplay, stimulation of erogenous zones more important than the duration of the sexual intercourse.

Premature ejaculation can occur in rare sexual acts, if the man is always in a state of anxiety about the very sexual intercourse or some other occasion, when the habit of rapid sexual acts associated with some external circumstances, with various anomalies, constantly annoying penis and lead to rapid ejaculation (for example, short frenulum), chronic inflammatory diseases of the prostate.

 The duration of intercourse - is there a norm?

Treatment of premature ejaculation

Treatment of premature ejaculation Premature ejaculation: the main thing - to make a diagnosis  Premature ejaculation: the main thing - to make a diagnosis
   It should be comprehensive, individual and depend on the reasons that caused it. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a full urological examination and identify possible inflammatory diseases or abnormalities that lead to a shortening of the sexual act. For the treatment of these diseases are used as conservative and operative methods (such as surgery for short frenulum of the penis).

In the complex treatment of sexual disorders used medication, physiotherapy, acupuncture techniques Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
   (acupressure, acupuncture), psychotherapeutic techniques.

Locally often recommend the use of local anesthetics (they take great excitement) and condom use (reduced sensitivity) - all this delay premature ejaculation.

Self-medication in this case is absolutely contraindicated, since it can lead to the opposite result. Especially dangerous is advertising various "miracle" of funds, most of which have many contraindications and very limited range of indications.

Sometimes, for the treatment of premature ejaculation circumcision surgery is performed Circumcision - religion against science  Circumcision - religion against science
   prepuce and frenulum with plastic the intersection of the branches of the nerve leading to the penis, which reduces its sensitivity. To reduce the sensitivity to the glans penis sometimes administered drugs based on hyaluronic acid.

The duration of intercourse - a very individual concept, the main criterion here is the sexual satisfaction of both partners.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Sexual Health
